Practical cladding base with artificial stone


Everyone knows that the base of the house performs important functions and requires a special relationship. It protects the facade from various damage that can be applied mechanically. The base of the house should be protected from moisture that destroys its structure. Therefore, when choosing materials for cladding, you need to take into account all the pros and cons, as well as seriously refer to the installation technology on the base. It was important for me not only to protect the base, but also to give the house is a beautiful, finished look. An option using a stone I was immediately interested, but I could not afford a natural stone - I needed an option to cheaper. This turned out to be an artificial stone and it was about him that I want to tell.

Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Decorative artificial stone rock in the decoration of the base of the house

Advantages and disadvantages

Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Cladding base house with artificial stone

At first I was surprised that the cladding of the base of the house was artificial stone, became so popular and popular, but disobeying all the advantages - he had switched to his side. Yes, and the installation can be done independently. For myself, I designated several positive and negative qualities:

  • The most important advantage for me was that the cladding of the base the stone could well be carried out independently, without the help of workers. This significantly reduced the cost of facing at home with artificial components.
  • It consists of natural ingredients and is durable, and the service life is not one or two decades. According to these properties, the material is not inferior to the natural, natural component
  • The base needs moisture-resistant materials that are not afraid of large temperature differences. Artificial stone is suitable for facing facades

Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Cladding base house with artificial stone with their own hands

  • In comparison with natural, its processing is very simple. And it simplifies installation
  • Artificial material is much easier than natural, which means that the load on the foundation will be less and do not have to strengthen the design
  • Unlike natural, artificial material tiles have a standardized size. This suggests that no detail of the cladding will be knocked out of the general form.
  • A variety of colors and textures allowed me to choose the most appropriate option for the facing of my house.

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The only moment in which artificial loses to the wild stone is resistance to moisture, the sun and temperature fluctuations. Definitely natural material is more stable and can serve centuries, but for me it was not a significant disadvantage. The cladding itself can listen to the Millennium, but still its fasteners will not last so much.

Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Artificial stone in the trim of the base of the house

When I chose a cladding for the base, I stopped my choice on an artificial tile "Ranged stone", her unusual structure and form interested me most. It was the cladding of the base of the stone that made the facade of my housing individual.

There are some more types of surface of an artificial stone:

  1. Ragged
  2. Smooth
  3. Raised
  4. Structural

Important! Considering the fact that natural ingredients are present in the composition of this material, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from a natural comrade.

There are many diverse models of finishing tile "Ranged stone", so everyone can choose the option you need.

We are waving a base

Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Artificial stone in the cladding of the house house

Before facing, it is necessary to prepare the surface. All preparatory work does not differ from the actions performed for the installation of other facing materials.

  • First of all, I lined up and cleaned the surface of the base, removed all the dirt, fat stains. It takes this for a good hitch of artificial parts with a base. For the reliability of the finish, I additionally cranked the surface to provide additional waterproof. Many experts recommend to apply primer before finishing the base, because the wall will absorb moisture from the adhesive solution.
  • If the differences on the surface are less than 5 mm, then the alignment will not need. Otherwise, you need to remove unevenness with an aligning solution.

The most flat, plastered plane, indicates the possibility of quickly and fragile to fix the stone on the base of the house, thereby reducing time on the installation.

Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Facing the base of the house

  • Facing with torn tiles looks beautiful when it is laid out exactly, not waves. Therefore, the first ranks of the finish, I was laid out using a level. Two tiles set up the level, but at a distance of each other in order to subsequently fix between them.
  • Most of all I like when there is no batch between them. To do this, I cleaned the edge of the torn tile with a grinder, and after putting them back. This method of finishing is more suitable for the installation of this particular stone type. If you have a machine having water cooling, then you should use it. When scrolling the edges, the grinder remains a lot of dust and for many it is not very comfortable.

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Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Finishing base with artificial stone

  • Glue must be missed not only the surface, but also apply it to the tile. I used sixrock, with the help of which achieved the desired thickness of the glue in 5mm. Do not forget that the adhesive composition will quickly dry, due to this, the installation on the missing surface should last no longer than 40 minutes after applying glue.
  • Despite the simplicity of finishing, it is necessary to pay due attention to the uniform applying of the adhesive solution. If there are blank places, they will be filled with moisture. In winter, it will begin to freeze and lead to the disappearance of the facing.
  • All other rows I put on the same principle. By the way, the blurred tiles need to immediately wash with water, otherwise after drying the finish, the appearance will be spoiled.
  • Given the fact that glue completely dries over 3-4 days, I postponed the seams for several days. After, using rubber semiral, I inflicted the grouting composition. It protects the surface from moisture fiddling, and it also gives the facing a finished look.
  • At the end of all finishing works, he washed the facing with warm water.


Practical cladding base with artificial stone

Facing home with artificial stone

At the moment, facing with artificial stone is an excellent substitute for its natural comrades. Having characteristics are not worse than the wild, artificial remains an order of magnitude cheaper. Therefore, when calculating the cost of natural material and artificial, the difference will be impressive, but the general view after the end of the installation work is not so much varied. Having in the composition of natural components, this material can be used not only for cladding the base or the facade, but even for the indoor space. Tile Ripped stone looks great on the facade of houses and cottages, is in demand and in kind of unique. Although the torn tile is a bit more expensive than other options for artificial stone, it justifies its cost to appearance on the facade of the house.

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