Combined Wallpapers for Kitchen: Tips for choosing and interesting design ideas


Combined wallpapers for kitchen are suitable in the event of creating an unusual and unique interior design. With the help of simple combinations, you can take different parts of the room under certain needs: eating, its preparation, under storage of dishes or wines. The use of this method of registration will help change and improve the shape of the room - increase the height of the ceilings, expand the space, make the room light. And the biggest plus of this method is its availability.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

How to find wallpaper

There are many types of wallpaper on the market. But not everyone can come to the kitchen. It is necessary to take into account all the conditions and harmful factors that will affect the surface of the coating daily.

Wallpapers must meet the following requirements:

  • durability to pollution;
  • ease in purification;
  • Do not burn out;
  • be temperature strokes;
  • Do not fear moisture.

Consider the most popular types of wallpapers to understand which of them are more suitable:

  • Paper. Their main positive quality is safety. They are environmentally friendly and in no way will affect the health of people in the room. But from the point of view of the kitchen, from such coatings should be abandoned. After all, paper and tissue surfaces are easily contaminated and cannot be cleaned. In the kitchen they will have often change, and this is impractical and inconvenient.
  • Vinyl. This species allows you to easily remove dirt. A wet napkin is suitable for the usual, and if you bleach washable, then the processing will be careful. The only negative factor is that they allocate polyvinyl chloride - harmful substance. Similar wallpapers are not recommended to use in bedrooms. For kitchen, the vinyl coating is quite appropriate.
  • Fliseline. The most suitable option for the kitchen. These wallpapers do not distinguish harmful substances, do not affect temperature, moisture and sun. The great advantage is that you can independently change their color.
  • Gymelomes. Their feature consists in good refractory properties. They also easily carry all types of cleaning, even with chemical products. Glass equipment is difficult to damage. This is the secret of durability.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen will turn the usual room in an interesting corner with unusual design solutions. In order for the quality of repair does not spoil the idea, it is worth choosing the most favorable coating and already be taken to implement the idea.

Article on the topic: Wallpapers for wall imitation: types of material, features and advantages

On video: Tips for choosing wallpapers for the kitchen.

How not to ruin the interior

For many combined wallpapers, it is a complex and incomprehensible placement method. Experienced designers have developed several rules that should be followed in the repair process. After their study, do not have to think about how to combine wallpaper in the kitchen.

So, for a successful decor, you should remember such techniques:

  • When combining several types of coating, it is necessary to observe identity in terms of quality and price. Then their combination will be appropriate. Otherwise, the confrontation of two canvases may arise.
  • Wallpaper textures and color can be different. But in shades and bright elements you need to observe harmony.
  • When surfaces, there may be problems in the form of non-stalking. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of both rolls and choose the most like.
  • In a single style, finishing elements should be selected. If at least one will be different, the whole combination collapses.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

As for the directly association of different colors and ornaments, there are also some secrets here. For example, floral prints look good in conjunction with wood. Geometric details better merge with abstract. For bright canvases, neutral pairs should be selected - without images or with patterns in a small flower.

Options for combining wallpaper

There are already ready-made ideas for combining wallpaper for the kitchen: focusing, wall division, use of the horizon, the method of patchwork and many others. Relying on them, you can create your own design. Consider the most effective methods of the wallpaper combination.

Room construction

If there are protrusions, recesses, niches and other unusual solutions in the structure, they are not necessarily trying to hide them. On the contrary, it is better to make accent on them. The rule of creating such an interior is the choice of contrast wallpaper. The main space is filled with a one-photon coating, and on the protrusions glued accent canvas. How, in this case, pick up the color of the background? You can use the same tones as in kitchen furniture.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

The only thing that should be abandoned is too gloomy colors. They will "eat" the whole cozy atmosphere and make the room repulsive.

Focus on the wall

To achieve the desired effect, select one of the walls with a sharp contrast. It may be color, drawing, ornament. Because of the brightness of such a canvase, the total atmosphere of the room can collapse. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose the material.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

For stretched premises, the placement of a bright accent on the short wall is suitable. So you can visually narrow the space and align the volume of the kitchen. In this situation, it is recommended to add a contrast wall with accessories: a fireplace, photos, paintings. All this will create a single design kitchen.

Article on the topic: Combining 2 types of wallpaper in the bedroom (+40 photos)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Use the horizon

Almost all the styles of the interior are acceptable horizontal combination. The main thing is to create suitable wall division parameters. In this situation there is a place for experiment with different surfaces. For example, from different varieties of wood and cork wallpaper.

There are several design variations:

  • The monophonic top of the wall, but the bottom can be made of striped wallpaper.
  • Calm colors from above and multicolored, floral, calculated bottom.
  • It is allowed to combine the small pattern at the bottom and larger at the top.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Most often, two types of canvas are used for this combination. In rare cases, it is possible to connect three. In order for everything to look harmoniously, the distinction line should be installed from the windowsill. For distinction you can use a special border for wallpaper.

Wall division vertically

This method was invented for low ceilings. After all, due to the vertical strips, they can be easily enlarged. Designers allocate two methods due to which you can achieve the desired effect:

1. On one of the walls there is a small strip. Its color should be saturated. But on the wall on the opposite it is necessary to stick several strips of different thickness. This can be achieved asymmetry and, accordingly, add the interior of the speakers.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

2. Symmetry in the division of the room is also a frequent solution. To do this, it is necessary to make focus on the difference and contrast of the tones of wallpaper. In this case, all the bands that will be placed on the walls should be the same size.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Vertical division allows you to play with different shades. Indeed, in the process of selecting the desired solution, it is possible to combine dark colors with light. This will add an unusual room.

Methods Patchwork

This technique can be called the use of flaps. To date, this is a very popular way of making interior. The mess in the selection of "flap" and the mixing of different parts of the part is the main feature of this decor method.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Technique Patchwork not only visually looks very good, but is a practical option for any room, in terms of savings. To create a room, different remnants from wall rolls are suitable. However, this method of decoration has a big minus - the complexity of the right combination of different parts of the wallpaper.

For sticking, you can use all types of coatings: fliesline, paper, textiles, liquid wallpapers. The only rule is to observe the balance of all segments.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

If bright "flap" applies, then you need to ensure that they do not attract all the attention. Mixing different parts should not lead to the creation of "Vinegret". As for colors, the entire palette is allowed. Ultimately, the wall in the form of a hand-made blanket should be turned out.

It is recommended to place the sections of the wallpaper on the wall with the help of small pieces of scotch. So you can see the picture as a whole and remove the parts that disturb the harmony.

Using contrasts

One of the win-win options for combining is the creation of contrasts. But in this game with color should also stick to some rules:

  • Universal way. To do this, combine the wallpaper of black, white or gray with bright or dark shades - to get a softer effect. But the bright and dull tones with the help of these colors can be highlighted and emphasized their beauty.

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Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

  • Classics of the genre. This is typical and the simplest white association with black. This method works on an increase in free space if there is enough white in the room. If black will occupy the area more, the effect will turn out to be exactly the opposite.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

  • Zoning. With the help of contrast division, you can forever determine the place to eat, storing dishes and direct cooking.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Create a kitchen interior in a contrast style is appropriate only in cases where there are prerequisites for this - a small room, a desire to divide the room on the zone. In other situations, it is better to turn to the rest of the design methods.

Combining wallpaper of one shade

Combining coatings with one tint is a rather complicated combination method. Most often for this uses the canvas in one shade, but with honors in the picture. The universal reception is to take one of the walls with wallpaper with a pattern, and on both sides of this element, placing a one-photon coating.

It should be considered how the pattern on the canvases is vertical or horizontal. It should be the same direction so that the room is not dissonance.

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

When creating a kitchen design, it is necessary to take into account all the features of this room. If a combination was chosen as a design solution, it should be carefully prepared. After all, this is a rather complicated decoration.

There are many universal ideas for wallpaper location. But to create a unique interior, it is necessary to study all the nuances and think over the combination in advance, otherwise you can encounter the effect of alonyostidity and vulgarity.

Combination ideas (2 video)

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Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

Kitchen wallpaper combination: stylish solutions for not easy room (+40 photo)

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