Machrovka fabric (FROTE): Properties, Composition, Material Care


Soft terry towels, sheets, sliders and blouses Meet the newborn from the first days of its appearance. But in the subsequent years of life, the familiar comfort and hygiene is unthinkable without this fluffy fabric. In the surprise, such a material is called "Mahra", and its official name "FLOT fabric" comes from the French verb "Rutter".

Mahry varieties

Machrovka fabric (FROTE): Properties, Composition, Material Care

A feature of FROTE is the presence of a long thread pile on one or two sides of the canvas. This pile is formed by pulling on the surface of the loops of a loose filament of the base. The loops can be continuous (the price of such a tissue is the lowest), ripped and even form a relief ornament. As a result of the fact that the base of the Mahra is tensioned weakly, this tissue has a loose structure and can be deformed, including after washing, but this is not considered its disadvantage.

For the manufacture of FROTE, natural fibers are used - cotton, less often flax.

The luxury is the terry fabric and bamboo towels, which are distinguished by special softness and silkiness.

The basis of the Mahra, which goes to tailoring halt and other home clothing is added, a polyester thread is added, which helps reduce its ability to stretch. The content of synthetic fibers in the terry fabric should not exceed 20% . At the unfair manufacturer, the ratio of synthetics -chlopok can be large, and such towels poorly absorb water, although their price is low.

The main characteristics of the terry fabric are the method of twisting the thread, the heel of the loop and the density. The higher the high density, which is determined by the weight of the square meter of the canvas in grams, the more fluffy the product will be. This indicator may vary from 300 to 800. Also, the degree of fluffyness of the pile depends on the height height and on the degree of twist the thread.

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Basic properties

Loose structure, soft long pile, natural composition, a variety of density give FROTE unique properties with which no other material can be compared. These properties are:

Machrovka fabric (FROTE): Properties, Composition, Material Care

  • Unique hygroscopicity due to the large surface of the Village;
  • the ability to warm in cold and remove excessive heat in the heat;
  • strength and resistance to wear;
  • Micro-massage of the skin;
  • Ecology and hypoallergenicity;
  • low price and naturalness;
  • resistance to microflora and small insect;
  • Decorativeness and color resistance.

However, along with advantages, these fabrics are not devoid of flaws. These include:

  • Unstopiness of the Village to mechanical effects and spontaneous pulling;
  • long drying time;
  • The seminaz, which terry loops make not too noticeable;
  • Pretty big weight.

Features of terry products

The main share of the assortment of terry tissues is towels of various sizes and destination. Their price depends on many parameters, ranging from the quality of raw materials and ending with the originality of the finish. When choosing a towel orient, first of all, on its size. As for the ability to absorb, then it is the greater, the higher the tissue density and the thick of the villi, however, such a towel will have a lot of weight and volume. It is believed that cotton has less hygroscopicity than bamboo, but its price is significantly lower.

Machrovka fabric (FROTE): Properties, Composition, Material Care

The ability to absorb moisture, massage the skin, not irritating it, good "breathable" properties made FROTE one of the most used fabrics for:

  • Bath and homely bathrobes: - supplier of terry bathrobes;
  • pajamas;
  • sheets;
  • bed linen;
  • children's clothing;
  • socks;
  • orthopedic stelc;
  • cozy and lightweight home slippers;
  • mats and covered;
  • Covers on pillows, mattresses, various household items.

The terry sheets and pillowcases are indispensable in the cold season, besides, they are stronger than Bosi, do not require iron, and their price is low.

Not so long ago, women's reusable gaskets of a new type appeared on the market, which serves a white terry fabric; Their price ranges from 10 dollars and above.

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How to wash and do you need to stroke?

Due to the fact that things are from terry fabrics, and especially towels, are intended for individual needs, they should be washed at high temperature. High quality product can withstand at least 500 washing cycles, without losing its fluffy structure.

The main rules of washing Mahra are as follows:

  • Things are best overwhelmed in the car at 60 degrees, the white natural fabric carries higher temperatures;
  • preferable, especially for gentle tissues, apply liquid tools for washing;
  • It is recommended to apply a spin (up to 800 rpm) and machine drying mode;
  • So that things are well detained, the water saving mode should not be applied;
  • The terry fabric should not be emitted simultaneously with the products equipped with a metal fitness, for which the villus can be caught.

FROTE does not need an iron, moreover, when contacting a hot iron, the fabric becomes ugly and loses absorbing properties . If necessary, the product can be sipped.

Such common problem, like an elongated thread of the Mahra, is solved very simply - cut off with scissors.

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