Replacing broken glass in the door with your own hands: Installation algorithm (video)


Replacing broken glass in the door - an operation is not difficult. You can independently change not only the usual glass, but also stained glass, if the shield door is deaf in design.

Replacing broken glass in the door with your own hands: Installation algorithm (video)

Sharks of the glasses must be removed in thick gloves, first large, then small.

Modern glasses, even those that differ by shockproof, may not withstand drafts or shock loads. Therefore, if there are children at home, it's good to think about security. In this case, it is advisable to install a triplex.

The triplex is made of several layers on the principle of the sandwich - glass pressed into the cassette using adhesive film. In case of damage to the design, the fragments remain in the film.

Disassembling damaged design

Replacing broken glass in the door with your own hands: Installation algorithm (video)

Thanks to the polymer film, the glass triplex during breaking does not scatter into small fragments.

Before proceeding to the operation of replacement of broken glass, it is necessary to release the opening from the fragments. For this work itself, it is necessary to protect yourself as much as possible, putting thick gloves and slippers on a solid sole. The latter is necessary if the shards of the glasses get into the floor.

At hand you need to have tools:

  • small light hammer;
  • wide slotted screwdriver or chisel;
  • dense paper;
  • broom and scoop.

In the doorway, weaken with a screwdriver or a chisel first the strokes from the top of the design, then from the bottom. Glass fragments remove: first large, then small. All debris carefully recycled, wrapping into paper. Only then the fasteners are removed at all.

If the door had a gasket (rubberized tape), it is required to carefully examine. It may also require replacement.

Installation of glass

Replace broken glass in the door easier if you remove it with loops. In this case, and measurements are easier. It is more accurate to determine the dimensions, making it up. To do this, it is enough to put the door to paper and circle the opening.

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Then the pattern is cut by 5 mm from all sides. Between the glass and the door it is necessary to leave the gap. Thanks to him, when sculpting wood, the glass will not be damaged. The clearance is closed by fasteners and gasket.

Glass is cut out only on the horizontal surface. The pattern is put under the canvas. It is advisable to cut the glass cutter according to a ruler made of wood.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the glass will be broken from the side of the cut. Cut the glass canvas with accurate solid single movement.

To replace the glass, the new canvas is installed in the opening. The adjoint installation is made in the reverse order. When the glass blank is securely fixed, the door is installed in place.

Algorithm for plant installation in a deaf door

Replacing broken glass in the door with your own hands: Installation algorithm (video)

Cut the glass is necessary solitary movement of glass cutter on the horizontal surface.

If the broken glass stood in the deaf door of the panel design, then the following steps will have to do for its replacement.

You need to prepare in advance:

  • glass canvas;
  • Lobzik;
  • drill;
  • glass cutter;
  • Planks for fastening glass in the door;
  • Pencil and dense paper for pattern.

At the 1st stage of work, fragments are removed, then removed the door and have it horizontally.

Watch the place of opening. It should be noted that indents from the edge of the door design must be in size for no less:

from above10 cm
On the sides15 cm
below40 cm

Leaving the stencil or pattern, cut out the opening. The corners drill the drill, the shape of the opening is litter with a jigsaw.

If the door design is hollow, then the opening is enhanced by filler.

After the place to replace the glass canvase is prepared, the mounting strips are installed around the opening. Paste the glass and mount the planks on the other side.

The door to operation is prepared, it can be installed in place.

Independently change the broken glass is not difficult if there is experience in cutting glass.

All other processes require only accuracy. In the same order, work is performed when replacing broken mirrors.

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