Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year


Ancient Chinese doctrine called Feng Shui is known to many. It helps to saturate the space of vital energy and attract good luck to the house, money, happiness and love. In this article we will talk, how to equip your home by the New Year.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Relief from Klama

Before the New Year, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary things and mountains of garbage, although each mistress is known about it . Enjoyed and not used things should be thrown away. It is important to get rid of dirt in the house, so the on the eve of the holidays should be held a general cleaning in each of the rooms at home.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Note! It is believed that one cleaning in the house is not enough, to attract good luck and happiness, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary garbage and in your head, namely let go of old resentment and try to forget the unpleasant moments that have happened over the past years.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Living fir

Artificial Christmas trees rapidly gained popularity in recent years, which is due to their durability, compared with ordinary, less cost and lack of need to be removed behind the Christmas tree at the end of the holidays.

Most Chinese avoid this element of the decor, but they strongly recommend installing live spruce indoors. It is believed that only a real Christmas tree is capable of saturating the room.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Living trees have their own incomparable smell, which gives a peculiar atmosphere of dwelling and creating comfort. If there is no possibility of installing a real spruce in the house, then at least a few coniferous branches should be brought and put them in a pot. It is necessary to decorate a spruce with a lot of toys and preferably made with your own hands.

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Feng Shui rules say that the house has a place responsible for the monetary well-being of the family. This place is the south-eastern part of the house. Naturally, it should not be installed all the decorations in this place, but it is advisable to put the Christmas tree here.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

To enhance the effect and attract a larger amount of funds, put your wallet under the tree. This decision is able to increase the cash flow and make sure the owner of the wallet from financial difficulties is forever.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

New Year's table and his decoration

There is an opinion that the main decoration of the New Year's table is the food being put on it, but it is mistaken . It is necessary to pay attention to the decor of the table itself, thinking it to each little thing.

This table in the New Year's Eve will gather all the family, so attention will get much more than the Christmas tree and the other decoration of the apartment, which talks about the importance and need to decorate.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

It is worth choosing a tablecloth in bright colors. The new year is a fun holiday, so you need to avoid mourning shades in any elements of the decor.

Note! It is necessary to follow, so that all decorating elements, including the tablecloth, were clean and integer. It is impossible to allow torn and dirty things at the table in such a holiday.

The dishes served on the table must be tried to make more diverse. Better, in order to portions, dishes were small, but their most is a lot of taste of each family member.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Bright light

In China, not only the southeastern side of the house is responsible for attracting money to the house, but also a red lamp, usually hanging on the front door or near it. It is one of the inalienable attributes at the celebration of the New Year in China.

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

It is believed that he improves not only the financial condition of residents of the house, but also brings good luck, happiness and other benefits. The installation of a red lamp is not too principled, alternative option can serve as light garlands or red candles.

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Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

Feng Shui to attract good luck to the house in the new year

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