What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]


In private houses, many people install stairs. With their help, you can quickly climb the second floor. When choosing stairs, you need to take into account many nuances and factors. The material from which the product will be made will be selected at the stage of design at home.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What properties should have a staircase in a private house

This element must meet the following requirements:

  1. Reliability and strength.
  2. Safety use.
  3. Convenient location.
  4. The presence of additional lighting.
  5. Low slope.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

Note! The collected design should not be traumatic. Therefore, if a person is important security, it is better to install a staircase equipped with railings.

Main types of stairs

In private homes, you can put the following types of structures:

one) Straight. These products allow you to easily move in two directions on one trajectory of movement.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

Important! To establish such ladders, a lot of free space will be required. In this case, the total number of steps should not exceed 18, and their height is 17 cm.

2) Two-Master . This design is equipped with a large number of steps. In this case, the product is better divided into two march. There is a platform of the corresponding dimensions between them. This staircase is not recommended to put in rooms, the area of ​​less than 35 m2.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

3) Running. These products are a rotary staircase. The end result looks stylish and beautiful. The device is installed along the wall. Great option for small rooms. Under the stairs, you can put a sofa or other furniture elements.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

Additional Information! Reliable-type products allow you to save a lot of space. The angle of rotation can be 90 or 180 degrees. Thus, the intermediate sites can be installed on this design.

four) Screw . The most compact option. Usually put in the small room. However, when choosing, it should be borne in mind that the screw staircases have the worst performance qualities. They pose a danger to young children or the elderly.

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What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

five) Modular. Perfectly look in a private house. They have increased strength and durability to mechanical damage. However, from the point of view of use, you leave the best to be desired.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What you need to consider when choosing

A staircase of a certain type has its own characteristics. When choosing them pay special attention.

For example, screw-type products are very uncomfortable in operation. However, they significantly save space. Conclusion: if the private house is small in the area, and there are no small children in the family, the screw staircase can become an excellent option . It can be installed not only for lifting per second floor, but also for descent to the basement.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

Professionals also expressed their own opinion about the modular stairs. This design is recommended to attach to the bearing wall to the brackets. This circumstance will increase the strength of the product.

Note! Stairs, which are installed in small rooms, it is recommended to increase the angle of inclination. Special requirements are also presented to the steps in such products. It is better to choose the duck step steps.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

Deaf stages better to put people who have small children in the family . This solution increases the safety of the lifting and descent on the stairs.

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

Thus, this article features secure stairs. After reading the information set out above, each person will be able to make the right choice.

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What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

What staircase to choose for a private house? [10 Soviets from professionals]

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