How to decorate the wall in the room with your own hands: 7 options (+44 photos)


The apartment repairs is a rather time-consuming occupation, which is why I want to do something unique to not be able to change the interior for a long time. First of all, the question arises: "How to decorate the wall with your own hands with minimal cost?".

The decoration of walls in the apartment is becoming increasingly popular. The process of applying decorative things is fascinating and gives the house a kind of note novelty. There are many ways to decorate walls with your own hands, and it is difficult to determine about the choice. But you should consider all the ways to choose an acceptable option.

Wall decoration pictures


Answering the question How to decorate the walls in the room with your own hands, first of all comes to mind the use of painting. This method has a century-old history, in ancient times, the picture hanging on the wall was considered a big luxury. Today nothing has changed. Such a decor has a lot of original variations and is considered rather luxurious.

Pattern with abstraction as wall decor

But here it will be not about paintings, but about the surface of the wall, like a canvas. For her decoration, you need a good flight of fantasy and creative abilities, then you can decorate the walls in both kindergarten and at home.

Exploring the technique of applying various drawings, three ways can be noted:

  • Traditional . It is a sketch of plaster, while paints based on acrylic or oil suspensions are used.

Painting acrylic paints on the wall

  • Modern . The image is applied using new technologies, which makes the process at times more pleasant and faster. As an example is used airbrush and pearl paints.

Aerography on the wall
Aerography on the wall

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Pearl paints smears

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Picture on the wall pearl paints

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Picture on the wall

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Volumetric pearl painting
  • 3D drawings or volumetric patterns . Speaking about the 3D image, it is necessary to consider that not every specialist will cope with this work. As for the volumetric picture, it can be done almost any. This is done by recreating a form, it is desirable from plaster, after which the surface is painted.

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3d image on the wall
3d image on the wall

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Bas-relief decorative plaster

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Volumetric flowers

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Bas-relief on the wall

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Surveral image in color


In the absence of the abilities of the artist, it is not necessary to get upset. For beginner decorators, a way to use stencils is suitable. They are cardboard sheets with cut-out patterns, it remains to lean them against the wall and spray the paint. All drawing ready.

Beautiful stencil on the wall
Beautiful stencil on the wall

Although the market is overcrowded by similar products, it's all the same with your own hands the wall decoration goes much better, and the stencil wants to create yourself. Here Watman, construction knob, knobs or pencils come to the rescue. The pattern found on the Internet, found on the tight paper, and neatly the construction knife is deleted too much.

Stencil on the wall in the form of cats
Stencil on the wall in the form of cats

It is advisable to use a sprayer for applying paints, but a regular can with paint.

Sprayer for paint
Sprayer for paint

On video: how to make stencil do it yourself

Volumetric decor

If it is not planned to be placed near the wall, and the space will be completely free, you can stop the choice on volumetric decorative elements. It should be armed with plasterboard (it will become the main material) and select certain elements of the decor. It can be decorative niches, columns, fireplace or ordinary stucco.

Stucco on the wall

If the question arose than to decorate the walls in the room with your own hands, and the plasterboard is selected as the main material, you can not forget about the appointment of the room. It must be remembered that such a decor carries a rather severe emotional load.

It is necessary to determine the further texture of the wall panels:

  • Niche Well fit into the interior of the corridor or living room, they fulfill the role of a kind of showcase, on which you can lay out beautiful items from your own collection. But do not forget about consecration, which needs to pay enough attention.

Niche in the wall

  • You can decorate an empty wall columns They share the room for peculiar zones. Take advantage of this in the case of a low ceiling and make beautiful upstand columns - they will keep the roof over you.

Columns from plasterboard

  • Another decorative element - fireplace . It should not necessarily be natural, there are plenty of analogs working on gas and electricity. They can be purchased in any specialized store. But decoration will remain you. Plasterboard is used for the manufacture of volumetric decoration elements. But the facing is carried out by other materials.

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Decorative fireplace

Flexible stone

For decoration of walls in kindergarten, a flexible stone is used in kindergarten. Recently, this material has begun widely apply. It is a peculiar thin slice from a natural stone, equipped with a flexible basis. Due to its structure, it glues no harder than ordinary wallpapers and decorative tiles. It is usually used when decorating the arches, doorways, columns or niches.

Flexible stone
So looks like a flexible stone

Many are interested in how to decorate the walls in the bathroom with their own hands. And in this case, the flexible stone is not inferior to the classic cafél, it is perfect for flooring, wall decorations in the bathroom.

Bath trim flexible stone
Bath trim flexible stone

Flexible stone can be finished the bath itself, because it has a high resistance to a wet environment.

Paint pictures

Popular way of decorating walls with fabric patterns. These canvas from the first minute attract a look towards themselves. It is good for their creation, a dense tissue is suitable, which is resistant to moisture and various pollution.

Pictures of fabric

Also, the canvas can be isolated by drapery, but it is worth considering the features of this type of decoration. First, the fabric itself must go to the folds well, and secondly, it is necessary for a good combination of colors with a common design. After that, it will only remain to purchase or make a subframe and pull the fabric.

Pictures of tissue drapets


Stickers can perform as decoration for walls with their own hands. They are of various sizes, forms and colors, so suitable for any design. Stickers are easily applied, because they have an adhesive layer and do not require additional processing.

Decorative sticker not wall

Such an element of the decor will look good when applied to white walls. Another feature is more expensive elements can compete with screen drawings. Although their cost will be somewhat higher, it is well compensated for by lower labor and time.

Large sticker on the wall

Stickers can be created by itself. To do this, you will need a finished stencil with a pattern. Self-stick is superimposed on the stencil, cuts out its pattern and is glued in the right place.

Creating your own gallery

It should be noted that a monophonic wall is a peculiar showcase on which various items can be equipped by creating their own gallery at home. It is enough to place your unique collection, and it doesn't matter what it will be. Everyone has their own tastes and interests, so the main thing is not that, but how.

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Gallery of paintings on the wall

The location of things should be paid to special attention, any disorder will only spoil the view, and will not cause admiration. Therefore, distribute your creations on the floor, then move it in the same way to the wall.

Ideas for decorating the wall in the room (2 video)

How to decorate the wall: decor options (43 photos)

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Volumetric flowers

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Picture on the wall pearl paints

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Surveral image in color

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Volumetric pearl painting

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Pearl paints smears

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Picture on the wallbarnelter decorative plaster

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

Bas-relief on the wall

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

How and how to decorate the walls with your own hands: 7 decor options

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