Narrow Balcony Design: Stylish Recommendations for Design (40 photos)


In any apartment, the owner thinks over the interior of each room, and also wants to rationally use several balcony meters. This space can well be applied for a relaxing room in the summer or as a working office. The successful design of a narrow balcony and its correct arrangement will help create another functionally useful room in the apartment.

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

How to increase space

Starting to plan the interior of this room, like a balcony, you need to take into account the main specific conditions, for example, the presence of glazing and as far as the room is insulated.

There are some designer techniques that will help visually expand the space:

  • If there is an opportunity, then take the removal, which will allow you to increase the useful area.
  • Installation of sliding windows with glazing will allow you to save the already small area.
  • The optimal option for winding windows is light bamboo blinds, rollers or bright Roman curtains.
  • Visually expand the balcony will help light materials used for wall decoration. Pastel shades of warm tones (with poor lighting) or cold lilac-blue (when the balcony is strongly lit by the bright sun).
  • If the color of the balcony finishes will coincide with the color of the room, then it will become a visual continuation of the residential space.
  • It will be very impressive to look for glossy design of surfaces due to their ability to reflect the light and "push the walls".

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

Choice of furniture

Special requirements are also presented to the selection of furniture for the balcony. Acquired items must have such characteristics as:

  • durability and reliability;
  • Increased resistance to sunlight and humidity;
  • Easy to operate.

Based on such requirements, the ideal solution will be garden, woven furniture.

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

The furniture is better to put only small sizes, the optimal option will be folding models (by analogy with the train) - table and folding chairs. On the side walls of the balcony, you can successfully put cabinets for storing the necessary things and needlework or hang onboard shelves for books.

Article on the topic: Decor of an open and closed balcony: outstanding ideas

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

If you allow the windows width, it is desirable to place a small pot with flowers - they will give freshness and decorate the room. When choosing an outdoor coating, for example, from laminate or parquet, decor and interior elements are perpendicular to the long wall or diagonally.

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

On video: How to equip a narrow balcony.

Long balcony design

If the balcony is narrow, but long, then there is a real opportunity to divide it on the functional zones:

  • One part is discharged under a small dining room (very nice summer, sitting in the fresh air, drink tea).
  • The second zone is a worker (workshop or working table with a computer).
  • The third is a recreation area (you can hang a hammock or put a folding chaise lounge to build or sunbathe in the summer in the sun).
  • Another option is a children's game corner in a small space, fenced down with a curtain.
  • The wardrobe area usually contains a small wardrobe, the ottoman and the mirror, all this is best set on a narrow wall (in the end of the balcony).

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

We define with style

If the owner wants to arrange everything in his balcony in the selected style, you can advise several practical options:

  • Country The furniture, aged or left of grandparents, as well as wallpaper with a small flower pattern is suitable. Supplement the design of small forged products, plafoons in the old style, decorative candlesticks, multicolored pillows.

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

  • Sea style. Provides for the use of wicker furniture, simple finishing materials (stone or tree). It is appropriate to decorate the elements of the maritime themes (see the photo below).

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

  • East style. Instead of chairs, a soft podium is made with a large number of pillows, there is a table with a hookah, windows and even the ceiling is launched by the curtain waves or blinds with oriental organ.

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

  • High tech. This style requires a lot of light in combination with design in simple (black, white, gray, brown) tones.

Article on the topic: Balcony design: Creating an extra room

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

  • Loft. This is a combination of antiquity and modernity: brickwork, covered with a white glossy surface, stylish furniture, fluffy rug and translucent curtains.

Small balcony design: creating a rest room

Carefully thinking and exercising the design of the balcony, the owner of the apartment will create an additional residential area. The main thing to adhere to our recommendations, and then even the smallest loggia will turn into a cozy nest, where at any time of the year you can sit and enjoy the landscapes.

Design Ideas (2 video)

Design options (40 photos)

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