Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step


The insulation of the walls of the plasterboard from the inside is one of the ways that it is possible to keep the heat is best. With it, it does not arise the need to lay an additional insulation, as the sheets of plasterboard sheets are very well kept warmly. In this article, I will tell you that you will be useful and how to insulate the walls with plasterboard.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside has its advantages, but also a significant minus: the useful area of ​​your apartment decreases. However, this method is quite common.

You need to choose it in cases where:

  • There is no technical possibility to insulate outside;
  • Outdoor insulation is available, but it does not provide a proper effect.

A question can be asked: what warning can we talk about if the plasterboard itself does not apply to insulation? So it is, but at the same time smooth and smooth sheets of plasterboard are ideal from the point of view of laying on them of any heat insulating material.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

True, I can say that the plasterboard itself indirectly also plays a latter role in the insulation of the premises. This is due to the fact that a "airbag" is formed between it and the insulation, which is very poorly transmitting heat.

Required tool and material

Before you begin to work, you need to prepare tools and materials in order not to be distracted in the process.

So you will need:

  1. Polyfoam (its thickness will depend on the degree of insulation that you need);
  2. glue composition (if you work the frameless method);
  3. spatula-rowing;
  4. primer emulsion;
  5. level;
  6. rule;
  7. drill;
  8. nozzle called "Mixer";
  9. Dowel for fastening foam (if insulation is performed by screwing);
  10. Self-dowel;
  11. Playproof film;
  12. plaster grid;
  13. suspended plates;
  14. Metal profiles to strengthen the frame or the insulation of the walls, if the mineral wool is used.

Choosing an internal insulation

Let's talk about the insulation for plasterboard sheets. Basically use three types of insulating materials that are well suited for this case. This includes:

  1. basalt wool;
  2. glass gaming;
  3. Styrofoam.

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Due to the permanent disputes of experts on the topic, how dangerous to health foam and expanded foam, their use is now not so wide as it was before.

The external similarity of basalt and glass cotton wool is indisputable, but at the same time they have many differences that you need to pay attention to. The first is, of course, the composition. The base of glass gambles - glass fibers, the base of basalt wool - the rock of magmatic origin. Second: thermal conductivity coefficient. Basalt wool this figure is lower than that of the "opponent", so the maintenance of heat is much better.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

A significant difference between these two materials is still visible in terms of refractoriness. Glasswater when exposed to fire and high temperature is simply sintered into a single mass, and basalt wool remains virtually unchanged.

In the work again - basalt wool is more convenient glass. Very thin fiber glass wool can cause an unpleasant itching, so it is necessary to take care of protective clothing, glasses, gloves and a respirator. When working with basalt cotton, it is enough to wear only gloves.

Important! If the fibers hit the fibers on the skin, it is necessary to wash them off with water. It is impossible to use the washcloth!

If we talk about savings, then the scale of the scales is definitely inclined in favor of glass gambles, which is among the most cheaper than basalt three times. But at the same time, you should not forget that you need to lay the glass wool in two, and even in three layers.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

Manufacturers offer to buy insulation both in stoves and rolls. Plates are much more convenient because in the process of insulation they do not need to cut them. Usually their width does not exceed 60 cm, which makes it possible to attach them between the racks of the so-called skeleton without any problems.

If you still have doubts, it will not be superfluous to view a couple of video clips that will help to imagine what and how.

Stages of isolation

First you need to clean the wall. In this case, do not listen only to the advice: cleaning-drying washing. This, of course, is blatant, but, unfortunately, not all. The more carefully the work surface will be prepared, the better the result will be.

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You need to trace so that moisture does not fall on the wall. It is this factor that will allow you not to worry about the state of the basis under the insulation quite a decent time.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

After cleaning, heave the walls with antiseptics or anti-epires - with special impregnating solutions. (With the wood such work must be made required!)

The wall must be aligned if it has significant bugs, and also to pay attention to not there are cracks and cracks. Because all this will pass warmly, without giving the insulation to perform its task.

Construction of carcass

Many thermal insulation materials can be glued right in place. However, do not forget that you still need to mount outdoor sheets. Therefore, for this you need to make a carrier frame, on which the plasterboard itself can be fixed on the rails.

Traditionally, the frame is mounted from wood, however, in my opinion, there are two significant minuses here:

  1. The weight of the designed frame can exit quite decent. Provided that the walls are made of cellular concrete may arise serious difficulties with the fastening.
  2. The framework is made taking into account the technical indicators of the selected insulation. The design is again extremely severe and only adds problems.

Therefore, experts advise to buy profiles specifically for laying under plasterboard, it will save time and strength. The best option is galvanized. Profiles from this material can be cut even with scissors.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

When attaching profiles, you need to look at the size of the sheets of plasterboard. Profiles themselves can be mounted as horizontally and vertically. Before laying profiles you need to stick a special ribbon on the frame. It will turn well on the sealing of the joints, reduce heat exchange and can help avoid deformation of the regions.

Control the alignment is needed by vertical and horizontal, it will give a guarantee of a flat surface.

Laying insulation

When you already have a framework, you can lay material in the formed "cells". Details of styling depend on the type of insulation that you have chosen. If you work with foam, do not forget about the fixation of the dowels.

Important! All joints must be sealed! The joints of the slabs are punctured by construction scotch, and between the plates and the ceiling to treat with a construction sealant.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

At this stage, I will advise you to watch a video that will bring concretps for your material.

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Laying vapor barrier material

Parosolation material protects against moisture accumulation in unnecessary places. Usually, a vapor polypoletor is a film on which pollination from foil is applied. The brilliant side must be addressed to the inner wall of the apartment. Paro-polyplator sheets need to be attached to the brand. For a guarantee, curse the joints with metallized scotch.

Plasterton covering

After the step of laying of vaporizolation is completed, you can begin to cover with plasterboard. It is produced by self-drawing. Sheet joints need to be sure, after which it is necessary to handle the skin and coat with some paintwork or stick the ribbon. This will help to avoid cracking of the shtlock.

Wall insulation with plasterboard from the inside - make step-by-step

Several recommendations so that you have an idea of ​​some nuances.

  1. Selecting insulation under drywall, be sure to pay attention to their dimensions, so as not to waste time, once again cutting something and customizing.
  2. The junctions should be as small as possible. It will keep warm in the apartment.
  3. Subject to the passage of communication highways along the wall, please note that the insulation must be under them.
  4. In order not to be disturbed by natural air circulation in the room, leave a small gap between the frames of the frame and insulation.

In conclusion, I will say that the insulation of the walls of the plasterboard has many advantages. This is not only the preservation of heat in your home, but also good noise insulation, which is important if you live near the railway, noisy street or tram line. To produce such insulation yourself by anyone, it is important to stock patience and attention.

Video "Plasterboard. Last installation "

Video on the warming of the walls of plasterboard. The video explains all the main stages of this work.

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