How to make a Christmas tree made of girlfriend: Popular master classes


Christmas tree - the main symbol of the new year. Green beauty can be purchased at every corner. But for this it is not necessary to spend money. After all, make a New Year's Christmas tree at home with their own hands very easy. For this, various and unusual materials are used. Today we will look at how to make a New Year tree with your own hands from the remedies.

How to make a Christmas tree

Christmas tree made of cones (MK)

If there are children in the house, they can be attracted to the creation of the Christmas tree. For this, only cones and plasticine will be needed. You only need to teach little balls from plasticies. So that the fake look really festively used plasticine of bright shades. The base for the Christmas tree will serve as an ordinary coil from threads. She is overstated by foil, which will give her an elegant look.

It will only be left to glue a bump to the coil and fasten the balls from plasticine or other material on the mini christmas tree.

How to make a Christmas tree

If you like the idea, you can convert it somewhat. With the help of acrylic paint, any shade gives a chish. Of course, the traditional option is green. If you paint the tips of the bumps into white, it will create the visibility of snow. The base is made of brown plasticine, and a star from the most material is used as decoration.

It is worth noting that the decorations on the Christmas tree should be a bit, otherwise the handicraft will look not aesthetic.

How to make a Christmas tree

Another master class provides for the use of beads or beads. They will act as the Christmas tree decorations from the bump. The work is very thin and painstaking, so it is better to do it yourself. With the help of the adhesive gun, the beads sticks to the chish. A coil from threads or plasticine is suitable as a stand.

Unusual fakes from the bump look elegant and exclusively. They will become an original home decoration.

How to make a Christmas tree

Big Christmas trees are constructed from the cones. But for this you will need a cone from dense cardboard. This will make it possible to build a reliable frame for future beauty. Cones are glued to the cone. They are located tight. When the glue dries, the Christmas tree decorate large beads or other decorations.

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How to make a Christmas tree

New Year's Beauty from Mishura (MK)

The decorative christmas tree is made with their own hands from various materials. A good option will be the use of tinsel.

To make such a fake, you need to acquire basic materials:

  • Dense cardboard;
  • tinsel;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The basis will serve a cone from dense cardboard, it is simply manufactured:

1. Draw on a cardboard sheet an even circle (the more its radius, the higher the cone is obtained).

2. Cut the circle with scissors around the edge.

3. Divide the circle into 4 parts by two perpendicular lines intersecting in the center of the figure.

4. Cut one quarter, twist the adjacent edges and glue their flashes.

How to make a Christmas tree
The process of making a Christmas tree from Mishura

Next remains decoration of the Christmas tree. With the help of the glue gun, Mishur on the spiral passes on the cone. The peculiarity of such a fake is that it does not need decoration. Mishur and so has a festive and brilliant look.

If desired, you can use different scenery. When choosing the decoration, the size of the fake is taken into account. The composition should look organically.

How to make a Christmas tree

On video: How to make a Christmas tree from Mishura.

Paper crafts (2 MK)

Make a Christmas tree out of paper or cardboard for home is very easy. It will become the perfect decoration for the children's room.

How to make a Christmas tree
Christmas tree from cardboard

For its manufacture you will need:

  • Dense cardboard;
  • markers and paints;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • Sequins.

The manufacture of fake includes the following steps:

1. Cardboard needs to be bent in half. With the help of scissors, it is cut along the fold line. The resulting segments are arranged between themselves and again bend in half.

How to make a Christmas tree
Cardboard bend in half and cut

2. Opposite the folding line is scheduled to half the Christmas tree. There is a cut on the planned line. At the end of the process, two identical billets should work.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
We look at the outline of the Christmas tree and cut out

4. Billets are neatly bend in half. Charged a marker center. With the help of scissors, an incision is made. It begins with the top of the workpiece and goes to the middle. On another billet, the incision begins at the bottom and ends in the middle.

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How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
We find the middle and make an incision

5. The resulting Christmas trees are connected to each other with the groove made. To give the design of stability, the details are fixed with scotch.

Matting paper is ready. It remains only to embellish it. Here they use decorations from paper or cardboard. The tree can have different sizes and shapes.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
Ready Christmas tree

Consider another master class on the manufacture of New Year's beauty from paper. For this we need:

  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • Malyary and Stationery Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
Colored paper tree

To make a Christmas tree with your own hands, you need to do the following:

1. From dense cardboard you need to make a cone that will act as the basis of the design.

2. Colored paper is cut into strips of a small width. The size of the strip is determined to the eye. It all depends on the magnitude of the fake manufactured.

3. The ends of the strips are neatly folded and glued together with scotch. As a result, it turns out a loop of paper.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
We make stripes and glue their ends

4. The billets obtained one after the other are pasted on the greasy tape. Scotch with loops pasted on a cardboard cone in a circle. Such stickers are made to the top of the top. It is worth considering the length of each garland.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
Details glued to a cardboard cone

It is not necessary to decorate unusual fakes, as they look elegantly and elegantly. Decorative paper Christmas tree with their own hands is ideal for designing any room.

Big New Year tree (MK)

You can try to make a larger sized tree with a metal frame. This will require a welding machine and male force. Such a decorative Christmas tree can be completely replaced by a real New Year tree.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands

Production of the product is carried out in such a sequence:

1. It is necessary to estimate the desired height and lower christmas diameter. According to the parameters received, manufacture a pillar. To do this, use a metal pipe. The reference column may consist of several elements that are connected to each other with couplings.

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2. For the manufacture of the base, three segments of the metal pipe are used, the length of which will be approximately 20-30 cm. Three-way support is manufactured, for this, the ends of the tubes on one side are welded. It turns out something like a mark of Mercedes.

3. In the middle of the connection of the foot elements, the support column is welded. It is necessary to trace the metal pipe at that time in a strictly vertical position.

4. Tubes are welded to the support post long 10-15 cm. Their diameter corresponds to the thickness of the branches that will be used further for the assembly of the Christmas tree. Here work needs to be done very carefully and carefully, since this will depend on this form of the New Year tree.

5. When the base and post will be ready, they are painted with dark green paint and leave for some time to dry.

6. The design is installed on a flat platform. It is necessary to carefully check that there is no distortion that can lead to a fall of the tree.

7. If the design is reliably, you can proceed directly to the installation of coniferous branches (you can take both real and artificial). Here they pay attention to the fact that they evenly closed the pillar and created the shaped christmas tree. It is better to use lush branches, which will significantly simplify the task.

Here is a tree under the very ceiling ready. The base can be easily covered with the remaining branches. They attach a solid. It remains only to adjust the New Year's Beauty. For this use real Christmas toys. Do not forget about the electric garlands, which will give the woods of shine and beauty.

Christmas tree of paper and beads (2 video)

Ideas for creating a Christmas tree (38 photos)

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

How to make a New Year tree for home with your own hands: The best master classes

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