Installation of lamps in the cam ceiling with your own hands


Today, in the building market, a rush ceiling is enjoyed in great demand. The fact is that this material is not only environmentally friendly, but also has a number of other positive qualities. The cam ceiling is a beautiful and very practical design option. Thanks to the latest technologies, it is very resistant to sharp temperature drops, perfectly tolerates increased humidity, and not afraid of fire. Installing lamps into a cam ceiling, at first glance, it may seem not the task of not the lungs, but if you step by step to follow the instructions, you can easily cope without help.

Installation of lamps in the cam ceiling with your own hands

Suspension Ceiling Scheme.

As a rule, they choose embedded variants suitable in color to the rush ceiling.

Keep in mind that for the kitchen or bathroom, the lighting devices must have protecting caps, since in these cases of the room have increased humidity.

Installing lamps in the ceiling must comply with all the requirements of the instruction. To overload with bulky objects, such ceilings are not recommended.

Please note that in some cases it is necessary to encounter a situation where the lamp has a height of about 80-100 mm, and the stringers themselves are about 40 mm. As you already understood, the height of the stringers is not enough to embed a lamp in the ceiling. In order to correct this situation, you will need a wooden bar, which will add the missing height to this unit lighting. But do not forget that it is necessary to take into account the special gap to place the wiring. There are no special conditions regarding wooden bar, here you will have to act independently. Mostly, the height and form of stringers differ depending on their manufacturer. To date, the choice of lighting devices for the cutting ceiling is quite varied. You should give your preference, not only relying on the design or form of this product. In order not to make a mistake in his quality, get acquainted with some kinds of lighting devices.

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Types of lamps

Of course, the choice of lamps for the ceiling is wide enough, but how to determine which option is best suitable for your premises.

Installation of lamps in the cam ceiling with your own hands

Mounting diagram of the lamp in the cam ceiling.

  1. LED lighting equipment for rush ceiling. This option is good because without having a high price, serves as a LED lamp as long as possible. The fact is that his design does not have spirals, glass flasks and other lamps familiar to all elements. In addition, with excellent quality lighting, electricity consumption is completely minimal. LED lamps are very well harmonized with any interior. The frequent changes in the electrical voltage harm will not be applied. For the manufacture of such lamps use high-quality materials, so they are absolutely safe for health.
  2. Installation of luminescent lamps in a rack ceiling. Most often, this type of lamps is used to illuminate such premises as trading rooms, offices, or, for example, production workshops. The fact is that luminiscent lamps highlight are very bright, moreover, quite evenly. In addition, this type of product saves electricity significantly than and earned a high assessment of users. The installation of a luminescent lighting device can also be made in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in other rooms.
  3. Point lamps for rush ceiling. This type of lighting devices are very popular, very often choose it for decorations of halls or for interior design. But when installing point lamps in the cam ceiling, it is possible to obtain both the main lighting and additional. The greatest advantage is the ability to change the direction of lighting. A wide range of point luminaire offers various types of products: decorative, classic, mimicing the starry sky or incandescent lamp.

Installation of embedded lamps do it yourself

This type of lighting is installed in the process of assembling the rush ceiling. Most often for its installation use niche formed on the rush ceiling. It should be borne in mind that the built-in LED lighting devices have such a feature as a bluish tint of lighting. Many users note that such a light begins to annoy such light, so they are mainly used as additional lighting or for low-transmitted premises.

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Installation of lamps in the cam ceiling with your own hands

Installing a luminescent lamp.

You need to know that, when installing such light bulbs in the cam ceiling, the necessary height should be about 7 cm; In order to establish all incandescent lamps, the height will be required not more than 12 cm. In addition, keep in mind that embedded halogen lamps in some cases have a characteristic of heightening. This can lead to strain and other more serious problems associated with suspended ceiling. When installing such a type of lighting, it should be done purified and carefully.

Installation of lamps in the cam ceiling will require the presence of the following tools and materials:

  • calipers;
  • Electrolovka (stationery or canning knife);
  • simple pencil;
  • Any of the listed options for lighting devices.

Start of work: wiring

Before assembly work, you need to think about such, it would seem, simple things like wiring. When the ceiling is already lined, it is almost impossible to pull the wiring. The design will have to disassemble. In addition, it will be very problematic to bring the ends of the wires precisely to the place where the lighting device will stand.

Installation of lamps in the cam ceiling with your own hands

War ceiling design elements.

Shtroba will not need. Use special plastic cable channels for engineering communications. In them and lay wires before installing facing. In addition, it is necessary to plan the installation sites in advance of the lamps in advance, that is, the design should begin long before the finishing of the ceiling simultaneously with the choice of the ceiling shape.

The use of metal sleeves will greatly facilitate operation. In the case of need to repair the wiring or replace any part of it, without disassembling the external ceiling decoration.

The wire section should be selected after calculating the loads. For identical loads, the diameter of the aluminum wire will be greater than copper. Copper wire is more expensive and durable.

If the calculation does not want to do, you can buy a copper wire with a cross section of 2 mm². Modern lamps do not consume a lot of energy, and such a wire will calmly cope with any lighting.

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Note. There are lighting devices that cannot be operated without lower transformers. This feature needs to be clarified in the store during the purchase, and better during the design.

How to install Lighting in the Wood Ceiling: Some Nuances

By installing any kind of lamps, the most important thing is to follow the applied instructions. Depending on the product of the product you choose, its installation may be necessary when installing the roll ceiling or at the end of the installation work associated with the ceiling. In any case, first of all in the rush ceiling it is necessary to cut holes. To do this, decide on a suitable number of lamps for your room. Next, calculate the exact locations for their installation and, armed with a simple pencil and caliper, draw circles suitable for the luminaires you choose.

You can also do this with the help of pre-prepared templates. To the maximum carefully cut holes for mounting the lighting devices, you should use the electroller. It is possible to replace it with a stationery or even a tin knife.

In the installation of lamps in the cam ceiling, it is important not to be mistaken with the diameter of cut holes, since, as you understand, it can lead to additional costs that were not included in your plans. So that the mounting holes are cut correctly and were not visible, the diameter of them should be smaller than the luminaires themselves. If you want to add your interior design, you can install additional lighting in the walls of the room.

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