Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo


Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo
Is it possible to make it so that in the interior of the living room literally all answered the taste and raised the mood? Yes, if it is responsible to approach the choice of furniture, since it plays a huge role and asks the atmosphere throughout the house.

It was always enough difficult to find that thin line between the home comfort, the convenience and beauty, which all friends would be admired. Today, everything complicates the fact that sometimes in the living room has to work and relax - and this creates an additional "load" on the living room and furniture in particular.

Furniture for the living room must be not just stylish and attractive, but also comfortable. Today it is not always customary to engage in the arrangement of the living room. In one-bedroom or two-room apartments, it is difficult to highlight the room in which the whole family for rest would just gather. But if fate gave you such a surprise - another room, come together with all the seriousness and at the same time creatively to its arrangement.

How to choose furniture for the living room?

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Before you dedicate all the weekend, the choice and purchase of furniture, make a clear plan. Sketch about the sheet of your room and plan where what zone will be. And already at this stage, decide with the style. If you like when there is nothing superfluous in the interior and at the same time the room looks worthy, you will fit modern. If you are used to adding luxury and splendor in the design, but they can not cross the thin line that distinguishes all this from personality, then your choice is a classic.

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In order to finally make sure the choices, Paint the magazines, watch pictures on the sites or look into good furniture boutiques.

The living room is the place where the whole family is going in the evenings or weekends, where they look together TV, meet guests or just talk. In order to make a variety of familiar life links in the living room table of an unusual design. For such a convenient to organize pions or just play chess, checkers, cards or backgammon at least every evening. Do not worry, such a table will not take much space if it is in the construct "conveyor". The space will be saved.

Working out the design of the hall, select the so-called "main place". It will be focused on it, it will set the mood of the entire setting. If the honorable place takes a home theater, then it should be "dance". Put on the contrary at the optimal distance of the sofa and chairs. The rest of the living room is try not to clutch excessive furniture. On the other hand, it is advantageous to divide the living room on the functional zones: for lunch, relaxing, games, and so on. In this case, in each part of the hall it will be necessary to buy own furniture. But here the main task is to choose such that will perform all the functions of it and at the same time go to style and color with the rest of the headsets. As a result, you need to get a one-piece composition.

What furniture should be in the living room?

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

The living rooms should certainly be stylish stands for a TV and video player, small coffee tables. Today, designers offer many solutions. They are beautiful and at the same time perform their direct function. Instead of bulk bookcases, select mounted shelves or niches in the wall. The best acquisition will be cam modular furniture. This is a modern version that is well refreshing the interior.

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The original interior will turn out from those who live in a large country house. When at your disposal is a spacious room, you can also put a fireplace and a rocking chair. It turns out a cozy atmosphere. And in another part you can hang a plasma TV, opposite it - put a small sofa. At the same time, the sofa should not necessarily lean against the wall. Modern solution - in the center of the room. So it will naturally separate areas indoors. True, it is important to place the furniture here so that it does not interfere on the way to make it easily and just move from one end of the room in another. It is important that the space in the living room is not only visually, but also real.

Prices for living room furniture

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Today in Russia you can purchase furniture of Spain, Italy, China, Belarus. As you understand, Belarusian or Chinese samples are much cheaper than the replied brands of European countries. Let us turn to specific examples. Let's say if you want to assemble a set of living room: wall, tremor, table and chairs, chairs, it will cost you approximately half a million. While the Belarusian version in the same configuration will work out two or three times cheaper.

Basic mistakes when choosing furniture

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

We now turn to what it is not worth doing when designing the living room. It would be possible to silently about it, but, alas, today such mistakes are found very often. So, many can not fall away from the interiors in the spirit of the Soviet era. And climb the space with bulk walls or slides, in which there are simply a lot of compartments. As a result, sometimes even stored on countless shelves and there is nothing in the sections, except the old trash.

Another "rudiment" of the apartment of the Soviet era is a henceparticle set, including a sofa and two chairs. As a result, half of the free space is busy in the room. Limit more compact modifications, such as a soft corner.

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And finally ...

Remember that before the end follow the advice of designers and create the interior "exactly like in that magazine" is not worth it. After all, you need to be cozy in the living room. And the real warmth of the home focus will not create a single designer trick - only the tremble hands of the real mistress. Just follow the main advice and rely on intuition. And the result will amaze.

Furniture for the living room. Photo

I suggest see photos of furniture for the living room. How to put on and what furniture to choose see on real examples and use at home.

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

Furniture for the living room. How and what furniture to choose for the living room? Photo

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