How to connect jacuzzi to the power grid



Modern life dictates new trends. Now many no longer want to simply install the bath. Jacuzzi is a new selection of consumers. This hydromassage bath can be bought in any, even the smallest town. The standard of living in our country is gradually growing. This leads to the fact that more and more things that have ever seemed to be amazing, appear in the apartments of Russians. The hydromassage bath or jacuzzi can now be purchased almost everywhere. But buy a bath is half the case. Another problem occurs - the jacuzzi connection.

How to connect jacuzzi to the power grid

Jacuzzi scheme with aeromassage.

After all, this unit requires knowledge not only plumbing, but also electrics. To properly install the jacuzzi, and then connect to the power grid, you need to be a good specialist in these areas.

Installation of a jacuzzi with your own hands is a complex and time-consuming process, which is only a true professional for only the true professional. In this article, it will be described in detail how to properly install the hydromassage bath and make it connect to the power grid.

What you need to know to complete the installation?

Installing an ordinary bath is now quite simple, it is only necessary to have small knowledge in plumbing business. But everything is much more difficult with the jacuzzi. The most important thing is that you need to know is that the connection of such a system is not only plumbing work, but also electrical.

Of course, you can use the services of specialists in the field of plumbing and electricians who will ask for their work a round sum, and you can do everything with your own hands.

How to connect jacuzzi to the power grid

Jacuzzi installation scheme.

First you need to learn from familiar specialists as they set a similar unit and how it connects to the power grid, i.e. How exactly the connection is happening. If there are no such, you will have to do everything yourself.

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Do not forget that water from the tap is an excellent electrical energy conductor, so all work related to the use of water and electricity must be carried out in accordance with the rigid safety regulations.

Required tools

In order to connect the jacuzzi to the power grid, the following tools will be needed:
  1. Tester. It is necessary in order to check the presence of voltage on the network. After all, all the work on the connection of the hot tub is carried out when the power is turned off.
  2. As a tester, an indicator screwdriver can be used, which shows the availability of current in the chain.
  3. When using the indicator, it is important not to be mistaken with which wire is zero, and which phase.
  4. Neon understanding of this can lead to sad consequences. It is better to check both wires so as not to be mistaken by performing connection.
  5. Screwdriver. It is useful for fastening wires and switches.
  6. Drill. Its function - drilling holes in the wall to correctly pave the wiring and hang switches.

Installation of Jacuzzi: Nuances

How to connect jacuzzi to the power grid

Corner jacuzzi installation circuit.

After the entire tool is purchased, you can start connecting the jacuzzi to the electrical network. But first, you must also select a wire or cable with which the bath can be connected.

For this, there are special tables on the selection of the wire section depending on the power consumption. In most cases, such equipment consumes no more than 3.7 kW, therefore there will be enough cross section of the wire in 1 mm². You will also need a socket or switch.

Now everything is ready to connect the bath to the power grid. First you need to turn off the food in the apartment, as all installation work is made in a de-energized room. There are two main connection options:

The first option is based on the fact that the three-core cable is connected to the outlet. At the same time, the socket must be at a distance of at least 1 m from the room where the jacuzzi is installed.

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It must be euro sample, as the cable is three-core, that is, in addition to the phase and zero, it contains a grounding wire. The socket itself connects to the electrical wheel through the protective machine. The cable is attached to the wall with special holders so that he does not hang out. This is also done for security reasons.

There is another option to connect the jacuzzi to the power grid. It uses not a socket, but a switch. By the way, he is a standard fitting jacuzzi.

The switch must be positioned in such a way that, standing in a jacuzzi, it was impossible to reach it, and, like a socket, it should be outside the bathroom. A three-in-room cable is used, which grounds the switch to the Earth.

Some recommendations

Regardless of the connection method, the cable leading from the switch or socket is connected to the safety machine that is mounted on the electrical panel.

How to connect jacuzzi to the power grid

Diagram of a jacuzzi device.

  1. The most reasonable option is to use a differential switch. It is also worth calculated to choose the appropriate. The selection depends on the power consumed power. Takes with a small margin.
  2. When using a three-wire cable, it is necessary to ensure that all wires are attached to the appropriate terminals and connectors to prevent short circuit. Now the wires are designated different colors, so it is quite difficult to confuse them.

The world adopted the following color scheme:

  • Red or brown is a phase;
  • Yellow-green - grounding;
  • Blue - zero.

It is important not to confuse anything to avoid the unpleasant consequences of a short circuit. Many seek to combine the phase with zero when using a three-core cable. This should not be done in any way.

Grounding should not be installed on sewage systems, water supply and heating.

It may bring to sad consequences at one fine moment. Sometimes there are situations when the phase falls on Earth.

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And at this moment, the tragedy may occur when connecting to the above communications. After all, it will start running the current, which will lead to an affect of anyone who will touch the appropriate pipes.

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