Laminate laying direction in the room: nuances


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  • Characteristics of different ways of laying
  • Required tools
  • Diagonal character labeling nuances

What your floors will look like, it depends first of all from the direction of laying a laminate in the room you will choose relative to the light source. Indeed, with the help of such simple techniques, as the direction of laying, it is very easy to visually increase the space of the room and give the whole room an unusually attractive look.

Laminate laying direction in the room: nuances

Laminate laying direction diagram in room.

Laying laminate can be performed in almost any direction.

This is possible due to the fact that the connection of the laminate panels has high density and accuracy. And contributes to this, the presence of a high-quality lock system, which has any modern type of laminate. As a result, you get the surface of an ideally smooth character without visible height drops. Such qualities of modern laminate allow it to be placed in an absolutely any direction. It can be a longitudinal option, cross-line or diagonal.

Most often, the choice of direction is influenced by exclusively aesthetic preferences. The most popular and attractive option is to be styled in the direction of the main lighting and in accordance with the door line, located at the entrance to the room. If in your room there are several doors and light sources, then the laying method must be chosen individually, trying to emphasize the aesthetic qualities of the laminate.

Characteristics of different ways of laying

Laminate laying direction in the room: nuances

Laminate device diagram.

So, as already noted above, the laying method directly affects the appearance of your floor covering. There are three main ways to laying. This is a variant of direct laying in the direction of the light source, direct laying of the room across the room and laying on the diagonal. If your laminate refers to a category having a non-standard type of lock, then you have the opportunity to carry out the laying in the form of some drawing. It can be an installation in the form of squares or the so-called Christmas tree.

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Choose how to lay a laminate - along or across the room, - the information set out below will help you.

The direct method of laying implies the installation of laminate planks in one parallel with walls, ranging from the entrance door. In this case, be prepared for the fact that about 7% of the material will go to the implementation of trimming. Laying by direct method can be performed on one line with a source of natural light or in the transverse direction.

The first option is performed along the line, parallel wall, focusing on the location of the window. If you take into account an aesthetic point of view, then this method is considered optimal. What is good this method? In the fact that as a result of such stacking, the flooring is obtained, the seams of which become imperceptible when light in them. It is this quality that gives the visual effect of the presence of a smooth and holistic coating.

Laminate laying direction in the room: nuances

Laminate laying scheme.

If your room has an angular location or there are two windows, located on different sides, the laying method described above is uniquely not suitable for you.

As for the transverse method, it is performed in the same way as longitudinal, except for the location in relation to the window. In this case, the directions of light and laying laminate will be perpendicular to each other.

The most suitable room for such a variant of laying laminate are corridors (rooms) having a narrow and extended shape.

Another way is diagonal laying. Its installation will help you visually expand the room space. If you perform stacking not yourself, but with the help of specialists, then be prepared for the fact that this method is the most expensive, since the complexity is much higher than that of previous methods.

Laying of panels is made in compliance with the angle of 45 ° relative to the walls. And during the use of this method, the flow rate of laminate for the completion of trimming is also increased, it is approximately 15%.

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If you prefer the laying made according to the Christmas tree scheme, then you need to purchase a special laminate, the standard in this case is not suitable. Consult from specialists about the execution of non-standard laying and purchase a laminate, which is equipped with a special type of locks. To date, there is a large number of different types of laminate, the design of which will allow you to perform an unusual laying in the drawing. As a result, you will find a floor covering, practically not different in appearance from the real oak parquet.

Diagonal, along or across - any of these methods, if it is, of course, performed qualitatively and for all the rules, it looks aesthetic and allows you to decorate the interior of the room.

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Required tools

Laminate laying direction in the room: nuances

Tools for laying laminate.

In addition to knowledge concerning the methods of laying a laminate, you will need a certain set of tools. This list includes:

  • roulette;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • line;
  • tree bar;
  • pencil;
  • a hammer having a base of rubber;
  • Wedges for struts.

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Diagonal character labeling nuances

Laminate laying direction in the room: nuances

Laminate laying diagram diagonally.

As noted above, laying the laminate in this way is the most expensive option. In the store you will probably recommend to buy a laminate for diagonal styling with a reserve at least 15%. But if you familiarize yourself with some secrets of its execution, you can significantly reduce the consumption of the material, up to 5%.

When performing a diagonal laying of laminate, there is no need to strictly observe an angle of 45 °. Its deviation varies from 30 to 45 °. Try to locate the panels so that all the long sides of the slats were on the same line with sunlight. This method will allow you to make joints more imperceptible.

The start of laying is most often made from the corner of the room towards the entrance door. And you can also use the fishing line, pulling it diagonally from one corner to another. After that, focusing on this markup, perform laminate installation. In this case, you need to start on the left side, and finish right.

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Fixing the last panel, it is necessary to measure its size very carefully. Do not forget to take into account the gap distance, approximately 1 cm. Performing traditional laying, the cropped part is used to start the next row.

But in the diagonal version it will not be possible, unless, of course, do not cut off most of the boards for fitting to the corner. But you can do without such costs. Postpone the cropped bar aside, it will come in handy to you when you start the installation of the laminate from the opposite side. Usually, the cropped piece of the bar is ideal for these purposes, and if you have to trim it, then at a minimum. Observing such technology laying, you can reduce the percentage of material waste.

Laying a row begins with connecting locks on the ends of the planks. Next, the entire assembled row is joined with the previous one. Better, if anyone can help you, as it is much easier to perform mounting with the assistant.

For a more convenient installation of laying on one end of the collected row, the load does not allow the panels to jump. By performing a high-quality fit using tools (bar, hammer), mount the following rows in a checker order. Watch that the distance from one end joint to another was no less than 25 cm.

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