Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options


Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

The box is very convenient and useful in the functional plan, as well as it will not take much space on your balcony owners of loggias or balconies use the room as storage rooms for storing old things and home billets, and few people seek to create a homemade place from them. However, the thoughtful arrangement of the balcony or loggia space is capable of combining several functions in the same room. Thus, the sofa or bench with the built-in drawer will not only bring comfort, but also become a great place to store.

Types of sofas on a balcony with a box

To date, almost all sofa models are equipped with a built-in drawer for storing various things. Therefore, pick up the appropriate furniture for the premises of any size, in particular to a balcony or loggia, will not be much difficulty. The most important thing when choosing a sofa take into account the size of the room and the installation site, as well as the appearance of the sofa design.

To determine the best option for upholstered furniture in a specific situation, it is necessary to take into account not only the sofa size, but also methods of layouts, as well as simplicity and ease of use.

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Choosing a sofa to a balcony with a box It is worth considering the following rule: the shape and size should be optimal so that it does not seem too big or too small

To date, the most common sofas models can be considered:

  • Sofa with the launching mechanism "Book" . The owner of one of the simplest transformation mechanisms of a sedent place in bed. For this, sufficiently small efforts to stretch the lower part of the furniture forward, and to the liberated place to horizontally omit the back. Such a sofa will be a great place to relax, an additional sleeping place and a storage of a small number of things.
  • Chair-bed. . It will be an excellent alternative to a full-fledged sofa, if there is not too much free space on the balcony or loggia. Most often, the "Book" transformation mechanism is used in such furniture, which is very easy to use. Unfortunately, there is a few people in such a bedroom place, but the chair will serve as a wonderful place to read or relaxation.
  • Corner sofa . In the modern world, the angular form of upholstered furniture is increasingly popular. In this case, the angle of the sofa is not necessarily completed in 45˚, it may have a rounded shape, and even two angle instead of one. The presented design will perfectly fit into the situation of non-standard balconies, and will introduce not only a practical, but also aesthetic effect into the situation.

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Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Most people choose small and compact sofas with drawers, as the dimensions of standard balconies are not so great

  • Soft bench . Of course, the bench can not be considered a full-fledged sofa, but this kind of upholstered furniture wins not only in its small size, but also by ease of manufacture. Therefore, many prefer not to choose a suitable sofa from furniture catalogs, but make a bench for the balcony yourself.

When choosing a sofa from the list of proposed options for upholstered furniture, it is worth paying attention to that most, but not all, the models have additional boxes or niches for storing various things.

If the preservation of storage is a mandatory factor in the acquired furniture, buying or ordering a sofa from manufacturers, it is worth emphasizing attention at this moment.

Master class: how to make a box on a balcony (video)

How to make a box on the balcony do it yourself

It often happens that there is no desired model of furniture in the presence of a store or from the entire proposed manifold does not fit anything. In this case, you should not be upset, because you can build a box to a balcony with your own hands. To do this, it is not necessary to be a professional carpenter, just desires and skills to work with tools.

Before the start of construction work, it is necessary to clearly develop an action plan and in the future try to follow him.

Because much easier to follow the intended purpose performing small tasks:

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

If you decide to make a box to a balcony with your own hands, you must remember that it should not be trash

  1. Choose a box . To determine the box to its place, it is recommended to choose the most cold part of the balcony. Usually, the search for such a place does not occupy labor, but if difficulties arose with this task, then as an alternative option, you can choose the most empty area of ​​the room.
  2. Perform measurements . With the help of a construction roulette, it is necessary to measure three basic parameters of the future drawer: height, width and depth. When planning a place to store non-standard form, all bends and protrusions also need to be measured. When performing this step of the general plan, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the material from which the box will be made, especially if it is planned to make it back with the walls of the room.
  3. Definition with dimensions . The main parameters of the box play an important role - it depends on them whether it will only be a storage box, or in the future will also become a place for seating. In the latter case, it is preferable to make a box on a balcony or loggia understated and wide.
  4. Selection of material . For making a box with their own hands, the material plays a very important role. To do this, you can be used: MDF panels, plywood stoves, PVC panels and much more. The main criterion for choosing a material is that it will be stored in the box, and for what additional goals it will serve. If only the storage of vegetables or home spins is planned, and there will be nothing on top, they will even suit the polyvinyl chloride panels that can be sewn the metal frame of the drawer. In the event that the box on the balcony is constructed and as a seat, the material must be much stronger.
  5. Prepare place . The balcony needs to get rid of old structures if they are, and clean the place for the drawer. Only after that you can proceed to the main work.
  6. Build a box . To assemble the box with your own hands is quite simple if previous steps were performed, and in the presence of the desired material and the storage space markup plan. However, the easiest option, if the floor plays the role of the box of the box, and the three walls of the room - the side walls.

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Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

The dimensions and shape of the box on the balcony must be determined on the basis of its area

Thus, if it is properly and organized to approach this case, you will not make difficulty to build a box on a balcony, and the results of labor will delight for a long time.

Decorating the box on the balcony

The drawer on the balcony does not differ in the balcony with their own hands and convenience at the seat, so it is necessary to reorganize it to give the aesthetic functions.

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

To improve the appearance of your drawer, it is enough to add a few pillows and a small mattress

The design can be covered with varnish, paint or self-adhesive film. A more original type of product can be given with the help of various ornaments and drawings.

Improving appearance, do not forget about convenience. In this case, the top cover for seats is equipped with a piece of foam rubber, cut out exactly in size, are tightened with upholstery cloth and, with the help of an industrial stapler, fastened from the inside of the seat box.

Decoration of storage space on a balcony or loggia with their own hands includes not only varnish, paint and film.

It all depends only on fantasy and girlfriend:

  • As a conveyance of the finished design, the usual decorative lining can be used. At the same time, the corners of the box are drawn up by plastic corners suitable in color.
  • It is not necessary to use the fabric only for seating, it can be covered with the whole box, the main thing that the selected fabric has increased wear resistance.

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Similar boxes are very comfortable and compact, and the benefits are much more from them than you think

Another element of the decor of the manufactured design will be a soft back seat for seating. It can be made of a chrome pipe that is fixed on the wall behind the seating. Especially for it from upholstery fabric, pillows are sewn with large loops through which the pipe has been doing. Thus, it is possible to give a seat for the seating an extra comfort.

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Balcony box (video)

Do not forget that balconies or loggias can become not just a storage for a variety of things, and the place of rest, just due to a small place for the seating made by their own hands.

Bulk box with his own hands (photo)

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

Comfortable box on a balcony with your own hands: Photos, design options

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