Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions


Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

In anticipation of New Year's magic, I want to transform your accommodation, add comfort and festive mood. Early Christmas fairy tales and films are remembered, where there is a fireplace with fir branches and red balls in the interior.

Do you think that the installation of a decorative focus on the eve of the gift boom is a non-disabilities? Then make a fireplace from the boxes. Yes, it was from those who have long had to be thrown away, but somehow did not rise their hands.

At the same time, the storage room is released by the New Year!

Where to begin?

Like any other homemade creative skill, the manufacture of the fireplace begins with planning. This stage may seem extra and boring when the idea is already growing in the head and wants to embody her in reality as soon as possible. But it is mandatory. Without the correct sketch, the "construction" of the focus will take a lot of time and strength, and the result can disappoint.

At the planning stage, we carry out the following:

  • We carefully select a place for a decorative element, since the finished design is undesirable to move;
  • Determine the style and prevailing colors in the interior: the decorative fireplace should harmoniously fit into the situation, and not stand out with its absurdity;
  • We collect "building" material (any cardboard boxes are suitable) and choose the right form and size;
  • We make the drawing of the desired design with a detailed indication of all sizes;
  • We select a method of decorative finish and prepare a sketch-sketch pattern in color (very often what we draw in the imagination, it turns out to be far from the ideal, but all the flaws will be visible on paper.

When choosing a decoration method, we recommend walking along a construction store. If you have not done repairs for a long time, then surprise how many new materials and mixtures appeared on the market. Perhaps such a walk will open to the original idea of ​​staining or coating by imitating material.

Do not rush to simplify everything extremely, because the manufacturing process itself is quite simple. Designing design needs to highlight enough attention. Otherwise, you will receive a cradle at the level of the school lesson of labor, which will not deceive anyone and do not surprise.

What will required?

The simplest in the manufacture of the design is obtained from the box from the TV with a large diagonal. Little boxes, for example, from small household appliances or from under shoes, you will need to glue and redo the size.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Packing from large household appliances (refrigerators, brass cabinets, dishwashers and washing machines) better disassemble on cardboard sheets and from scratch to form a box for the fireplace.

To create a focus, except cardboard boxes, it may be necessary:

  • a piece of plasterboard or foam for the fireplace shelf;
  • White paper roll for salary;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Stationery Scotch;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Long line, roulette and pencil;
  • Sponge, wide brush and two small;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • PVA glue (for cardboard gluing);
  • polymer glue (for fixing the decor);
  • Programmer for priming (the background can be white or with the addition of a koller);
  • acrylic paint for staining parts;
  • Finishing materials (liquid wallpapers, putty, plaster, varnishes);
  • Decorative elements (New Year decor, ceiling plinth, decorative stucco, colored paper, etc.).

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This list is not a dogma. It can be changed and replenished depending on the specific project. Make your list and prepare all the materials and tools in advance so that it is not distracted during creativity and not to annoy.

Inspire: Best Ideas

If you seriously conceived to make a fireplace from boxes or cardboard sheets with your own hands, then the ideas selected by us will help to understand which variations are possible, and inspire to create your own masterpiece.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

The fireplace in the form of the letter "P" is easy to manufacture. Imitation under brickwork made of red paper bricks or wallpaper corresponds to New Year's theme.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Fireplace from "Red Brick" and green spruce is a classic color gamut of the holiday.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

To create the desired effect on the inner wall of the focus, you can glue the image of the burning linen. This fabulous option can be used as props for a children's matinee or for a home performance.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Image of fire inside the fireplace can be more realistic, especially if you find a 3D format. If it is not separate bricks to take for the salary, and the wallpaper or a special workpiece under brickwork, then it turns out even more interesting. But here you need smooth corners and the correct form.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Pictitate bricks on the surface can be paint. It will take more time, but it will be plausible. You can put a rolled paper or thin cardboard in the furnace.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

The use of plaster with the subsequent application of rock laying figures turns a light cardboard construction into a solid stone structure. White marble color will perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom with pastel colors.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

A great place for the fireplace is a wall between the windows in a spacious living room of a private house. The variant with chimney in the large room looks spectacular.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

For a fireplace in an aristocratic style under a white massive stone, decorative elements made of polystyrene foam (patterns, strips) and ceiling baguette are well suited.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

They are glued with polymer glue to the finished, but not painted design. It is important to observe symmetry.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Instead of a white paper boxes, you can use the cloth with a cloth of a certain color. Burly to attract the process of children: joint crafts strengthen relationships and develop imagination.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Excellent version of a small hearth. It is more stable, so it can be put not only at the wall. It will greatly decorate the hallway. In the furnace you can put a bunch of sprigs from the park, and to imitate the fire cut the flame of colored paper or put short LED garlands (you can with the effect of flicker). The presence of dull light from the fireplace will fill the apartment with comfort and warmth.

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Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

If the place allows, then you can put a large false fireplace with a height of human growth. The fireplace shelf can be decorated with thematic figures and a miniature Christmas tree. In place of the furnace, we leave the cabinet - the sizes of the fireplace allow it. A vase with sweets will replace the attraction of shimmering fire.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

If there is no free wall for the fireplace in the apartment, then you can take advantage of the idea of ​​the angular design. Its creation does not differ in high complexity, but here special attention is paid to geometric proportions. The harmonious solution will be a rectangular isceived triangle at the base of the triangular prism.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

To create a festive atmosphere in a cozy corner lit a few tea candles in the furnace, and put the decor or tangerine on the shelf.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

The new year is the most fabulous holiday and meet it is necessary surrounded by magic. Create magic for yourself and your loved ones from available materials for three free evenings.

Master class: mini-fireplace from one box

Sometimes you want to festively decorate not only the house, but also an office or your workplace. In this case, it is enough to make a mini-fireplace that can be put on the windowsill, an open shelf or writing desk.

For crafts, you will need:

  • 1 medium box;
  • 3 small elongated boxes;
  • Adhesive pistol or ordinary PVA glue;
  • a piece of cardboard for the fireplace shelf;
  • Cut of wallpaper with brickwork or self-adhesive glue;
  • white waterfront paint;
  • Decor (fir branches, garlands, candles);
  • Scissors and pencil.

Introducing step-by-step instructions for the manufacture:

At the bottom of the box we give all the sash. On the front side, one long flap is flexing (it will serve as a protruding base of the fireplace), and we glue the other to two short sash.

We apply small boxes around the perimeter of the form formed and make the markup of the pencil.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

According to the made markup, we are expanding the window, cut off the excess cardboard with scissors. Then glue the boxes.

From the cropped cardboard, we cut decorative elements (you can come up with something original). We glue the blanks and planks per fireplace.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

We glue the cardboard canopy, it should stand for 4-5 cm, forming a visor. Collect the craft of white paint in several layers. It is advisable to scroll from all sides.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Polymeric glue fix the decor made of plastic or metal. On the inner wall and on the protruding bent base glue sliced ​​a piece of wallpaper.

Complete the design of the New Year decor and candles.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Master Class: Fireplace with neckline in the form of arch

Easy way to make a homemade fireplace of two old boxes.

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You will need:

  • 2 large boxes of the same size;
  • Stationery Scotch;
  • knife and scissors;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • Gray packaging paper;
  • brick color paint;
  • Paint sponge;
  • Decor for decoration and imitation of fire in the furnace.

And now the whole process is step by step:

We take two old boxes and connect them to get a big box. Gently sample all the joints and seams with scotch.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

From the cardboard we make cornice for the fireplace.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Cut in the box in the box (it is better to pre-make the necessary markups). Wrap a box and cornice with packing paper. Cut the window at the place of the arch and lining the edges of the paper.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

We glue a scotchy eaves.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

We score the inner walls of the fireplace of black paint in the canister (it is done on the street). We are dragging the paint of the desired shade to apply bricks. With the help of a sponge we apply to the surface of bricks and leave to dry.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Firewood and candles on a black background create a special atmosphere.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Master Class: Corner Fireplace from Cardboard Sheets with Chimney

One of the variants of the angular fireplace was presented above. Its creation from the cardboard box will not be difficult. It is more difficult and more interesting is the design of a chimney cardboard sheets.

To begin with, you should cook:

  • cardboard sheets;
  • roulette and long line;
  • pencil, scissors and stationery knife;
  • glue pistol;
  • White and red paint.

When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can start work. In this project, it is very important to draw up a preliminary drawing and make all measurements. It is more convenient to immediately cut the desired billets. And so as not to get confused, sign the dimensions on them. Then he will only collect the designer.

Detailed manufacturing process:

Cut the triangular bases with rounding. It will take 4 blanks to create a solid design. To one of the billets we glue the curb of the cardboard segments. Inside the resulting box, we create ribs ribs.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

We close the design of the second blank and we get a solid base for the fireplace. Similarly, we take the top.

For the reliability of the joints, we fix the painted scotch. Putting parts are glued to the side panels.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Installing inside the fireplace panel to close the angle. From the sides install the planks and form a wide "wall" with stiffeners. The finished design is coated with primer and white paint.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

From the cardboard cut the blanks for decorating the fireplace inside and outside. Elements for interior design make the sewn and shorter and stain in pink color. The elements on the outdoor design is better to do the magnificent and authentic, they are painted in red, creating contrast. Purchase the blanks the fireplace inside and outside.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

We proceed to the manufacture of chimney with stiffeners. On the front side, we stick a solid sheet of cardboard. Strace the chimney with white paint and create imitation to the tree.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

Fix the chimney and decorate the New Year decor.

Fireplace from the boxes do it yourself: 15 ideas and 3 master class with step-by-step instructions

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