We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules


We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

Wallpaper in the corridor is the first thing that attracts the attention of any person by choosing wallpapers in the corridor, the design must be complemented, and also fit into the interior of the apartment. After all, non-compliance with this requirement is fraught with unpleasant consequences, as a result of which a positive first impression and harmony cannot be achieved.

How to choose the way to choose the wallpaper in the interior of the corridor

Before you begin to decorate the walls of the corridor with wallpaper, it is recommended to pay special attention to the choice of materials for repair. But besides the selection of wallpaper, it is necessary to take care of the selection of the most suitable shade of the wallpaper. For example, for the hallway, you should not choose bright and not dense wallpaper. After all, after some time, they can deform or covered with spots. This is due to the large dust accumulation.

That is, if it is necessary to make high-quality repairs, able to serve for many years it is necessary to carefully select the material.

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

Select the wallpaper for the corridor is based on its sizes.

The wallpaper material in the corridor must comply with the basic requirements:

  • Wallpapers must be durable, as well as wear-resistant;
  • It is better to choose an elastic coating;
  • It is necessary to take care that the appearance of the canvas fit well into the overall interior of the apartment.

Now designers are advised, if possible, refuse to use paper materials. After all, they do not have appropriate positive characteristics (the material has a low moisture resistance, quickly absorbs dirt and burns out). Therefore, it is better to give preference more durable and high-quality wallpaper.

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Types of fashion wallpapers on the corridor in the apartment: new

It should be noted that many owners prefer to use the usual paper canvases to finish the walls. This is explained by the fact that the material is "breathing" and environmentally friendly. In such people, designers recommend to shuffle the walls of the corridor with duplex paper wallpaper.

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

Modern wallpapers for the type of manufacture are: natural, vinyl, photo wallpaper, fiberglass

In 2019, fashionable walls will be fashionable:

  1. Fliselinic, as well as vinyl. Both of these material are considered fairly expensive, but they will justify the high cost. Products are resistant to mechanical damage, therefore are considered durable and reliable. Thanks to a large assortment, it is not difficult to choose the desired color and the texture. There are also novelties designed to paint.
  2. Wallpaper fiberglass. This option is great for decorating the corridor. The material is characterized as a durable and durable. However, such wallpapers are not with drawings or patterns. Therefore, they are used in the styles of High-tech, classics or modern.
  3. Natural canvas. They are not durable, but the advantages of this finishing material in the interior are their naturalness (consist of bamboo or silk) and environmental purity.
  4. Wall mural. If the corridor needs to be bright, this option is best suited. Moreover, ideas for the canvases can be any.

Wallpaper for the corridor, photo 2019: What will happen in fashion

It should be noted that the corridor is considered to be space located between two rooms. And the hallway is a space that attracts the look immediately after the entrance to the apartment. That is, from what the design will be the first impression from the apartment in this zone.

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

Stylish wallpaper in the corridor should be light and air

In 2019, the hallway will be appropriate in the corridor.

  1. Conciseness. We should choose materials with accurate, as well as concise patterns. They must have a modest, and even discreet design. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid a preceptivity notch.
  2. Airiness. Now it is fashionable to open space in the apartment. That is, instead of the gulling wealth of the interior, it is necessary to focus on freedom.
  3. Contrast. Thanks to unusual combined solutions, the corridor becomes unusual and interesting. It is better to focus on one bright zone, and to finish the rest of the wall to use neutral canvases.
  4. Naturalness. Despite the high cost of materials, it is natural wallpaper that will be appropriate in 2019. Fashionable canvas from bamboo, flax or jute will help achieve naturalness and harmony.

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The fashion will also have an artificial connection of several styles in the interior (eclectication). However, this topic is not recommended to use in small rooms.

Fashionable wallpapers in the corridor: color ideas

Selecting the wallpaper for the corridor it is important to take care of the right choice of color of the canvase. The features of this room should be taken into account, its size, as well as lighting. Light tones (beige or peach) are better suited for dark corridors.

If it is necessary to make the interior dynamic, it is recommended to stop your choice on materials with darker patterns, and any wallpaper will be suitable for a well-lit hallway.

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

The color of the wallpaper for the corridor must be selected from its dimensions, as well as the personal preferences of the host itself

In 2019, for a corridor, fashion will be wallpapers, made in cold light colors. If you need to decorate the room with brighter materials, it is better to use the Loft style in the interior.

Experienced designers advise comply with several rules when choosing a wallpaper:

  1. In narrow corridors for visual increase in space, it is necessary to make walls with light canvases.
  2. When using warm tones, it is better to make a small focus in the interior of the room.
  3. For non-standard hallways, it is recommended to resort to the combination of wallpaper. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to achieve the effect of free space.

When choosing the color of the wallpaper should not be in a hurry, because only the correct combination of the tones will provide an excellent result.

Fashionable liquid wallpapers in the corridor in the interior, photo

Some home prefer to create design in the corridor. But what wallpapers are suitable for this? With the help of special liquid wallpapers for the walls, you can convert the room by making it unusual and modern. When working with this finishing material, it is possible to independently make interesting patterns or beautiful drawings. In addition, similar wallpapers even if they create an image of luxury monotonous.

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We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

Liquid wallpapers - excellent material for decoration of walls in the corridor, it is rather wear-resistant and has excellent thermal insulation

Liquid wallpapers have the following characteristics:

  • It is characteristic of antistaticity and good wear resistance;
  • For material are inherent: sound, as well as heat insulation;
  • The mixture is characterized by environmental friendliness;
  • Wallpapers are considered durable.

The liquid material for the walls is applied on the surface like plaster. Therefore, working with similar wallpaper may not even have experiences.

When choosing liquid wallpapers, the characteristics of the room should be guided. For example, if there are windows in the hall, the material must have resistant to ultraviolet. If domestic animals live in the apartment, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a mixture with a good protective layer.

Wallpaper design in the corridor (video)

To make a corridor fashionable and modern one should carefully choose materials for walls, as well as take into account the features of the surrounding interior. It will only be possible to create a stylish and interesting design without professional design assistance.

Examples of wallpaper in the corridor (photo in the interior)

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

We select wallpapers in the corridor: design, photo and 3 rules

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