Room interior 17 sq m


Room interior 17 sq m

There are many ways to create an original and stylish interior design of the room, the size of which can be called "middle". Of course, the room is 17 square meters. Meters will not give our fantasy as it should be roasted, however, it will allow you to accommodate all the necessary furniture items and decor elements. Let's consider a way to form such an interior on the example of a kitchen combined with a living room in a studio apartment and a regular bedroom.

Kitchen and room in one room

Combining the kitchen and hall is a fashionable solution that is ideal for interior design of a one-room apartment. Such an apartment in which there is no partition between the key premises is called the Studio Apartment. This interior design is especially relevant for very small apartments (just, such as in our example, the size of only 17 square meters).

Room interior 17 sq m

To create an ideal studio apartment in a one-bedroom room, which will accommodate not only all the necessary kitchen items, hall, but also a small sleeping place, you need to follow certain rules. Designers allocated four rules for creating a kitchen combined with a living room on an area of ​​17 square meters. Meters:

  1. The rule is first. Strictly delimit the kitchen and living room. Anyone, who first came to your one-room apartment, should be clearly understood where the kitchen room is located, and where is the hall room.
  2. Rule second. Use the correct combination of colors. Remember that one-bedroom apartment is not the most suitable place for creative experiments. It is better to use neutral colors, which, most likely, will like most people.
  3. Rule third. Try to visually increase the room of your room of 17 square meters. meters. There are many ways to do this, but the most important is the predominance of bright tones in everything, whether furniture, decor or decoration.
  4. Rule fourth. Proper attention to the issue of lighting. Brighter light in the kitchen area, muted - in the zone of the hall and bedrooms.

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Room interior 17 sq m

Bedroom decoration of 17 square meters. meters

If you do not live in a one-room apartment and you have the opportunity to allocate one room, which will perform the role of solely bedrooms, and not, say, the hall, then 17 square meters. Meters for it will be quite enough. On this area you can create a cozy nest, in which you will be comfortable to relax.

Room interior 17 sq m

So, the design of such a bedroom should include the following furniture items:

  1. A full-fledged spacious bed (one should not replace it on the sofa, even on the most convenient).
  2. Wardrobe zone. The design of this zone can be diverse, for example, it can be a wardrobe or standard classic style wardrobe.
  3. Dressers and shelves, the number of which depends on your preferences and needs. Please note that the hinged shelves look better in the interior design of the bedroom and significantly save space.
  4. Two bedside tables. They can also be suspended, but it is desirable that they do not rise above the bed, as it rules the design.
  5. Tube tube, if you want to place it in your bedroom. However, you can do without such a cupboard, simply hanging the TV on the wall. This is another way to save space.

Room interior 17 sq m

As for the arrangement of the listed items of furniture, it always depends on the form of the room. The elongated bedroom and the square bedroom will have completely different requirements for the placement of furniture and decor items.

Room interior 17 sq m

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