In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?


Hyugge is a concept that hardly translates into Russian. In general, this word can be called the creation of a cozy and restoring the spiritual forces of the space around us. Part of this space can be both details of the interior, and just a favorite plaid, and a cup with a hot cocoa.

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the article, we will consider the concept of Hyugg, we will list the features of the interior of this style and try to speculate whether such an interior is suitable for houses built in Russian reality.

Definition of the concept of "Hyugg"

Hyugge Danes call the special state of the soul when a person does not save time to be happy . Inspiration is drawn even from the most ordinary trifles. The main thing is to create for yourself every day small pleasant moments, pleasures, of which will then get a quiet, but great happiness.

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

They fold from the care of their favorite flowers, walks with a dog or unhurried meditation in front of the easel. The main thing is slowness, intimacy and carelessness.

Over the past year, Hyugg's popularity has increased in geometric progression. Everyone wants to get a piece of happiness. And the inhabitants of Denmark reached certain success in this art.

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

The report on world happiness told us - Denmark the winner among the country's list, the population of which feels the happiest. Moreover, happiness is measured at all in the level of material well-being, the success of the career or the softness of the climate. It manifests itself in Hyugg, the lifestyle, where internal suspension from everyday worries, entertainment and recreation comes to first place. Hyugge turns into moments when people feel absolutely peaceful.

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In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

If you think, it is impossible to reproach the Danes in disallocurity or lazy. After all, after a good rest, any work argues ten times better.

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

How to recreate the style of Hyugge in the apartment?

For urban residents, the house in understanding Philosophy Hyugg is an apartment. There come to restore the forces after a busy working day, meet with family and are engaged in loved ones. There is nothing surprising that over time the original style of Hyugg was formed, which won the hearts of people.

Consider the main elements of this style:

  1. General provisions . Selecting the elements for the interior in the style of Hyugg, should be guided by simple rules. 1) comfort and comfort, where things lie at certain places within the convenient zone. 2) Tell me "no" whip. Hyugge welcomes and maintains reasonable minimalism. 3) Ease, simplicity, lack of vulgar luxury in the setting . The house is a place where you relax from the rabid rhythm of the modern megalpolis.
    In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?
  2. Color selection. The choice of coloring for the interior is the most important component of the design of the room. To create an atmosphere of the dwelling of the Northern people as the main colors, close-in shades should be chosen - white, gray, blue. A harmonious supplement will serve details of dark colors, made of nice natural materials.
    In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?
  3. Secrets of lighting . In ideal conditions, a fireplace will be the founding element for the interior in the style of Hyugge. The flame will immediately create comfort. In a small apartment, the fireplace will replace paraffin candles. It is not necessary to go to the candlelight. Candles will be perfectly "assisted" to lamps and a variety of lamps on the walls. The main thing is not to install a chandelier with the upper light. It will immediately break the relaxing atmosphere.
    In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?
  4. Loaded corners. For example, a wide window sill or a shelf with books. Arrange the zone for guests. Textiles, fur, wood suitable for decorating. Beautifully look at the photo wallpaper.

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

Hyugge interior, what is it? House in the style of Hyugge - Secret of Danish Happiness (1 video)

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In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

In the style of Hugga: Is it suitable for Russia?

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