How to decorate the interior of the room with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!


Many after the end of the repair of the apartment are interested in the question - how to decorate the interior of the room with your own hands? Although the modern market offers many interior items that could act as decor, to save finances it is better and easier to create such things on their own.

Before you decorate your home, you should decide on the main topic of accessories. They must compile a single picture. A wide variety, dying and brightness of shades turn a housing into a Chinese shop. The most common options are photocollages, paper products, small pillows or decorative mirrors.

Photocollage on the wall

Photograph as a decor

Worth the question than to decorate the interior of the rooms with her own hands, first of all comes to the idea of ​​the decor from the photographs. In this case, there is where to apply fantasy. The main thing to choose suitable images.

There are several ways to decorate the room with the help of photos:

  • It is best to select pictures of different sizes and orientations (horizontal and vertical). Thus, the collage of them will not be monotonous and acquired the volume.

Photocollage with frames on the wall

  • The photo can be hidden on the ropes that complement the clothespins. For this purpose, garlands are also perfectly suitable - such a decoration will give comfort to the room in the evening.

Photographs on clothespins

  • An excellent decoration idea is the design of a desktop or an old window frame using a photo. To do this, glue images with the back side to the table or with the front to the transparent and dense surface (from plastic or glass).

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Paper butterflies

A similar solution is very suitable for the interior decor with their own hands, because the paper butterflies are cheap, simple and at the same time spectacular way of decoration. From butterflies you can create all sorts of geometric shapes on the wall. There are no restrictions on the color and number of these elements.

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Heart of paper butterflies

Because of his miniature, the paper butterfly does not overload the interior, they look elegant and not Lyapito.

With paper butterflies, you can fill the wall, make a poster, hang them on the threads to the ceiling and even glue the chandelier. Butterflies can easily download from the Internet. Moreover, you can choose a form, and various parts, for example, curly slits.

Decorative pillows

Decorative pillows fit perfectly in a completely any interior, the main thing is that they come in color and style design. There are two options for creating decor - decoration of the finished pillow and its manufacture from scratch. Purchased product is complemented by interesting elements. You can stick or sew bulk flowers.

Well look pillows with pompons. They can be made independently from the threads or buy already ready in stores for needlework.

Pillow with pompons

We offer a small master class to create small pillows for a sofa or a bed of girlfriend:

1. Decide with the shape of the pillow. It can be in a classic design, having a square shape, or being round, in the form of a heart, stars, tuchs or a beloved character.

Pillows do it yourself

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Round pillow

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

In the form of a heart

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

In the shape of a star

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

In the form of a character

2. Select the material for pillowcase. It is not necessary that the pillow is in tone to the sofa, it may vary and in color, and on the texture, most importantly, to combine with the general background. Cotton fabrics are best suited for pillowcase. But if you want to fill the future product with feathers, and not a foam, it is preferable to choose more dense tissues that do not pass the fluff.

Pillow of cotton

3. Prepare two sections of the tissue in the form of the same squares - it will be the base for pillowcase. Turn them to each other with the invalid side and the fracture on the sides, leaving one bottom edge free to fill the product.

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

4. Decide how you sew the pillowcase. You can sew a zipper or buttons to the lower edge and make a loop.

Article on the topic: The secrets of a beautiful decoupage - decoration of a written table (master class!)

Pillowcase with lightning
Pillowcase with lightning

5. Next, the finished cushion case can be decorated. For this, any healthy materials are used: lace, laces, fringe, satin ribbons, buttons, lightning, beads, beads, rhinestones and much more. The photo presents ideas for the decor that you can take the basis.

Pillow with decorative flowers
Pillow with decorative flowers

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Pillow decor with ribbons

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Decor buttons

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Decor by rhinestones or beads

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Decor with lace knitted napkins

6. Sinteputs, foam rubber, hollofiber and other polyester materials are suitable as a filler. The foam rubber is well suitable for pillows in the form of rollers.

On video: funny pillows do it yourself

Production of lampshar

Jewelry from unnecessary items will also help revive the design of the room and create the effect of the design master of the class. In addition to skilled hands, there must be good ideas. For home decoration, you can use both vintage and new trends. A good version of the retro decor is to create a lampshar. He will be able to bring the atmosphere of heat and comfort to the house.

Perfectly suitable like lampshade for baby bedroom. Its feature is that when the light is on, mysterious drawings are created on the ceiling and walls. The basis for the lamp is made from the wire - one circle of a larger diameter for Niza, the second smaller diameter for the top. Connect the mugs with each other with straight lines also from the wire. With these elements, you can adjust the height of the product.

You can take a ready metal frame from the old floor lamp.

Metal frame for lampshar
Metal frame for lampshar

The finish serve flaps. For them it is worth choosing different colors and drawings. The size of the tissue cut slicer should be about 10 cm long, 1 cm wide. These flaps are tied to a wire based. It is necessary to ensure that the ends of the tissue segments are symmetric. You need to start with Niza, gradually moved to the top of the design. The nodules must fit tightly to each other. When the lamp shade is completely filled with flap, you can hang it on the chandelier.

Shade do it yourself

Mirror decoration

All interior items deserve attention. But the mirror is the one, which is easily turning into a masterpiece. Merror-class master class includes the use of various unnecessary in the house of baubles:

  • Shelli . With rest on the sea, the memory of it is always brought home in the form of seashells. It may be not only large rapana, but also smaller shells. With these natural elements, you can independently decorate the mirror. It is important to use seashells of different sizes, colors and shapes, then it will look more natural. It is important to use special glue to fix seashells, designed to apply to a flat, glass surface.

Article on the topic: How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Decorative frame with seashells

  • Plastic spoons . The round mirror can be turned into a beautiful and bright flower with the help of conventional disposable dishes. For this take plastic spoons. Each of them should be rid of the handle and paint in the desired color. Special sprayers are used as coloring material. So the coating will be more even and quickly dried. Then make the basis of a chipboard or ordinary cardboard in the form of a round frame, plates glules in a checker order. The resulting base is glued to the mirror and on the reverse side are attached to the loop.

Decor of the mirror with plastic spoons

  • Mosaic . The mirror frame is often made in the form of a mosaic tile. To do this, the basis is first created, again, from cardboard. From above, the material is facing the mosaic. As elements of decor, pieces of another crashing mirror or small plastic tile can be.

Mirror decor Mosaic

If you want to transform your home, then the above, the listed ideas and the master class for the manufacture of decor from the primary materials will be very useful. You should not be afraid to experiment, try to make a homemade master class and put something unique into the interior, creating amazing decorations with your own hands and putting a part of your soul into them.

Top 5 master classes How to create decor (1 video)

Ideas for creating an interior decor (44 photos)

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

In the shape of a star

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Round pillow for rhinestones or beads

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

In the form of a character

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Decor with lace knitted napkins

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Decor buttons

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

In the form of a heart

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Rectangular shape

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

Room decoration with your own hands: 5 simple super decors!

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