7 secrets cozy bedroom


The bedroom is a room that should look comfortably and comfortable. People get tired after hard working days, and only full rest can help restore forces. And if the bedroom is incorrect, rest becomes poor quality. Let's find out what secrets will help make the bedroom cozy.

7 secrets cozy bedroom


It is important that the bedroom is in bright shades. This makes the atmosphere easy, positive. Pastel colors will help a person calm down and relax. But you can make a room in dark colors. They will make the bedroom luxurious and cozy. Even in a small room you can make some dark colors.

7 secrets cozy bedroom

In the bedroom you can combine colors. The ideal basis will be the following:

  1. White.
  2. Green.
  3. Yellow.
  4. Blue.
  5. Turquoise.
  6. Brown.
  7. Sand.
  8. Golden.

But you can add any others to these colors. Even aggressive red, black or purple, but do not overdo it.

7 secrets cozy bedroom

The presence of natural wood

This material is considered one of the most relevant and used for any styles. . The tree can create a warm and cozy atmosphere that promotes rest. This finish can also be used for walls and for ceiling with floor. Light bedding will be well released on a similar background, creating the impression of snow.

7 secrets cozy bedroom


Light is one of the most important parts of the bedroom. . It is important that there are several lamps in the room. . It is best to choose volumetric and multi-level lighting usually use multiple sources for this, which are located in different places. You can put several point lamps or wall models. Also, the light is well combined with the mirror, the latter reflects it and makes it scattered and reflects throughout the room.

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7 secrets cozy bedroom


Textures and volume are one of the most important steps of the bedroom. Try to decorate the room with pillows, plaids, carpets and bedspreads.

7 secrets cozy bedroom


A person spends a lot of time on the bed, so she needs to pay special attention. Quality fabrics will make sleep more pleasant. You should not use only white linen. Decorate it with dark and rich colors. It looks modern.

7 secrets cozy bedroom

You can choose underwear into a cage or strip. It is important that a light shade prevailed, it creates an atmosphere of freshness.

Bedside table

An important part of the bedroom. The bedside table is needed for storing magazines, books, as well as storage of a small lamp . You can make a small rack by the bed. Also a good idea will put as far as plants on the bedside table.

7 secrets cozy bedroom

And the piece of furniture does not have to be standard. You can decorate the bedside tables with steps, suitcases or real hemp, making the bedroom exclusive.

7 secrets cozy bedroom


Revinct the interior of the room can be a bouquet of colors. Suitable both alive and decorative flowers in pots. It is important that the colors in the room there are not much, and their smell did not spoil the fresh atmosphere indoors. Roses and violets are suitable as living colors, but the choice is quite large.

7 secrets cozy bedroom

The pot is a separate part of the decor. It is recommended to choose a small product. Try using a pot with different patterns.

7 secrets cozy bedroom

The bedroom is a place where people relax. It should not be too cluttered. Try to decorate it, but use minimum scenery items, better find them another room or do not use at all. Bedrooms with a lot of figurines, books and other baubles look uncomfortable, it adversely affects sleep. The bedroom is important lighting and color gamut.

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7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

7 secrets cozy bedroom

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