Country style in the interior: incarnation of the village spirit (+35 photos)


Provence style, chalet and in particular, country became especially popular among Russians in recent years. This contributes to the relative simplicity of creating such interiors and the ease of their perception. It is important and origin, because their base is the interior of a wooden house, which even in different countries has a lot of common features. Country style in the interior is also close to ethosal and this direction like boho.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the classic Country style is far from primitive, it has a certain principle. First of all, it is proximity to nature and the naturalness of the form in design. Therefore, artificial materials are not applied at interior design.

Country-style bedroom involves using a lot of wood, glass, stone, natural paints.

Country Interior

Such a rustic style in the interior is often choosing to convert country houses, estates and cottages. It is there that is a suitable place to embody another rustic style principle - a lot of light and space, the ability to place wooden furniture. In the urban apartment it is harder to do this, and the general view of the interior looks somewhat different. However, and there, country style is quite possible, especially in auxiliary premises - in the kitchen and in the bedroom.

Country kitchen

Range for designer - Rustic cuisine in country style. Surfaces painted with flowers, straw decorations, stuck copper dishes, wallpapers for kitchen with imitation under stone, brick or wood - everything is very practical, functionally and at the same time cozy.

Generally the country's homeland is considered the United States of America, unlike Provence and Bocho, which come from Europe. Therefore, the kitchen design in the style of country is the walls, covered by wallpaper under the brick, or even the most real brickwork. Wallpaper in the country style is always natural colors, sometimes imitate plaster. Furniture can be specially made.

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Country kitchen

The colors that are encountered in a rustic kitchen, natural and close to them:

• beige;

• brown;

• sandy yellow;

• cream;

• Gentle green.

At the same time, in the style of the French country there are no bright color spots. Often, a cuisine in a rustic style has a imitation of ceiling floors, thick wooden beams. If we are talking about a rustic house by the countryside, there are indeed wooden beams outside. Furniture in such a kitchen will definitely be wooden, no plastic. Moreover, the surface of the products is usually not covered with paints, only varnish so that the texture of the tree remains in sight.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

To comply with the unity of the style of the country, the chairs are often "dressing" into covers combined with a tablecloth. The pattern on them is usually stripped or into a cage. Curtains in a rustic style of dense fabric, often linen, with a simple pattern in a small flower. Country wallpapers also not stuck with shades resembling simple paper.

Coarse, simple fabrics (up to Deregi) - frequent guests in the design of the apartment in the style of Country. They can be painted in clean, inappropriate colors, or used at all without coloring.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country style in the kitchen interiors involves a light flower range: gently sandy, light beige, light mustard shades. Big focus on glass surfaces. For example, cabinets have glass doors. Country-style rooms are illuminated by a big hanging chandelier, and the country kitchens are often laid out with a large tile with a pattern in the form of a chessboard.

Country Interior

By the way, country style chandeliers are often supplemented by light bulbs in the form of candles. There will be a wide and strong shelf for dishes, on which plates are vertically set up. Close to country style chalet, which comes from Switzerland, assumes darker colors, and the tree in the interior of the country house is even more.

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Country Chandelier

On video: Country style design

Bedroom decoration

Each house in a rustic-style bedroom is given special attention. Before starting the interior design of this room, you need to get acquainted with the following nuances:

• Colors predominate non-lass - walls are made up more restrained and natural shades.

Country Style Bedroom

• In this part of the house there is more space for fantasy and imagination, so Country-style bedroom willingly accommodates individual bright details. It can be a saturated red, but muffled color, or a bright sandy-yellow pillow on the bed.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

• There is a wooden furniture with polishing covered with varnish, but without coloring. Usually such products are used for giving.

• Country interior design is a wall with a flat surface, often at all without a pattern either in a fine flower, differing from the background.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

• Window curtains are often supplemented with rolved or ruffles.

Curtains in rustic style

• Bedroom in a rustic style must be decorated with textile things resembling rural life.

Rustic Textiles

Landscape arrangement

Country style is not only a beautiful inner interior of the house, but also what around him. Country style in landscape design involves maximum naturalness. But this does not mean that the territory around the country manor must be launched. On the contrary, a rustic style in landscape design is practicality and functionality, well-groomed territory, complemented by decorative elements.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Fences near such a house will be out of raw sticks, and the lawn in front of it is decorated with simple colors (more often by daisies and sunflowers). Rustic style in landscape design is pretty easy to realize with their own hands.

The interior of the country area may include such decorative elements, like a mill wheel, an artificial pond, a cart, in which you can make a bed with spices with your own hands.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country clothes

Tendencies of the interior in the style of country, like naturalness, proximity to nature, muffled tones, and clothing in the style of country. It mimics the robes of peasants, combining simple things that are simultaneously comfortable and can be fashionable. Country clothes are high leather boots, woolen capes, cowboy hats.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Flax, untreated cotton, jeans, suede - all these fabrics fit perfectly into a rustic style in clothes. Girls gladly deal with a long skirt with a flower print - it is perfectly combined with a short denim top. Men are suitable checkered shirt and leather pants.

Country style in clothing is also a remarkable accessories: a suede native handbag with a fringe, a belt with a wide buckle, motley decorations made by their own hands.

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country origins - This is the interior of the village house. Therefore, all modern modifications comply with its basic principles: the use of natural materials, muffled colors of natural shades, a lot of light and signs of the life of ordinary people. Country style chandelier Provence with candles, copper tableware in the kitchen, furniture made of natural wood in the bedroom and decorative cart on the territory in front of the house - mandatory elements.

Country is perfectly embodied not only inside the country house. The cuisine in the rustic style meets most often, but the whole apartment can be framed as the territory, clothing. The interior in the style of rural life is pretty simple in performance, it brings comfort and warmth to the dwelling, embodies the French Rustic Spirit, in which sophistication and practicality are mixed.

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Distinctive features of country style (2 video)

Country in interior and clothing (35 photos)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

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Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

Country Style Features (Interior, Landscape, Clothing)

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