Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways


Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

The process of sticking wallpaper is simple, if you follow the advice of professionals sooner or later in any apartment or house you can break the wallpaper, as the walls lose the proper look. What should I do if you have to work in winter or use such a canvas like a glassball and at the same time uneven walls? It is necessary to carefully examine the entire process of updating the wall covering, in order to prevent the planes and did not have defects.

How to glue meter wallpaper

The most popular is the meter wallpaper, the sticker of which can be carried out by one person, and on top of them you can put a whitewash with the color.

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

The obligatory stage when placing the wallpaper is the process of removing air using a roller

To make the stagnation goes correctly, it is worth following several rules and recommendations:

  1. The wall is covered with glue, which is preparing before.
  2. The first sheet of wallpaper is adjusted in height, but from above there must be a bending, which is cut off after drying. The lower part of the canvase is also valued and eliminated.
  3. Next requires smoothing wallpaper to derive air accumulations by means of a roller for wallpaper or rubber spatula.
  4. While smoothing occurs and the cloth dries a bit, you can make a cut of an unnecessary part with the help of a stationery knife.
  5. If the cutting line begins to penetrate, then it is worth postpone the moment for later and continue the salary.
  6. If non-voids are detected when parsing the web, then you need to disconnect the sheet from the wall to this place, wrap the wall with glue and repeat the entire process described above.

At what temperature can be glued with wallpaper

There are many opinions on how at what temperature can be properly glued without the formation of defects. Any repairman will say that it is necessary to accumulate concrete walls when complying with some recommendations, and then the weather outside the window will affect the final result.

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

If you plan to glue wallpaper in winter, then you need to carefully close all windows to avoid drafts


  1. Regardless of where bleam pasting in an apartment or home passes, the temperature level should be at least 10 and no more than 25 ° C. It is such a temperature that the canvas dried and tightly glued.
  2. The level of humidity in the room should not be more than 60%. If the humidity is higher, the glue will begin to be swept and the properties of the composition will be significantly reduced.
  3. Stick wallpaper over the battery or opposite the window when the straight rays of the ultraviolet fall on the wall, it is as thorough as possible. Batteries It is advisable to turn off to the complete drying of the room, and the window is to maintain, since otherwise the glue will dry too quickly, and the wallpaper will be cut, which will spoil the proper view of the room.
  4. The room is categorically impossible to open until the glued canvases are dry. Any draft can cause repeated finishing works.

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What you need for sticking wallpaper

What tools are needed for shook wallpaper? Pay attention to the list of inventory is before the start of work so that everything is at hand.

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

All necessary tools for sticking wallpaper can be bought at any construction store.

To wet the walls, you will need a tool:

  • Bucket;
  • Stairs;
  • Roller;
  • Brush;
  • Line or level;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Pencil or chalk;
  • Wallpaper brush;
  • Roulette;
  • Roller for alignment of joints;
  • Screwdriver and tape;
  • Sponge.

How to glue wallpaper with a picture: recommendation

Stick simple wallpapers easily, but with a pattern of non-professional not easy. To engage in fitting the picture a person without experience is far from simple, and even one one. It is worth noting that when using material with a print, you need to immediately prepare for what you need more expenses, and pruning will remain.

The step between the repetition of the picture may be the most different, and, as a rule, you can familiarize yourself with it on the web label.

To finish the hall or bedroom, it will be necessary to purchase on 3 rolls more than expected in square meters. Do not think that if the adhesive will be carried out behind the cabinets and sofas without a selection, then so much material will not need, since the essence will remain the same.

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

It should be borne in mind that when sticking wallpaper wallpapers, there will be more crops than when sticking wallpaper without pattern

In addition, the selection of the picture must be engaged at once on three rolls, which will reduce and time, and too much expenses and residues. When buying it is worth paying attention to the party, since different numbers can bring a lot of problems with repair. Maybe the difference in shade or in the width of the picture.

Before sticking the canvas, it must be cut off with the allowance, which will then make a cut of the upper and lower border clearly by level. Naturally adjusting the print is better to spend on the floor and on dry canvases, which is much more convenient and striking. Professional technology of high-quality crawling cloth begins with a fixed mark on the sheer wall. Thus, it is possible to avoid too much error. In addition, it is extremely uncomfortable to pull the wet cloth along the walls to achieve a normal tilt.

Not uncommon in apartments are uneven walls, which sometimes you can visually hide with the help of wallpaper, and sometimes there is no. In this case, if you wish to make high-quality repairs, you need to initially take care of surface alignment. This can be done with the help of such a material as the Rotband, but this is with minimal disclaims. With larger problems, you can use Phaneur, OSP slabs, chipboard, MDF, as well as plastic PVC panels. With their help, it is much easier and you can quickly finish the premises.

PVC panels are considered to be practical material, but do not tolerate mechanical exposure, since the surface is very fragile.

What wallpaper is easier to glue neprofness

Experts believe that professionals should be engaged in repair work, but if they still have a desire to make repairs on their own, and there are no special skills, then it is much better to choose those materials with which it easier to cope. It is not desirable to work with wallpaper pregnant women, as this can cause premature birth. Increased temperature in the air and physical labor are not desirable to such representatives of a beautiful sex.

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Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

To shove the wallpaper in the joint, you need to do measurements with a roulette

Not professionals should not use such additional materials as:

  • Newspapers;
  • Baguettes;
  • Tile.

Especially no need to try to write independently patterns on wide whitewall wallpapers, as it may look far from being expected. The hall, covered by wallpaper with a single pattern and in one color - is not boring at all, if you correctly pick up a shade, as well as textiles and furniture for it. Newbies believe that it is easier to work with narrow wallpaper, but the meter fliseline canvases are not inferior to them. If the repair is carried out by two people, then preference should be over wide oibios.

Since they are more:

  • High-quality;
  • Stable;
  • Durable;
  • Durable.

The peculiarity of wide wallpaper is that they allow them to hide the irregularities of the walls and the joints themselves. Accordingly, it is possible to create a not really beautiful view of the living room and the impression of integrity and elegance will be created. However, the meter width wallpaper is not so easy to apply into a small room. For example, a kitchen or a corridor. Considering how many bends there, sometimes there is a desire to lure the walls at all with decorative plaster and simply appeal to be painted in the desired color, which can be accessible and beginners. It is not difficult to work with the material and does not require special skills, provided that the plaster will be the highest quality.

Low-line materials will begin to refuse while laying, which will significantly resort the final result.

Technology sticking wallpaper

The technique of sticking wallpaper is generally the same, as it is applied with a web exclusively vertically, and not horizontally, with the exception of the ceiling finish, which is quite rare. Before work, you need to cut the canvas and fold them with the back to top. So it will be easier to apply the glue composition. Promotation of canvases is carried out using a special warehose brush. As a rule, after glue is applied, the wall can be twisted, and therefore it is necessary to press the edges of the canvas with heavy objects. In order for the glue to impregnate wallpaper from 1-3 minutes, depending on the web.

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Apply glue in corners best with a small brusie

Modern designers began to invent a wide variety of ways of wathery of wallpaper, for example:

  • Diagonal;
  • Circular;
  • Horizontal;
  • Patchwork.

But the classic style is the most optimal and most often in demand especially by professionals. If there is a desire to combine two types of wallpaper, then it is pre-acquire such a product as a border tape that will help hide joints and sharp transitions. Ideally, repair and finishing work must be used together, since one person holds a canvas, the second sticks and rubs. Wallpapers are different not only by type, but by weight. For example, silk-screen printing is the most severe web in the world and cope with such material even together is difficult. Such work is better to trust the master. Sticking the thick wallpaper is embarrassing, as the thread folds will be formed during the allen, which is not the norm.

Important! Before sticking the wallpaper, plinth is removed, and after drying it is installed back.

After the canvases are taken needed with a dry sponge rub each sheet. This will remove glue residues, smooth the joints, and also remove unevenness. If you purchase high-quality glue, then it is enough to dry out enough hours, subject to the optimal temperature and humidity of the air. The glue should be chosen by the type of wallpaper otherwise there may be problems with drying and at all with sticking.

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When it is better to glue wallpaper, in winter or summer

For wallpaper linings, it is not necessary to look for a special time of year, as it is possible to eliminate the defect, regardless of the weather conditions or temperature in the room, and here for global repairs it is worth thinking about choosing the appropriate period.

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

It is possible to glue wallpaper at any time of the year, but you need to ensure that the temperature in the room varies in the range of + 10-25 ° C

To easily cope with the repair, both in the summer and in the cold months you need to pay a number of tips:

  1. For the wake of the room with wallpaper equally terrible both high and low temperatures.
  2. The most optimal level, as mentioned above, is considered to be 15-25 ° C.
  3. When working in hot weather or, if there is no possibility to turn off the battery or lower the flow in winter, it is worth using additionally PVA glue, which is added to the main adhesive composition.
  4. To wallpaper not fall off from the walls due to not too strong heating or high humidity, it is also worth using PVA glue, as well as take care of installing an additional source of heat. If it is a heater, then the room should contain a water container so that there is no drainage.
  5. You can often find glue compositions for sale precisely for work in difficult conditions with high humidity or low temperatures.
  6. Do not forget about the primer to increase the clutch of the canvas with the surface of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper (video)

Observing all the rules and recommendations, you can make repairs yourself. After all, it is always nice and much more profitable.

Good luck to you!

Examples of shook wallpaper (photo in the interior)

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

Tips, how to glue wallpaper correctly: 4 ways

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