How to mount platbands on the door: 4 main options


Door platbands are used mainly in order to hide its disadvantages that occur during work related to its installation. Also, they simply add it, making it more beautiful and attractive. If a person buys a new design, he needs to determine how to fix the platbands on the door. In fact, there are several methods of how it can be done.

How to mount platbands on the door: 4 main options

Types of door platbands.

Next will be considered 4 methods. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Not all can be used in one situation or another. It will be described in detail how each of them can be used. Door platbands can be the most real interior decoration or simply spoil it. It all depends on the proper selection.

Tools and materials

Of course, before starting the installation of door trim, it is mandatory to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. So, you need to purchase:

How to mount platbands on the door: 4 main options

Tools for mounting platbands doors.

  • boxes;
  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • Finish nails;
  • liquid Nails;
  • Tree drill;
  • pencil;
  • Wooden platbands on latches.

It is this set is quite enough to perform one of the proposed mounts. Of course, in each case, it is worth seeking only to the things that are necessary.

Application of finishing nails

This method of fastening door platbands is used quite often. This is because it is simple enough. Thanks to this method, you can remove the platband and install it in a right place at any time. Work is carried out quickly enough, if not to say that primitively. Specialists recommend applying non-ordinary nails, but those that have a flattened surface from above. Their length should be approximately 4 cm.

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Cooling circuit with dimensions.

In this case, the diameter is selected at least 1.5 mm. Here you can think about a little easy work. To score nails directly to the platband is quite difficult. Moreover, this procedure can harm the structural element.

To this not happen, you can use a drill. It will drill holes in the platband. They need to be located at a distance of approximately 5-7 cm from each other. Only so you can achieve an acceptable result. Many may think about the fact that nails that will strike outside the design can spoil the overall aesthetics. In fact, from this defect you can easily get rid of it. To do this, there are booths. With their help and remove nails hats. You can paint with a wax pencil.

This method is also effective enough. No one will understand from afar, the door platbands are fixed with nails. Now you can state the fact that the work is completed, which means that the first method is fully reviewed. Now you can go to the second option.

Use of liquid nails

This method has certain limitations. It can only be used in cases where the platbands are made of MDF panels. In this case, the surface on which the mount is performed must necessarily be perfectly smooth. The work itself is quite simple, if not to say that primitive.

How to mount platbands on the door: 4 main options

Door platband installation circuit.

On the reverse side of the platband, we need to apply liquid nails, and then lean it with this side to the wall. Then, in mandatory, it is necessary to pressed so that both surfaces tightly grabbed each other.

After that, the platband is removed from the wall. Then you need to wait about two minutes before proceeding to further actions. After that, the platband is applied again to the same place. It is not worth keeping it, as one material will be attached to another for a long time. To fix the door trims on their rightful place to use the scotch. It is necessary to immediately select the main advantage of this method.

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It lies in the fact that there are no traces of mechanical impact on the front side of the platband. This allows you to preserve the aesthetics of the room, and often this is the main thing that is required from the platbands. If a person decides to remove them, then it will be extremely difficult to do it. The thing is that liquid nails are characterized by fairly high strength indicators. However, if there is an opportunity, it is this way that is worth using how one of the most reliable.

Mounting with screws

How to mount platbands on the door: 4 main options

Fastening of sub-arts finish nails is characterized by simplicity and reliability.

Fastening with screws is a standard option. It allows you to create a really high-quality connection. It is necessary to work with a tree, which means that the self-tapping screws should be used for this material. Fortunately, the modern market offers many a wide variety of solutions. As for the fastener length, it must be at least 2 cm.

It is best to use a screwdriver or drill to work. With their help, screw the screws will be much easier. In order for fasteners did not look out over the platband, it is necessary to do small holes with a pre-prepared drill. It takes a sufficiently large diameter so that it can be easily working with the surface.

Self-tapping screws do not always look attractive, so if possible, their caps should be hidden.

This uses various solutions. For example, you can no special problems buy special decorative lining. A wax pencil will cope with this task. It will eliminate the defect in a few seconds. After that, the door will look very beautiful and attractive.

Application on latches

This attachment method was also widely widespread. Outwardly, such a platband reminds a bit of the letter G. It is for it and called a platband with a beak. This is the easiest attachment method. That part of the part that has the largest dimensions is placed in a special recess. After that, it is hosted. This method is although popular, but has some drawbacks.

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The most important thing is that the platband itself can gradually decrease. This is due to the fact that the fastening itself damages it as a result of removal or putting on. This very often leads to the fact that at the place of the joint of the platband is simply destroyed. MDF panels are not as powerful as other versions. After several such repetitions, the likelihood of which will have to use glue as an additional fastening. This can lead to the creation of a deline connection. As a result of such manipulations, the appearance of platbands suffers.

So, the above four main options for fastening door triggers were considered. As it is clear, they all have the right to exist. Each of them has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. It is very important in a specific situation correctly determine the optimal fastening option.

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