Bathroom finishing with plastic panels: photo design and nuances when working with PVC


To finish the bathroom use various materials. Recently, the demand for plastic panels has increased markedly, because this material has many advantages. Bathroom finishing with plastic panels, which can be seen on the Internet, combines aesthetics and savings. Of course, to achieve such a result, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of the material and the design of the room.

Panels are widely used to cover the walls in rooms with high humidity. In the market, the material is presented in a wide range of assortment. Modern PVC panels have a unique design, which allows you to originally arrange the bathroom.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

Features of the material

There is no doubt that the ceramic tile is the most suitable option for trimming the bathroom. But its disadvantage is that it has a relatively high cost. Installation of tiles is carried out rather difficult. To perform work with your own hands, you need to know some subtleties. The bathroom panels are a worthy alternative to ceramic tiles. When choosing a material it is worth considering that it can have a different quality.

Therefore, in the store you need to pay attention to such characteristics:

  • the number of ribs that give the material to stiffness;
  • degree of moisture protection;
  • flatness surface;
  • The degree of strength of the material to mechanical impacts.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

An equally important parameter is the colors of PVC panels for the bathroom. On a quality product, the picture is applied to a uniform layer. Before starting to finishing work, you need to accurately calculate the necessary number of panels. This will allow purchasing material from one party. Otherwise, the shade may differ slightly. It is not necessary to venture seriously over savings, as it will depend on this design of the bathroom with plastic panels.

To finish the bathroom and toilet it is undesirable to use products with a relief texture. The material is poorly cleaning and mold and fungus may form on it.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

On video: Tips for choosing plastic panels.

Article on the topic: How to stylish a bathroom: the best design ideas (+36 photos)

Designer ideas

Many believe that the decoration by plastic panels is very cheap, monophonic and uninteresting. But it's not at all. Proof of this is a photo of the bathroom design, covered with this material.

In order to originally arrange the bathroom, it is necessary to follow some advice of specialists:

  • PVC panels for the bathroom are well combined with textured plaster or ordinary painting. So, from the floor to half the wall you can mount the panels, and above - just paint the surface. It should be traced that the shades are combined with each other.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • You can give the design of originality using contrast of colors. The alternation of the panels of different widths will become a good option.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • You can use models that mimic wood texture. This will create an ethnic style. This finish is perfectly combined with wooden furniture and cotton curtains.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • You should not use high-quality marble products. This finish will look unnatural and cheap.
  • Many tile connoisseurs believe that the original drawing cannot be postponed from the PVC panels. But this is far from that. Today the market has a wide range of products under the tile. They can have both monophonic colors and various patterns and prints.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • On the material you can apply any picture. To do this, use photo printing. Thus, on the wall you can portray a whole composition, which will give the design of originality. If desired, it can even be a favorite photo.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • The bathroom finishing with plastic panels is well combined with a rush ceiling, which can be diversified with mirrored inserts.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

Using specialists' tips, you can originally draw a bathroom with ordinary PVC panels. Despite the low value of the material, the design will look luxurious and elegant.

What style of choose

Previously, it existed that the use of plastic panels allows you to create only the budget style design of the room. But, if we competently think about the design, you can implement any stylistic solution.

Article on the topic: Little Bathroom Design 4 Square: Style Rules

As options, it is worth highlighting:

  • Minimalism. Capturing the bathroom, it is worth sticking to the main concept - less furniture and decorative items, more free space. The style is distinguished by clear and simple lines and relatively discreet colors. In the design it is worth using elements from glass and metal.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • Country style. Natural materials are used for decoration and design. It is better to use panels that imitate wood texture. Simple wooden furniture, light curtains and chandeliers will become an optimal addition to the design of the room.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

  • Provence. Such a stylist direction is easily implemented by plastic panels. For registration, materials are used in bright beddings. As for the furniture, it should be simple. You can add the setting with light patterns and ceramic decor.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

In fact, it is possible to draw up bathrooms with PVC panels in any style. The main thing is to think about the design. Better such work to entrust professionals. You can see below the photo, the design on them is presented in different stylistics.

Mounting options

Installation of plastic panels is performed in two ways. The first way implies the installation of material to the crate. In the second case, it is fixed directly on the wall with glue or self-tapping screws. Each methods have its own characteristics.

Installation of panels directly on the wall allows you to save space. It is perfect for premises with a small area. But to perform work, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the wall. It must be smooth.

Bathroom trim with plastic panels

If there is a heating device in the room, then the distance between it and the finish should be at least 4 cm. Otherwise, the material is deformed by high temperature on it.

Installation on the crate allows you to abandon surface alignment. This method allows you to hide the irregularities of the design without much effort. For construction framework, metal profile or wooden rails are used. They are mounted on any base. It can be both plaster and "naked" brick wall.

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Bathroom trim with plastic panels

When choosing a method of installation, it is worth considering the set of nuances. First of all, it concerns the state of the wall. If the surface has multiple defects and irregularities, the installation of the trim in the bathroom is better to carry out a frame method. But it is worth considering that the inner area of ​​the room decrease somewhat, especially it concerns small bathrooms.

Design and installation of panels in the bathroom (2 video)

Options for registration of PVC panels (35 photos)

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

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