Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]


The hallways are often underestimated, considering it by an ordinary passing room, which should not be paid attention to. This point of view is not true, because the hallway creates the first impression when visiting the house guests.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Repair in the passion can not only transform part of your home, but also empty your pockets. Cash costs require not only capital, but also cosmetic repairs. In this article we will talk about 5 useful chips, which allows you to save on the repair of an entrance hall.

Create a project of the future hallway

To save money, you need to know in advance which you want to see the hallway after repair. Often, people have to spend money upon completion of the repair to correct any shortcomings or remake certain elements at all.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

The cause of such unforeseen expenses is the lack of a project of the hallway and work plan. In order to avoid the above incidents, take care of this in advance. It is not necessary to go to those skilled in the art at all and order a three-dimensional room projection of them, it is enough to draw each desired detail on a piece of paper.

Note! It is not necessary to have artistic skills to create a projection, the most simple room plan will suit. It is necessary to measure all the angles of the room and move them to a sheet of paper on the appropriate scale. There are specialized sites on the Internet, where it is done absolutely free.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Purchase of finishing materials

Before the start of repair work, it is necessary to take care of the purchase of finishing materials. It is desirable to buy them with a slight margin, but those who want to save on the maximum can carefully calculate all the details and purchase only the necessary one.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Do not go past sales on store shelves. In such a section, the remains of any materials are often falling, but they are quite enough for decoration of a small hallway.

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However, to acquire the cheapest goods for finishing also should not . Materials must comply with the quality, ease of work and environmental friendliness.

It should be noted! From complex and fade design solutions it is better to refuse. Not everyone can fasten the plasterboard sheet on their own, and this condition is the next trick.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Repair with your own hands

All solutions that under the power you themselves will cost much cheaper . For example, it is not necessary to resort to replace the old doors between the rooms if it is possible to leave them with wallpaper or paint.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Together, the new furniture is desirable to engage in the transformation of the appearance of the old, if anyone is. This process is performed in three stages:

  1. Preliminary processing.
  2. Primer.
  3. Painting.

Saving on furniture

Bulk storage systems in the hallway should be avoided - it has not been a sign of security for a long time.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

With the real need for roomy furniture for the hallway room, you should pay attention to the wardrobe. At first glance, its cost is more expensive than ordinary furniture, but it will save on acquisition of additional boxes and baskets.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Cleaning and tools

Obviously, for budget repairs it is necessary to avoid any spending on which it is possible to refuse. One of them is spending tools. Some of them can really simplify and speed up the work, but most can be replaced by others, if in the future you are not going to use them.

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Another frequent spectrum during repair work is cleaning by experts by cleaning service. The cost of such services is quite impressive and therefore should not be lazy, and take care of waste yourself.

Repair of the corridor! BEFORE AND AFTER! The transformation of the hallway! (1 video)

Repair in the hallway (9 photos)

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

Budget repair in the hallway [5 tricks]

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