How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?


How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

Birds in a private garden are a pleasant twitter ear and lively fluttering on branches. In the fall, when the garden is "taken off" and empty, small birds give him a new sound.

Birds play aesthetic and sanitary role. They are indispensable assistants in the fight against harmful insects. Attract and retain the santians in the garden will help feeders. You can make beautiful bird feeders with your own hands from the girlfriend, for example, from plastic bottles.

General rules for the manufacture of feeders

With the grinding and the first snow in the forest birds there are acute shortage of feed. It is desirable at the beginning of the autumn to raise the feeders in the garden and replenish reserves as it is omitted. Do not put a lot of food right away. Over time, the delight and mold develops, converting grain into unsuitable food.

When choosing a design is guided by the following:

  • maintaining feed in a dry state even during rain;
  • Unimpeded bird access to feed;
  • Preferably the presence of pranchies;
  • the presence of two or more holes, while they must be through so that the bird does not perceive the feeder as a trap;
  • Sections are sampled by adhesive plane or tape;
  • The height of the side 7-10 cm.

Mounting the finished feeder is necessary with the calculation of the convenience of replenishing stocks, but at the same time the inaccessibility for cats is taken into account. For the feeder, the material is sustainable moisture and sun, lightweight, wear-resistant and safe for feathery. These criteria correspond to plastic, and plastic bottles will serve as an excellent basis.

Successful ideas with brief instructions

The design of bird feeders from 1,5-liter or 5-liter plastic bottles has 2 types: free access to feed and bunker system. With the first type in the bottle, the end is cut, through which the bird takes food, fastened to the bottom. When the second - the feed is poured with a margin in the "bunker", from where the "Self" enters a special tray or to the bottom of the feeders as they eating feathers. The second design is convenient to replenish the "dining room" you can not every day, but the balance is clearly visible through transparent plastic.

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The orientation of the feeders can be vertical (it is more convenient to fix over the twine through the lid) or horizontal (more birds can be fed at the same time).

Consider the original ideas that inspire craftsmen to create a real decorative element with a useful feature.

A simple and fast way to make a feeder: Take a package for 5 liters, cut down at the bottom, retreating from the bottom of 7 cm, a small window (better two) and hang vertically on the branch for the handle. In the lid make a wire hole for which to hang a piece of unsalted bass.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

If there is a capacity of 1.5 liters at the disposal, then we make one hole, but quite large. Processing the edges of colored material, we get and safe, and a bright feeder. To secure on the tree, it is enough to tie to the tiny ribbon to the branch.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

Comfortable for birds Option with rods, which permeate the bottle through the slightly lower holes. Heldows serve as a kind of crayler and empty packaging will not "fly" in the wind. For protection against rain and snow leave visors. At the bottom of the heated nail there are holes for condensate. A good place for the feeder is not only on the tree, but also under the porch canopy. At the same time, it is protected from winds and precipitation.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

From a plastic bottle by 1.5 or 2 liters, you can make the simplest bunker feeder. For this, two wooden "spoons" with a long handle are prepared, made in a bottle of the opening of the corresponding diameter and pushed the handle through. Above the tray "spoon" make a small hole so that the flowing bird can take the branches. Walking grains will remain on the tray, and not fall to the ground.

The bottle is filled with grain completely. It is not necessary to make holes too high, as they will turn out to be faster, although the container will still be half full. You can make two tray at the bottom and one from above. To protect the trays from snow, the roof of the 5-liter bottle is installed.

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How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

It is possible to fasten the bunkers to fasten the feeders, toning for the neck with a solid belt or twine or traveled through the cover metal pin with a loop from above (it is even easier to make a loop from a piece of wire or wire and hang onto the branch).

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

If you stick a plate to the bottom of the liter plastic bottle (an old children's bowl of thick plastic is suitable), then a comfortable dining room with a bunker system will be obtained. You can consolidate a plate with liquid nails or other fastening compositions that are provided for external work and are not afraid of moisture. At the bottom, the retreating 5 cm from the bottom is done 3-4 holes for extracting feed. The plate performs the function and tray, and barbells at the same time.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

In addition to plastic bottles of water or beverage, plastic 5-liter canisters from liquid soap, air conditioner for linen or construction primer. To start, they need to rinse well and dry, then cut the desired number of holes. If the container has a handle, there will be no problems with hanging.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

Otherwise, we act similarly to the previous examples and do the cord or wire through the holes in the lid.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

From the 5-liter canister and the 1.5-liter bottle will be a good feeder with a bunker. It is enough to cut a large window from the canister on the one hand, and a 1,5-liter bottle cut down the bottom and tie it inside the canister down the neck, so that the grain can be sucked through the canister cover. As a result, the feed base for feathered is protected from wind and rain.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

If you show a little imagination and attract child imagination to the process, then the homemade facial from the plastic bottle will become an unusual decor for the garden. The most practical solution is to wind the Tar for the Beach. To secure the rope, it is wetted in adhesive basis.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

For decoration, spruce twigs and cones, ornamental birds and flowers are used. The main thing is not to overdo it with the decor, the excess of which birds scares. If only one small hole is made, then it turns out a warm and cozy birdhouse.

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Master class: comfortable bunker feeder

For the manufacture you will need two plastic bottles of water, one bottle of juice or tea (with more rigid walls) and any plastic cover from the suitable diameter container and with high sidelights.

Manufacturing process with step-by-step photos:

  • 2 bottles cut slicing the neck;

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

  • The obtained billets of "dispensers" cut off excess plastic so that a small funnel turns out, as shown in the photo;

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

  • We take another bottle and celebrate on it on two sides by the marker hole for the "dispenser" on the lid;

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

  • With the help of a stationery knife and scissors in the marked circle, we make a "skirt" for better fixation and protection against moisture;

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

  • In the covers of prepared "dispensers", with the help of a drill, we make a hole in the form of a wide gap (a grain from the bunker will come through it), insert ready-made "dispensers" into the holes;

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

  • Drill make two holes below the "dispensers" to pass the wooden stick (the drill diameter is selected in accordance with the diameter of the stick), we skip the stick immediately through two holes; Its lengths should be enough for education from two sides of the barracks of 10 cm;

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

  • Fix the plastic cover to the bottom of the bottle, we get a practical and comfortable feeder, spending 15 - 20 minutes.

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

How quickly and just make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle?

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