[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?


Gloxinia is a representative of the genus of heesnery. The flower came to us from Central and South America. The plant received its name through the doctor and nerd Pheetr Gloxy. In this article you can familiarize yourself with information about the care of this beautiful plant.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

Location of flower

This plant requires bright and scattered solar color. Perfectly stand flower will be on the windowsill at the window. The eastern and west will fit well.

The northern part for Gloxinia is not so good, since there is extremely dark and will have to be heated independently with the help of luminescent lamps. The south side is the opposite too light for him, so if it is necessary to install a plant there, then you need to create a small tenchene.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

It is necessary to place a flower near the window, but to ensure that the straight rays of the sun do not fall on it. At the location of the flower there should not be drafts and all the more severe wind. In the spring, summer and autumn pores of the Year of the Year, the Gloxinia exists comfortably under room temperature, but at the time of winter rest it is necessary to contain a plant at a temperature of 7-10 degrees.

Watering Gloxia

For irrigation, it is necessary to use only filtered water, but if such a possibility is not available, then it should be given to water at least imagine. The water temperature should exceed the room for several degrees.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

You should know! It is necessary to add water directly to the pot or use the pallet. It is important to follow and prevent water from entering the leaves and flowers of Gloxinia.

Starting from the spring period by the end of August, it is necessary to water the plant no more than 2-3 days, so that the upper layer of the soil had the opportunity to dry a little. Excess water should be merged from the pallet. There should be no complete drying of the soil, nor her inching.

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At the end of the summer, it is necessary to increase the duration of the intervals between watering for a couple of days, and after the leaves of the plant disappear, moistening should be stopped at all.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

Care after flowering

At the end of the first bloom, it is still too early to begin preparation for the winter. It is necessary to cut the trunk to the first or at least to the first pairs of leaves using the scissors or a sharp knife.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

This manipulation is necessary for stimulating secondary flowering, after which the flower will begin to prepare for rest.


Start feeding the plant should be 2-3 times a month before the second week of August, and it is necessary to start this process one month after the start of the germination of the leaves. If you do not fertilize the plant at all, it should not count on large and thick flowers.

There are special fertilizers that are intended for flowering plants, they are also called complex. They are necessary for the fertilizer of this flower. The dosage is set by the manufacturer of fertilizers, it is important to adhere to it and not to move away from the norm. In winter and in the process of preparing for it, fertilize the plant is not needed.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

It is important to understand! Fracturing nutrients from fertilizers can also harm the plant.

Preparation for winter peace

Zimovka or the period of rest in Gloxinia begins in mid-October or in early November, and it ends in March in March. During the preparation for winter, the leaves of the plant begins to gradually turn yellow and fall.

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

After full of leaves, the plant ends the preparation. At this time, you need to get the tuber from the pot, and then remove the dried roots with the leaves, pre-smoking it from the ground.

After it is necessary to put the tuber in the package, falling asleep with peat. Keep it in the package is necessary in a dark and cool place before the onset of spring. The fruit compartment of the refrigerator is perfect for this.

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Gloxinia: How to grow Gloxinia (1 video)

Gloxinia in the interior (7 photos)

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

[Plants in the house] Gloxinia: how to care for?

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