5 ideas that can be implemented when creating the interior with their own hands


Our apartments and houses - a place rest from the bustle, meetings with friends, where they spend time with relatives. How to decorate your home without making special efforts, do not spend a lot of money? You have a few ideas to make it interesting and unusual.

5 ideas that can be implemented when creating the interior with their own hands

Geometry in Decor

As many experts say in matters of arrangement - it is often easier to abandon massive shelves and choose lungs, geometrical form. Thanks to laconic design, they will easily fit into any interior, in the process of creating - do not require special skills and skills.

5 ideas that can be implemented when creating the interior with their own hands

Mastery from ordinary boards and sticks, and thanks to the original form - will make its special notch in the interior. Alternatively, you can hang them on hooks or chains, put inward books and magazines, other items. The main thing is not to put there fragile items. In general, this is a simple and original way to decorate your own space, even the most unfortunate, where you can use the healthy items.

5 ideas that can be implemented when creating the interior with their own hands

Original lamp

I looked at the original thing in the store, but it is worth a lot of money - you can make it yourself. Glue and yarn, polyethylene film and air, inflatable ball - all materials.

Just inflate the ball, wrap it into polyethylene, and above it is already necessary to wind the threads - here you can do anything, even just wrap it, even though to flip all sorts of patterns. Apply glue, give dry, after removing the basis, blowing just a ball. And already ready-made lampsur can be used as a lamp under the chandelier, flooring or wall lamp.

Tip of the day! The main thing is not to do too large / small lumets, and the design itself has acquired a certain strength.

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Draw threads

It sounds somewhat unusual, but it is often used in a house or an apartment, where there is a free wall, not forced by furniture and not hanging paintings. Today there is a direction in the decor using such a material and is called Stringart.

With such materials you can come up with everything, then you want to make any picture, portrait or abstraction, creating a truly unique artwork on the wall. We need nails, plus - the basis for a future picture, threads.

At the very beginning of work - think over the sketch, draw it on paper, after transferring it to the base on the appropriate scale. And already further tie the nails with threads, acting as an artist with its brush, withdrawing drawings, words and signs, simply contours of people or animals.

Where to attach old magazines?

Today, many draw information from the Internet - most of the reading population buy magazines and books. And if you have accumulated well, too much such unnecessary literature - you can adapt them to the deputies. In addition to journals about gardening or construction, you will also need a wooden basis, such as a carpent shield and pillows, two old belts - they will twist the magazines.

It is optimally picking up and folded into the stack of magazines and books of the same format, although different will look original. Place the shield, on top of the pillow and drag the belt - you can use.

May there be light

And today in the world of the Internet and Total Wai - fay, light and candle information, everything can also harmoniously add any interior. True, it is immediately worth saying - to use a couple of candles in the interior - trite, here it is more about a holistic composition of several dozen. All this will allow the romance to bring the romance of vintage castles.

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Especially spectacularly look at the candles exhibited in 3-5 rows on a separate shelf, it is beautifully hanging such a design under the ceiling, for example, instead of a chandelier.

Caution. But the truth is not to light them - it is dangerous, as you are dealing with fire, and the wax dripping on the floor will not add convenience.

8 Fast Interior Decor Ideas (1 video)

Ideas for interior decoration with your own hands (photo)

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