3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll


Wallpapers can be changed to unrecognizable appearance. For this, it is not necessary to buy several new rolls for the walls of the wall or the ceiling. It will be enough for one roll left from the previous repair. And how to create a "interior miracle" with him, tells the selection of steep ideas of the decor from the rolls of wallpaper.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

Decoupage furniture Oboyami

Decoupage technique using paper napkins is more often used for decoration of glass bottles, cans, vases and cups . But if you use a roll of wallpaper left after repairing, you can refresh the old furniture headset.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

Furniture that can be updated in this way should have a smooth surface, without dents, bends, chips and other damage. So under the wallpaper will not form emptiness, and the coating will last much longer.

Among the existing types of wallpaper for decoupage of furniture are suitable for ordinary paper and wallpapers, self-adhesive and vinyl.

During the work, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • sandpaper;
  • primer and putty;
  • wallpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • wood varnish;
  • stationery knife;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brush.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll


  1. First you need to stall the surface that will be issued. If there are defects, then align them with a putty. After that, apply a layer of primer.
  2. On the prepared surface to glue the wallpaper cut from the size of furniture. The canvas should be well to dissolve so that there are no emptiness and air under them.
  3. Wallpapers on a paper basis after this must be coated with a layer of primer cooked from water and plow glue. Two parts of the warm water will need one part of the glue. Vinyl wallpaper is not necessarily primed.
  4. At the final stage, the updated furniture should be coated with a layer of varnish for wood.

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In this way, not only the doors, but also the inner side walls of the cabinets, the facades of drawers, the rear walls of the racks, the surface of the chest, couch, or tables.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

Tip! Update the coffee table with the help of a roll of wallpaper is much easier. To do this, cut wallpapers are put on the table, and on top pressed with a piece of glass of the corresponding sizes.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

New lamp lamp

Under the influence of sunlight and due to heating from the incandescent lamp, the lamps are often burning out, yellow and lose the original brightness of the paints. In this case, or, for example, when the lamp does not fit into a new interior after repair, the wallpaper can save the situation. From it you can make a new stylish lampshade.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

If an energy-saving light is used in the luminaire, then absolutely any wallpaper will be suitable for work, as they will not be heated. For flooring and night lines with incandescent lamps, wallpapers should be tightened.

For work you will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • Old frame from the old lamp;
  • PVA glue or hot glue;
  • Wide satin tape;
  • Scissors, ruler, pencil.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

How to make a new label from wallpaper:

  1. From wallpaper cut out the "pattern" of a new lamp. If it has, for example, the shape of a truncated cone, then to obtain the workpiece, the old frame applied to the wallpaper and rub the pencil, rolling through paper.
  2. The cut out of the paper is glued to the wire frame and give a completely dry glue.
  3. In order for the edges of the new lampshar to have a more aesthetic appearance, they are placed by half a satin ribbon. After that, it remains only to collect the lamp and return it to the interior.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

Organizers for storage

More and more women who inspired Magic Condo magic cleaning rules choose vertical storage using organizero in. More often for storage, various cardboard boxes are adapted, for example, from under shoes.

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3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

As a rule, such homemade organizers have a not very attractive appearance that the housing does not add comfort. Correct the situation is also easy with wallpaper residues. To the organizer from the cardboard box pleased the eye and served longer, you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • gauze;
  • wallpaper;
  • Stationery knife and scissors.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll


  1. If necessary, adjust the size of the box, for example, to reduce it in height.
  2. Then the corners and joints to smoke gauze strips for their greater strength.
  3. Cut the wallpaper, leaving the allowances to hide the joints of the joints. Cut the box with wallpaper.

Tip! For greater practicality of the organizer, it can be covered with colorless acrylic varnish.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

This is not an exhaustive list of ideas of how to use a roll of wallpaper for the decor, but the examples of the examples will help to make stylish accents in the interior at the best costs.

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

The best ideas what to do with wallpaper residues (1 video)

Interesting Decor Ideas From Wallpaper Roll (12 photos)

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

3 Cool ideas of decor from wall roll

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