Reviews about interroom doors PVC


Usually interior doors are installed when the repair is already nearing an end. And this means that finances are practically on the outcome. To purchase high-quality, but inexpensive doors, it is worth carefully familiar with the assortment of goods on the buildings and the reputation of each suitable model. In particular, it is worth examining reviews about PVC interior doors.

PVC door in the interior


Let's talk that it is PVC and how do doors with this film. Interior doors are made from a solid wood massif, mainly inexpensive coniferous rocks. The inner surface serve the MDF sheets mounted on both sides of the canvas. Further, all this design turns into a dense film from polyvinyl chloride, that is, PVC. This synthetic material allows the door leaf not to be afraid of the drops of moisture and temperature, which means not to be exposed to strain and cracking. Using the film generally makes the design almost waterproof, so it does not require much care and can be calmly exposed to multiple wet cleaning. In addition, door leafs, with colored PVC coating, do not burn out and do not lose their presentable appearance even with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet.

Reviews about interroom doors PVC

Available and convenient technology allows you to produce a PVC door with a coating of almost any design and any sizes. Standard are:

  • Swing structures with a width of 40-90 cm and a height of 190-200 cm,
  • The thickness of the door leaf should be within 5-12 cm.

Reviews about interroom doors PVC

But if necessary, manufacturers can always be under the order any non-standard model with an original shape, size, opening mechanism and texture.

Reviews about interroom doors PVC


The market research shows that the door sedels covered with PVC films are on average and low price segment. Therefore, they are interested in such structures, mostly, people with an average achievement who have a desire to purchase interior doors at an affordable price with the following properties:

  • high-quality;
  • wear-resistant;
  • durable;
  • Attractive.

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It must be said that, judging by the reviews, most buyers are satisfied with the purchase. It is noted that often the door design is equipped with only a box, but the platbands and other additional elements need to be purchased separately.

Reviews about interroom doors PVC

The small weight of such a design allows the mounting of the door frame only with the help of a mounting foam, as shown in the photo. This greatly simplifies and reduces the installation process, and also saves time.

Reviews about interroom doors PVC


There are a number of details on which it is worth paying special attention to not to purchase a poor-quality door. Possible defects:

  1. Too thin door, as shown in the photo. Thickness of less than 5 cm can lead to the deformations of the doorway, and, as a result, deterioration in operational characteristics;
  2. The basis of the product and the box is made not from solid wood, but from pressed sawdust or other fragile materials. This design may begin to deform in the process of installation, it has a low degree of strength and moisture resistance;
  3. PVC coating film only visible parts of the door design. Such non-compliance with technologies leads to detachment of the film in places of gaps, and a sharp decrease in design quality;
  4. Refrigerated installation and fixing glass tabs. The remnants of glue and loose fit of the glasses greatly worsens the decorative quality of the product, as can be seen in the photo;
  5. Invisions of the outlines of the matte pattern on glass placams with cutouts in the door canvase. If the rough surface, providing translucent door inserts, does not fill out the entire window, it significantly worsens the attractiveness of the product. In addition, such a defect does not allow one of the functions of interroom doors to ensure solitude.

Reviews about interroom doors PVC

Let's summarize

Based on the reviews of people who bought and actively operating doors with PVC coating, such structures can be considered an excellent alternative to expensive and heavy structures from a solid wood massif. Polyvinyl chloride film coating makes such products with practically not susceptible to harmful environmental impacts and mechanical damage. In addition, in the attractiveness, these door canvases are not inferior to their expensive counterparts.

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