Unitaze suspended with installation: What is better to choose for an apartment?


When repairing the toilet, many face such a problem as a replacement toilet bowl. Today the market has a large selection of such plumbing. Modern models can have a different design and installation method. The easiest option is to install all the usual floor toilet. But recently, the demand for the toilet toilet with installation has increased markedly. What is better to choose?

Unitaze suspended with installation

Features of suspended plumbing

At first glance, such a plumbing does not inspire confidence. She seems a harp and unreliable. But, in fact, everything is wrong. Modern models have a special design, due to which the product can withstand loads up to 400 kg.

Unitaze suspended with installation

The main element of the design is the installation. It is represented as a steel frame, which in the installation process is securely attached to the wall and the floor. Also there are installation options only on one wall. When using such plumbing it is worth considering that it can be mounted on a carrier wall, which is made of concrete or brick. Constructions from other materials are not suitable for installation of toilet with installation.

Unitaze suspended with installation

To installation itself, the toilet is mounted using special studs, which are produced through a facing coating. As a result, it turns out that only a bowl remains in appearance.

Unitaze suspended with installation

The drain tank is mainly made of durable plastic. This allows you to facilitate the design. It is securely attached to the frame and hides behind the facing. A small hidden hatch or a removable panel is made in a certain place. It provides free access to the tank, which will be needed for repairing it or overlap water.

If the places for installing the tank is not enough, then in the wall make a small deepening. As for the drain, it is displayed at a comfortable place. You can also use modern touch panels that are automatically drained.

Unitaze suspended with installation

Advantages and disadvantages

No need to hurry to look for answers to the question - suspended toilets with installation how to choose? First, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of such plumbing.

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Advantages include:

  • Small design sizes, which allows it to use it even in a small toilet.
  • Plumbing perfectly fits into modern design, which is possible thanks to the hidden installation of the main part of the structure.
  • Toilets with installation are reliable and durable to use.
  • When water washed, significantly less noise is formed than in standard models.
  • There is an opportunity to expand the functionality of the toilet. If necessary, it can be used as a bidet).
  • Cleaning indoors is greatly simplified, the floor under the toilet can be easily flushed to the brilliance.
  • The suspended design has a better and efficient drain system.

Unitaze suspended with installation

As can be seen, the suspension toilet with installation has many advantages. Of course, do not forget about the shortcomings that such a system, unfortunately, is not deprived.

The main disadvantages of the suspended structure:

  • Installation installation requires certain skills in performing such work. The process is very laborious. If there is no experience in the installation of installation, then you will have to use the services of specialists, and this will entail considerable cash costs.
  • In the installation process, there may be a need for remission of water supply and drain system.
  • If there is no sufficient location for installing a drain tank, you will need to additionally make a deepening in the wall. It will take a lot of time and effort to perform such work, especially when it comes to concrete walls.
  • There is no complete access to installation, as it is hidden behind a light partition coated with a facing layer.
  • Since plumbing relatively recently appeared on the market, its cost is at a fairly high level.

This information must be taken into account before you go to the store behind the plumbing device. Despite all the wishes, sometimes the owners are forced to limit themselves to the usual toilet. If you have attracted installation for the toilet, how to choose to help our tips below.

On video: The advantages of suspended toilet bowls.

What is worth considering when choosing

When choosing a model of the toilet, it is worth considering the product characteristics. This applies not only to what installation is to establish, but also the features of the visible element - bowls.

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Among the main selection criteria, you can allocate:

  • Bowl material. It is better to prefer the product from porcelain and faience. Porcelain models have a smooth surface, which gives them elegance. Of course, if you wish, you can buy products from faience, covered with icing. Externally, they do not infer the previous models, but have a lower price. Also in the market are products made of stainless steel. Using them in apartments is unacceptable, as they resemble plumbing from public toilets.

Unitaze suspended with installation

  • Bowl size. For a small bathroom, it is preferable to use compact products, the length of which is no more than 54 cm. The most popular and convenient option is considered to be medium-sized bowls. Their length reaches 60 cm. Increased bowls (up to 70 cm) are mainly used for people who have physical disadvantages. Also, they can be installed in large rooms.
  • Plumbing color. When choosing a suspension toilet with installation, it is worth considering the design of the room. Not only the shape and size of the bowl are important here, but also its color. Often people stop their choice on white products that fit easily into any interior, regardless of color design. If you wish, you can use products and another shade. Better choose to agree with designers.

Unitaze suspended with installation

  • Shape shape. Today the market presents a wide selection of such plumbing. A bowl may have a round, oval, square and other form.

Unitaze suspended with installation

  • Type of flushing. It happens direct or circular. With a straight wash, water is supplied from behind and wash all the walls of the bowl. Next, it goes to the drain. As for the second variant, the water is supplied here through the inclined hole. She moves along the helix, which leads to the formation of a funnel. If we talk about savings, it is better to choose a design with a double plum. It has two buttons. When you click on one partial reset of water, the second button is responsible for the full reset of water.

Unitaze suspended with installation

  • Functionality. Plumbing design is constantly improving. So, on the market you can find products that have a cleaning system, hairdryer and even heated seats. Therefore, you do not have to choose for a long time.

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Unitaze suspended with installation

  • Manufacturer. Here it is necessary to determine the installation of which firm to choose. Among the popular options, such firms such as Cersanit, Roca, Laufen, Jika and others can be distinguished. When choosing it is worth considering that the more popular the company, the higher the quality of its products. As a result, the cost of the toilet will be slightly higher.

All these factors must be taken into account when choosing plumbing. Also, no need to forget about the consultation of the store sellers. They advise how to choose installation in the bathroom.

Myths about suspended toilets

Possessing such knowledge, you can easily answer the question how to choose installation for the suspension toilet. But, unfortunately, many people have an incorrect idea of ​​such a design. As a result, they refuse to install a suspension toilet. But, in fact, their opinion is erroneous.

The main misconception is that the suspension toilets are fragile and unreliable products that are not able to withstand heavy loads. Here is the refutation of this fact - the bowl is made of durable material, which is able to withstand the load up to 400 kg. In the course of operation, it does not shift, as it is reliably fixed on the frame.

Unitaze suspended with installation

Another erroneous opinion is that the installation for the toilet is hidden behind a light partition with a facing coating, which allegedly makes it impossible to carry out the small repair of the design and the only way out only the dismantling of the false wall. In fact, when installing plumbing, a removable panel is placed. Thanks to this, there is access to the drain mechanism. This makes it easy to perform small repair and stop the flow of water during emergency situations.

Unitaze suspended with installation

The owners of small bathrooms believe that such designs occupy a lot of space. But, the toilet with installation requires less space than standard models. This is due to the fact that the drain tank is installed in the root in the wall. As a result, this allows you to save missing space.

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