Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds


Cottage and vegetable garden instead of the resting place are often becoming a place of exhaust work. Hying, riding, bragging, pouring again, riding, explode and so in a circle. At the same time, the harvest is not always pleased. The situation can be changed. There is a special technology - a smart garden. The processed area decreases at times, the amount of water required for watering is reduced, the yield increases. This is not a fairy tale. Many have already switched to smart beds and they are all satisfied with the result.

What is a smart garden or smart beds

Smart vegetable garden allows you to obtain maximum yields with minimal labor costs. How? There are several basic rules and techniques: proper plantation planning, the turnover of plants planted, special growing technologies (in high beds, trenches), drip irrigation, mulching or use of underfloor material. All this has long been known and, for sure, many are already used. But it is in the complex that all these measures give what is called "Smart Garden". Because everything is done on the site.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

Smart vegetable garden - these are formed, often raised or high beds, in which the necessary conditions for plant growth are created

The main task of this technology is to do everything so that work in the country is not a grave service. It is possible if you approach the organization of the process with the mind. And quite in vain this technology is called "a vegetable garden for lazy." At the stage of arrangement, you have to work shimmer, but then everything will grow almost itself, but the first stage requires impact efforts.

Starting with the planning of the site. It is necessary to choose the location of the beds taking into account illumination. Then to develop a laying scheme along the plot of water pipes and lay them. At the same time, you can deal with the device of the bed. About this order. All this requires time, considerable effort and funds. Material costs may not be too large.

We plan to garden

If you already have a cottage or plot of land near the house, you probably have already come across the situation of oversupply of fruits, vegetables and berries. When the harvest has to hand out their relatives, neighbors, colleagues. But in order to grow it, I had to attach a lot of conditions. To avoid a similar situation, it is necessary to plan a harvest. Clear case, you will not get great accuracy, but the results close to the planned are possible.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

Smart vegetable garden - this is also the decoration of the site

We consider square gardening

The first thing to do is to sit down and think that and in what quantity you want to grow. Number of concrete - in kilograms. How much you need to "eat" and "close". Write a list of plants (in the column) and the desired harvest.

Deciding with the list of plants that you want to grow, sit down and look at the average yield, which can be achieved when growing in smart beds. It is given in the table. Since you are still inexperienced "Lazy Gardener", reduce it twice. Opposite each of the plants put the numbers. It is necessary to record in kilograms per square meter of the square.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

Exemplary yield of vegetables and greens when growing on smart beds

Now it is easy to calculate what area you need to take off under each type of plants: the desired harvest in kilograms divide on the middle yield for each of the types of plants. We get a sign of a square under vegetables, berries, greens, etc. If you add all these squares, find out how many beds you need. Here are these beds and you need to position on your site.

Most likely, you are surprised at how little space you need to go under the garden. And the truth is not enough. Some less than what we are accustomed to! In processing you will have a very little land. The vacated place can be taken under flower beds, rocaria, fountains and other decorations.

Where to have

Planning smart beds, it is necessary to consider the degree of illumination. Practically all the plants you need prefer solar places. In the half you can grow rhubarb, sorrel, onions (per pen, including). Perhaps all. Garden plants that would grow well in shaded places, there is no. Rather, they will grow to grow, but yield will decrease 3-4 times. Shadow plots should be left under the seating area or place there a floweruba plants there.

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Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

Location planning beds: only in the sun

Another principle of location of the beds: the more departure (clean irrigation) requires a culture, the closer to the entrance to the house it must be positioned:

  • Right next to the output should be a guy with a seedler.
  • Not far is a garden near Radish, salad.
  • Immediately or a little further - tomatoes, cucumbers, greens.
  • Even further - pepper, eggplants, cabbage of various species, beans, root.
  • On tasks - potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, corn, sunflower and perennial plants.
  • Further the garden.

    Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

    Circummer beds are placed as close to home

Why so plants? Because at the beginning of work on watering / weeding, gardeners are full of enthusiasm and plants get more water, weeds are carefully deleted. Gradually, the fervor will fall, water on the square of the square goes less, the treatment becomes less thorough. And with the approach proposed approach, the amount of water will be "just" and with the processing of the soil will be in order.

Light orientation and accurate place definition

If you want to get a harvest from the entire area of ​​the lazy garden, the location is north-south. Strictly. Only it will be fruit all the area. Also, place the sleepers for climber vegetables. Although they can be planted along the southern and eastern walls of buildings.

So that the smart garden was also beautiful, we need to think through where to put the beds. To do this, we take a plan of the area on a scale indicating the direction to the north / south. On it we draw all the buildings and capital tracks, water supply (special attention to the position of cranes), trees and shrubs. At the same time, we immediately delineate the shadow zones - there will not be vegetables here, this is a place for flowers, arbors, fountains.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

One of the beds for intelligent garden: High Circuit

From paper cut out the bed (on the same scale as the plan of the site). And we make their form that we plan: rectangle, square, circle, triangle, etc. The form is selected based on the planned area of ​​the area. And it does not have to be a boring rectangle. Since there will be enough free square (you remember that the beds are needed much less), then rationalism goes to the background, and we make the main emphasis on aesthetics. After all, few people work at the cottage "to have something to eat," basically it is also a pleasure. And what could be more pleasant to the beauty of the cultivated area?

So, every piece of paper denoting a smart bed, we subscribe - put the name of the culture or cultures (you can grow two to three and more on one ridge). Now we are looking for a place for each, taking into account the rules described above. In the course of the case, you can change the form of smart beds: in favor of beauty or convenience. When they found places, blaming the contours, tolerate the inscriptions. It remains only to realize the conceived.

Watering system

A significant part of the work in the garden is watering plants. If you use lazy beds, you will have to watered much less frequently. But even in this case, it is better to make pipe wiring on the site competently. You already have a location plan on your garden of beds. Now add flower beds there, bushes and trees. Get plan for placing plants that need to water. Now you should think about how to pave water pipes in the garden so that there are no more than 2-3 meters to any "irrigation object". If so do, then the small hose will have to pull to each bed, which is much easier.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

Homemade drip irrigation system from polymer pipes, water source - barrel

It is even better if a hose for drip irrigation will be laid in a smart garden. This will reduce water consumption and increase the harvest. Yes, at the same time. The hose for drip irrigation is a polyethylene tube with small holes through which water falls drops. When disembarking, plants are planting near the holes. As a result, water is fed to the root, the plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture, and the gaps between the plants remain only slightly moistened (due to the redistribution of moisture in the soil).

When using drip irrigation, you will have a little work. Open the crane, wait for a certain period of time, close the crane. Everything. The hoses for drip irrigation are for connecting to the water supply (sold on the Method), there are in the form of sets with a small pump, which will pump water from the tank. Spaning prices for hoses for drip irrigation solid - prices differ at times. No matter how limited your finances, do not take the cheapest hoses - they will serve no more than one season. It is better to overpay for the quality product and enjoy several years. When choosing kits for drip irrigation We still have to watch the irrigated area. But, most likely, it will arrange you, since lazy beds are rarely big. Read more about sets for drip irrigation and manufacturers here.

How to do smart / lazy beds

The principle of the structure of smart / lazy beds is that it is necessary to create ideal conditions for the development of plants and ease of processing for themselves. And what should plants? Nutrients, sufficient amount of light, air, moisture and lack of a large amount of weeds.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

Nutrients add nutrients when bookmark

Oxygen and nutrients

A sufficient amount of the sun was provided to them by placing the beds from the north to south. Next task - nutrients and air roots. All this lay down when forming a bed. Depending on the type of soil, we select the components, which in the "source material" lacks. In the middle lane of Russia, the main soil is clay and loam, therefore, it is usually added to the metacular degree of "maturity" (year, two and three). This is for fertilizers, and to facilitate soils - for better access of oxygen to roots. Along with the humus, bacteria and worms fall, which continue to process, enriching the soil and loose it instead of you.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

The yield from the square meter will be CSO which ...

If necessary, other fertilizers can be made - in the wells when landing or watering. Depends on cultures or wealth / poverty of the initial soils. The most common natural fertilizers - chicken litter and cow manure, ash. When making only a cow manure, you will be married. If you add some chicken litter, the bear will not, and the composition of the soil will become richer.

Preservation of moisture and wrestling of weeds

Moisture will partially be delivered to rain and dew, will partially have to add watering. And so that the water is less required, the entire bed space is not filled with plants, fall asleep mulch. Mulch, by the way, also reduces the number of weeds - the light is not enough for it.

The mulch can be used straw, beveled grass, sawdust, dirty needles, special mulch made of chips. All this can be used to mulch lazy beds. But all materials are imperfect. That is the advantages and disadvantages:

  • Straw overshadows quickly. On the one hand, it is good - the enrichment of the soil, on the other - you have to update about once a month.
  • Sleeping grass and plant residues. The lack of the same - quickly overload, but still "not very" looks. In addition, only the grass is suitable in which there are no seeds and "sores", otherwise you will have brown seedlings of fresh grass and a bunch of diseases with diseases.

    Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

    Implemented Earth protection from drying (mulching) and weed protection

  • Sawdust. More suitable large - look better. Fresh sawdust is not recommended to use, as they score the soil. It is necessary to mulch two or three year olds (folded in a bunch and store).
  • Fate needles. Excellent mulch. It looks beautiful, it does not overload for a long time, it contains a lot of bacteria and fungi for the soil.
  • Mulch of wood. It is obtained in the processing of branches and trunks of young trees. This is a great material for mulching the garden, but if you buy it, it turns out expensive. But you can make it yourself. You will probably have trees, bushes, vine. After trimming, it is necessary to invent something with cropped branches. With the presence of a garden chopper for branches, you solve this problem, and also your lazy garden provide first-class mulch.

There is another good output: to cover smart / lazy beds with a special covering material of black. They completely cover the surface of the beds, sometimes in two layers. Under the plants do small holes. Watering is produced directly on the material - it does not delay the water and the air, does not give rise to weeds, protects the soil from overheating. In general, everyone is good, except that it should be bought.

How to do them

With the general principles of creating intelligent vegetable garden, they will now specifically understand how to make a bed. According to them, it is impossible to walk, so they are necessarily required to disperse - stones, slate, iron, painted in half logs, boards ... It does not matter what, but the beds must be separated from the tracks. And since it is impossible to step in beds, the width of them should be such that you can freely process the soil.

Now about the width of smart beds. It depends on the type: they will be the usual height or raised. If the beds do at the ground level, their width is 80-100 cm. Sitting squatting or leaning around, you can handle such a width. If the beds are raised at least half a meter, it will work even more convenient. Do not only high beds. All possible cultivation technologies can be used:

  • Conductors. Their parameters: width up to 1 meter, height - 30-40 cm or 70-80 cm, length - any. It can be fenced with any material.
  • Groke-box. It is indispensable for the northern regions, since the soil garden is warmed faster. It is characterized by a smaller height - 15-20 cm, width 100-120 cm. Plants can be planted in any direction - along or across (but the rows necessarily have it from the north to south).
  • Narrow beds. The width of the beds is up to 0.5 meters, interdiments -1 m. May be at the ground level, but there must be aisle. Vegetables are planted in two rows in a checkerboard order.

    Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

    Yield when growing on narrow beds

  • Crickerels in barrel. Such are especially good for plenty plant: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins.
  • Groans-pit and ditch.
  • Vertical.

Now about the usual garden height is better or raised. For a truly lazy garden, it is better raised: when processing soils will have to strain less. But the device of high beds is troublesome and unprecedented business. So, for a start, you can get high beds only under the most difficult in the care of culture. And you can also use various containers / containers - under greens, salads, spicy plants. Cutting along large barrels, boxes. There are plastic containers on sale, which are manufactured specifically for intelligent vegetable garden. They can be placed at all on the tracks, near the entrance to the house.

The only culture that is not worth making raised beds - potatoes. It grows perfectly in trenches, and to do it much easier and faster.

Between the beds

The beds on the smart vegetable garden are separated, the distance between them is at least 60 cm (better than 90-100 cm or more). A solid distance that needs to be filled with something. Alone between the beds is not the best idea. Why then it is to be with separate beds to fight with weeds between them ... Therefore, you can or lay out / paving the tracks or falling by lawn grass. The best grass for our lawn is the shooting and wilderness of the selection. They grow rapidly, form a dense greens, which is not pulled out and even transfers work with a cart.

Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

So that not so much the space between the beds, it can be sealed with lawn grass. And beautiful and no dirt

The grass will need to be cut, so you need a lawn mower or trimmer. And the cutting grass can be started on mulch. Then, by the way, weeds will be displayed - they cannot withstand frequent haircuts.

Some tricks

The technology is called a smart garden not in vain. You can test different approaches, new items, experience "colleagues". There are several tricks that come during operation. One has already been told - about observer material. He really greatly simplifies care and mulch is not needed. There are still interesting ideas:

  • After "heavy" for the land of cultures to sow oats, peas, mustard, rapeseed. After a couple of weeks, juicy greenery grows. It can be left "under the snow", swing in the spring. Or overleep in front of the snow with greens. The goal here is double - young greenery overtakes, enriching the earth. This time. And two - no weeds grow, as the shoots are friendly.

    Garden for lazy and smart: how to make comfortable and fruit beds

    Such a crop rejoices

  • Use white covering material to extend the "country" season and getting an early harvest. Make arcs from a steel rod with a diameter of 8-1o mm. In the spunbonda, medium or high density are cooled by a width of 2 cm wide or more. Arcs are filled into them, the spunbond is sent to the wire to be free to be free. Portable mini-greenhouse is ready. Stick arcs on both ends of the garden. To close the plants from frosts, spunbond spread, you can open on the day by collecting all the material on the one hand. The same design will save from overheating in summer heat.
  • Put a large metal barrel in the corner of the site. To lay the Byrian and the remaining vegetable waste. To fill with water. Greens will quickly rot and this alive can be used for feeding. Only the barrel must be covered - the contents smell not in the best way.

Surely there are still tricks in the processing of intelligent vegetable garden. If we find out about them, I will definitely add an article.

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