Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons


Now every person is trying to save electricity in official ways. It is not strange, because the tariffs every day are only increasing, and household appliances as a large amount of electricity winds, it continues to do it. In this article, we will look at what a two-time electricity meter is, weighing everything and against and told, as using it you can save significantly.

Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons

How does a two-timing electricity meter work

The principle of such a device is based on the fact that at different times of the day there are certain electricity tariffs. At night, Kilowatt stands much less than the day, so why not take advantage of it?

I would like to tell a few words, with which the difference in tariffs is connected. Consider a simple situation, it is beneficial to power plants so that they work uniformly. But, in the end it turns out that the day is used a large amount of electricity, and at night such indicators fall almost to zero. Because of this, equipment was wearing and have to increase fuel consumption for electricity production. Such enterprises and invented such a device as a two-tariff electricity meter. It will be interesting to know: the device of an electrical counter.

Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons

Counters of this type work as follows:

  • During the daytime from 07.00 to 23.00, the cost is always higher.
  • From 23.00 to 07.00 the second tariff (preferential) is included, they stand several times cheaper.

Using such a device, save absolutely everything, because people pay less money, and the electrical substations save their materials and extend the life of equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of two-tariff counters

Initially, I would like to highlight a few basic advantages of its use, to say that they are significant - we cannot. But it is impossible to miss them.
  1. The funds are saved, with the right organization of its work, the payback of the meter is not more than one year.
  2. Reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
  3. Help electrical substations.

We can't consider the second two points important for the consumer, there is no particular sense. So, the advantage is one thing - saving funds.


  • After installing the two-timer counter, it is necessary to revise the correctness of the use of electrical equipment. Include air conditioners, washing machines, electric ovens, vacuum cleaners, irons will have only at night. Otherwise, there is no meaning from such a meter.
  • In some regions, establish such a meter there is no point, because at night the tariff decreases by only 10-20%. In such a situation, its payback period will be five years, no less.

The disadvantages are also enough, but if you strongly want to save money, then the two-tariff electricity meter is the best solution for you. Note, read the readings from the two-timer counter correctly.

Two-tariff electricity meter reviews


Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons
Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons
Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons

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Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons
Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons
Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons
Dual-tariff electricity meter: how it works, pros and cons

So we told you about such a device, the principle of operation is simple, according to reviews it can be said that you just need to think your head before it is installed, then there will be no problems. Look more video review from owners of such meters.

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