Homemade with your own hands: the best gift for relatives and loved ones (+42 photos)


Modern person used to buy ready-made gifts. This allows you to significantly save your time, besides, in stores today, a huge variety of all kinds of presents for various occasions are presented. But the desire to make a memorable interesting gift with their own hands, not similar to others, makes us resort to searching for ideas. And an excellent option can be homemade with their own hands.

Birthday gift

Designer things that are made with their own hands from girlfriend, are now fashionable and enjoy popular around the world. On the Internet and on the pages of magazines are popular sections of Hend Maid, which presents master classes and interesting ideas for the house. Based on them, you can do at home the product for your own hands.

Guitar with candy as a gift

Most often made:

  • Photo frame;
  • paper greeting card;
  • crafts from paper with their own hands;
  • Soft toys and tag for kitchen;
  • Knitted things starting from scarves and ending with napkins.

Original photo frame as a gift

Interesting things from the primary materials are made with their own hands, for this it is not necessary to have certain talents, the main thing is to take the basis of ready-made ideas. You can make funny soft toys in the form of animals and other characters with your own hands, they will delight loved ones and will be an excellent decoration in the interior.

Homemade toys

Abazhur of threads as decor (MK)

The created inventions give your hands not only to a person who is presented, but also to those who do work. Take advantage of a fairly simple lamp manufacturing method to make a birthday present. Its essence is as follows:

1. You need to prepare an ordinary ball and inflate it.

Lamp made of threads with their own hands
Inflation ball

2. Take the thread and impregnate them with PVA glue.

Lamp made of threads with their own hands
We impregnate threads glue

3. In any order, an inflated balloon should be wrapped with threads. Instead of threads, it is possible to use thin branches of the vine.

Article on the topic: How do you make a decorative cell (2 master class)

Lamp made of threads with their own hands
Watch the ball threads

4. After drying the glue, the ball is punctured and removed. It turns out a beautiful round frame of the threads.

Lamp made of threads with their own hands
Pierce the ball with a sharp object

5. In the measure of his fancy, you can cover the finished product with paints, decorate beads, ribbons, stick shells and get the thing you did with your own hands - a beautiful lampshade for chandelier.

Lamp made of threads with their own hands
Abazhur from thread ready

As another device, you can make a wire frame for lampshar. Cover it with decorative paper or cloth, add a little decor. An interesting home product will serve as an excellent gift for a loved one.

Decorative caskets, jars, bottles

Interesting things for home can be made with their own hands from an old cardboard box, empty bottles or cans:

  • Coloring the bottle and sticking appliqués, beads, beads and other decor to it, you can get Original Vase.

Vases from bottles do it yourself

  • Glass cans After preservation is transformed when covered with a lid in the form of a mumor or an umbrella. They can be made of thick paper, paint and coat acrylic paint, not absorbing water. On the sides of the product you can also stick a beautiful drawing or an applique and the gift is ready for your own hands.

Decorative Bank do it yourself

  • As an idea, you can Make a beautiful casket From a cardboard box. Use something from the decoupage technology to do so.

Decorative cardboard box

  • Photo frame . Present on the birthday frame for photos made with your own hands, very touching. She will definitely stand in a prominent place and remind of a person who did it. It is doubly pleasant if the gift made a child.

Original paper photo frame

  • The frame can be cut from dense cardboard, plywood, glue from wooden planks. The main thing in the decor frame. Resting on the sea, stick with me as a sewer souvenir and small pebbles. Gathering marine stones is also a pleasant entertainment for children. Pebbles can be combined with small beads in the form of pearls.

Frame for photo with seashells

  • From multicolored buttons and ribbons can work Cheerful photo frame.

Photo frame with buttons do it yourself

  • Photo in framing Of the fabric, colored paper, branches of plants and dried petals will also please the relatives.

Article on the topic: Creating modular paintings: master class for beginners (+48 photos)

Photo frame with fabric flowers

On video: Photo frame with moss decor

Paper postcards

In children, a favorite gift for parents become postcards with their own hands from paper. There are many ways to create such a gift for loved ones:

  • The cardboard basis can be decorated with appliqué or pattern. Touching congratulations inside the postcard with their own hands written, melts the heart of mom or grandmother.

Postcard with applique with your own hands

  • The combination of paper applications with tissue inserts in the form of a skirt to a dress of princess or butterflies, a tie will attract flavor to your congratulations.

Postcard with dresses

  • Beads, beads, ribbons, feathers and sequins make a gift enjoyed beautiful.

Postcard in the form of a handbag with your own hands

  • Carefully look the made postcards with their own hands using the Qulation technology. Twisted paper strips are glued with an edge to the surface of the paper contours. The image is obtained volumetric.

Postcard in the style of quilling do it yourself

  • Postcards are performed with your own hands and using silhouette cutting technology. Ready stencils are sold, you can download them on the Internet. It is enough to add a little decor, and the greeting card will look attractive.

Card Silhow Cutout

  • Making a postcard with your own hands using bulk materials (sand, shallow cereals) is quite simple and takes little time. According to the silhouette, the drawing is applied a thick layer of glue and wakes up with sand. After drying, it scratches, fixed with a transparent varnish.

Postcard with sand with your own hands

Soft Material Toys

The most pleasant and interesting occupation is the manufacture of toys with your own hands. This is the case when children with a special tenderness belong to the Mishke or a kitty, which Mom sewed. As a foundation, you can take the ideas given:

  • Attic toys - These works are made of any material and have a slightly indulgent look. Through the drawn pattern, two identical billets are cut out and stitch them. On smooth monophonic tissues, they tear out eyes, nose, mustache. Add details can be butt, beads, threads as hair. The inside of the case is stuffed by a syntheps or other soft material. It turns out toys with your own hands a little comical, but very cute.

Attic toys

  • Real needlewomen create Toys do it yourself from felt and felt . To do this, the double silhouette is cut and it is manually stitched along the edges, then the parts are added. As decor, satin ribbons lace, beads or rhinestones are used, conventional buttons are sewn at the place of the eye.

Toy from felt

  • Do not rush to throw out old terry socks and gloves, you can quickly Make an interesting little animal . The main part of the product is used to build a torso. Fingers and heel will serve material for hands and legs. Well, then invent how to make a toy that resembles a doll or a animal.

Article on the topic: Creating volumetric paintings with your own hands: 3 master class

Toy socks

  • As another idea for the house - Production of fragrant toys do it yourself. Such things will be pleasant for both children and adults. Products can be manufactured in the same way as the attic dolls, but the fabric is specially impregnted with flavored mixtures. Do not forget to find out what fragrance loves the person you gathered to make a gift.

Fragrant toys do it yourself

  • Motanka - A toy having a sacred meaning. In the old days, such products were manufactured for different good purposes. Main material - collected in a bundle and tied threads. For the finished toys, sew clothes and glue nietry hair.

Motanka toy

Frame toys

Frame toys do it yourself. As a frame can be an empty egg, a ball or any other object that can be used as a torso. Further Full Script for your fantasy. Adjust the handles, legs, gloves, draw the face and eyes. By making several small souvenir toys, they can be combined into the composition. For example, cute chickens from eggs will decorate the Easter basket.

Toys from Yaitz

Made crafts for home with their own hands, such as items of decor, souvenirs and appliqués, keep the attachment and love for a beloved person. The ideas for the house can be found on the Internet, looking at interesting crafts with your hands with the needlewomen.

How to make a soft toy (2 videos)

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Homemade - the best gifts for loved ones (+42 photos)

Homemade - the best gifts for loved ones (+42 photos)

Homemade - the best gifts for loved ones (+42 photos)

Homemade - the best gifts for loved ones (+42 photos)

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