How to make a fabric ceiling with your own hands fast and stylish


Updated home interior always pleases the eye. If there is a desire to improve the appearance of residential premises and get not just a stylish design, but also to make it beautiful and modern, the owners usually long and carefully choose not only the wall decoration and furniture, but also pay attention to the development of the ceiling design.

How to make a fabric ceiling with your own hands fast and stylish

Scheme of the tissue ceiling "Starry Sky".

There are a lot of design solutions in which excellent modern materials are used to finish the ceiling. You can choose stylish drawings and any colors, and the ceilings themselves construct in a variety of forms. Do not lose popularity and multi-level structures equipped with backlight, as well as stretch ceilings. One of the common methods for making changes to the usual eye interior is the design of the ceiling space with tissue material.

Fabric stretch ceilings

How to make a fabric ceiling with your own hands fast and stylish

A brief scheme for the classification of stretch ceilings.

The cozy and stylish interior is obtained if you choose a stretch option for the ceiling finish. This finishes have the main advantage of the fairly affordable price for all necessary for the improvement of work, uncomplicated installation. Very convenient and preparation process: it will not be necessary to clean the surface for a long time and thoroughly. During the work, the premises will remain relatively clean, garbage and dust will not accumulate, which is a significant disadvantage when performing whitewash or salary by wallpaper. It is possible to make a ceiling of fabric with your own hands.

The building materials market offers consumers a large selection of textures and a variety of color solutions for stretch ceilings. If in the future there will be a desire to change the design of the room, the stretch canvas can be easily removed and replaced with another.

Advantages of tensionable fabric ceilings:

  • Easy care: dust will not accumulate on the ceiling, and it is very easy;
  • The ceiling is environmentally friendly and does not highlight unauthorized odors;
  • Most materials are produced in such a way that the sun rays will not have spoiled their shade;
  • Durability and practical material.

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Fissure ceiling, acting as a type of stretch ceiling structures, can radically change the design of any room. It is the basis for impregnating with a special composition of polystyrene. The material treated in this way is very strong, the ceiling will have aesthetic appearance. Since the tension ceilings from the seam fabric do not have, the upper surface of the room acquires a neat, flawlessly elegant look.

The material for the tissue ceiling can perform natural or artificial fabric, fiberglass. In the latter case, the ceilings are more durable, their operational properties contribute to the fact that the material is calmly withstands the impact and low, and high temperatures. Installation steps When building a ceiling on a tissue basis almost no different from those that are performed for the design of PVC.

How to cook the ceiling for cloth yourself?

To the surface of the ceiling turned out perfectly smooth, it is desirable to align it with a special mixture and stuck. To achieve a good visual effect, tensioned the fabric is necessary as much as possible, approximately as canvas on the subframe to create a picturesque masterpiece.

Carefully clean the surface from the existing contaminants, close the cracks, defects. Dry everything and perform grinding with sandpaper to remove all roughness. Strictly make sure that no spots remain that could stick through the fabric. If it is not possible to remove them, apply a layer of nitroemali on the stains or close defective places with thin aluminum foil. If oil paint got on the surface, rinse it with water with the addition of soda, dry the surface and make a daughter with emery paper.

How to mount the ceilings from the fabric?

Installation of the tissue ceiling is the attachment of textile material to the bagent frame.

Careful and wedge system for fastening stretch ceilings.

The principle is the same, but the baguettes can be used different. For example, a baguette with a cam profile or a wedge can be selected, you can also order a wooden baguette in woodworking workshops.

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Consider the last of these methods. When choosing baguettes of factory production, the operation will be approximately the same, with the exception of work on the preparation of the frame.

Prepare wooden bars. The cross section should have 40x40 mm - usually such orders are easily performed in construction workshops. It should be borne in mind that the corners of the bars in the workshop will be shed a little, so the length of the bar must be ordered a little big. And it is better to carefully measure all the parties and show the results of measurements in the workshop, explaining that you need items for the tensionable fabric ceiling. Also rich Velcro ribbon - it can be found in stores for sewing.

How to make a fabric ceiling with your own hands fast and stylish

A diagram of a two-level stretch ceiling.

From the bars, collect a frame that will need to be attached to the ceiling or to the wall. Attach the rigid side of the ribbon on the protruding part of the bar: first glue to liquid nails, then fix with a construction stapler. The back of the tape around the perimeter is a trick to the tissue canvas.

Perimeter checkline: To do this, select the level of the level on the wall on which you are going to install the design, and move the point to each angle. Accuracy Check using roulette, construction level. Remove the painted cord of the line between the points. For mounting a baguette to the surface, use screws and dowels.

Installation can be performed in several ways. For example, the resulting design can be attached to the ceiling, applying for this chain: they are simply suspended on them by mounting with holders for pipes. When the hooks are screwed into the frame and, finally hang, the stretch ceiling looks unusual and very effectively. To perform this design, it is necessary to carefully measure the framework and customize it on all sides in such a way that the details of each side will be parallel to the walls.

The design is obtained not only reliable, but also practical. It, if desired, can be easily removed from the ceiling to clean the blurred canvas or change it to another. The fabric is simply removed from the lindicuity tape.

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Lighting devices Try to fix on the mounting planks - this will create additional fixation points for the web. For example, you can make a console for fastening from plywood square pieces attached to the base ceiling on metal suspensions.

In another embodiment, the frame is attached to the wall, and the canvas fix it.

To attach a cloth, stretch it out and fill in the baguette along the side where the wall is longer. Return from the angle of 15-20 cm and strengthen the plot with a length of 30 cm. Tension the fabric and do the same with the other side.

Staining, carefully refuel the material into the profile. If you use a spatula, you need to choose not particularly sharp, so as not to damage the fabric. Go to the opposite edge and spend the same operation. Staying the canvas along the long sides, do the same with short.

If you have inadvertently on the fabric in the fastening process, it is easy to remove them using a construction dryer. Problem Places Warm with smooth circular motions, check the temperature 120 degrees. The instrument at the same time must be kept at a distance of 20 cm from the canvas. At the end of the work, remove the pieces of material that spoke.

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