Decorative tape for curtains: how to sew


Seam the chart or buy it and hang it - it is only the main part. It is also important to arrange it and beautifully. Only so you can achieve stylish and attractiveness. If you correctly choose the processing of the edge of the fabric, you can achieve harmony in the design of the room and the frame framing.

Decorative tape for curtains: how to sew

Tape for curtains

And in this key it is worth noting that there are many options for finishing the edges of the curtain:

  • braid;
  • scallop;
  • fringe;
  • etc.

Consider two options: shared and private, how to sew a decorative braid for curtains, using for visual photos.

Option number 1


  • Sewing machine - main tool;
  • Scissors - auxiliary tool;
  • pins with spherical heads;
  • braid;
  • Threads.

Decorative tape for curtains: how to sew

Description of the procedure

For the implementation of the process, you do not need pronounced skills. The result can be achieved and newcomer. It is only important to have everything that needs for sewing (indicated above).

The braid is selected, focusing on the available curtains. And it should be used with a margin, especially if experience in this area is not enough. After all, if you then drink a piece, he may not come in size, color and so on. As a result, quality will suffer. Therefore, this nuance should be taken into account in advance.

Next, you need to determine where and how to sew the braid:

  • around the perimeter;
  • at the bottom edge;
  • on the front side;
  • On withc.

After that, the curtains must be decomposed, and the edges of the edges in those places where work with the braid is planned. Therefore, it is better to provide for this a large table - it will be more convenient.

Decorative tape for curtains: how to sew

For fixing, the braid should be used prepared pins. It is essential to simplify the procedure. Further, the braid is sewn smooth. The stitch must be medium sized - up to 2 mm.

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When sewing is finished, you can remove the pins, and the curtains are rebounded. It remains only to hang the finished product to the installed place.

Option number 2.

Consider how to sew a 5.5 and 2.5 cm wide curtain braid.


  • Sewing machine - main tool;
  • Scissors - auxiliary tool;
  • the cloth;
  • said width of the braid;
  • Threads.

Decorative tape for curtains: how to sew

Description of the procedure

First, the side sections of the fabric are processed. They should be even. Cut the uneven edge.

Then you need to measure the distance from the point of the future of the hooks to the floor so that the top edge is cut off the excess fabric. In the standard apartment, it is likely to be 250 cm. To obtain the height of the canvas, it is necessary to take away from this parameter (250 cm) 2 cm, since the curtains will hang on such a distance above the floor level. Further is added another 3 cm - the allowance at the top for the bending. It turns out 251 cm.

Decorative tape for curtains: how to sew

Next should be done by processing the web. The sewing of the braid 5.5 and 2.5 cm wide will be performed in different ways: on a wider need to pave another line.

Sew the braid - a simple task for schoolgirl

If you had the experience of "communication" with a sewing machine on labor lessons at school, then the task of sewing decorative braid on the curtains will not seem impracticable. For this you do not need a lot of strength, skills and time. It is enough to follow the instructions given, and then everything will turn out quickly, efficiently and reliably. And the result will delight with its relevance and harmony in the interior.

It will only be left to make a photo and boast how everything was done with your own hands.

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