Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons


Tension ceiling device in the bathroom - Original solution . But there are not only advantages, but also the disadvantages of this decision that should be considered.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Cons of stretch ceiling in the bathroom

The main disadvantage of the ceiling device is the absence of ventilation bathroom. The material from which the ceiling is made is powered by rubber, and it in turn does not give to "breathe" the surface, so the fungus is formed. Mold will appear rather than on a painted base due to the fact that it does not ventilate between the ceiling and the ceiling.

If the ceiling height is large and there is a hole for ventilation, such a casus may not occur, but it is necessary to ensure that the ventilation is always cleaned and worked.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

There is another significant minus of the tension ceiling device in the bathroom - the property of delaying water, which was formed as a result of the flood from the top floor. To eliminate an abnormal situation, it is enough to cause masters and drain the liquid, but the surface of the ceiling will remain humid, and this will provoke the formation of fungus. But if the ceiling height is more than 3 meters and there is a vent hole, the stove will gradually dry, which will not give mold to form.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

By cons device of the stretch ceiling include:

  1. Vulnerability to mechanical damage. The material is elastic, therefore, the negative impact on it will be cutting and stuck items.
  2. When choosing lamps should be limited to. Since the material cannot be heated strongly, it is recommended to choose halogen or LED lamps.

Attention. Before making a decision on the ceiling device, it is recommended to take into account all the cons.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Distinctive features and pluses of stretch ceiling in the bathroom

PVC material is ideal for decoration of rooms with high humidity. List of essential advantages:

  1. Easy to wash with simple means.
  2. The ability to resist flooding from the upper floors.
  3. Low cost.

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Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Although there is a phenol in the material, but it does not have a harmful effect on the environment, since the substance can pollute the space only with severe heating.

Pluses of the ceiling:

  1. If the room is small, then with the help of the ceiling it is easy to achieve an increase in volume, as it has a property to reflect, so the bathroom will become more spacious.
  2. Moisture resistant. The material does not absorb moisture absolutely, so you can not worry about the surface of the surface when taking a bath or soul. From condensate there is no divorce and traces, as water drops dry quickly.
  3. Ecology . Harmful substances are not allocated.
  4. Hygienicity. Harmful bacteria and fungi can not take care and multiply, so cleanliness remains in the bathroom.
  5. Easy cleaning . High antistatic properties do not allow pester dust, so it is easy to maintain purity and order.
  6. Speed ​​mounting. The device of the stretch ceiling is performed in a short time, and the garbage will not be.
  7. Duration of operation. If all work is done correctly, then the stretch ceiling can be operated for 25 years.

It is worth noting. Disadvantages of construction work is easy to disguise.

  1. Fire safety. The film will not burn, it gradually melts.
  2. With other types of finishes perfectly combined.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

The market shows the material for tensioning the ceiling in conditions of high humidity in the assortment. Today, these coatings are consumer demand, as they are economical and accessible to almost everyone.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom (1 video)

Stretch ceiling in the interior of the bathroom (6 photos)

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom: pros and cons

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