Feline lodge with his own hands


If your cat or cat is constantly disappearing in a closet, scratch a wallpaper or sofa, hide under the blanket and it bothers you, try making a feline corner. Correctly made house for a cat or cat will be a favorite place of time. All sorts of feline corners, with clawholders and without, fully in stores, but it's not at all ... made with your own hands and better, and more reliable ... It is possible to develop it personally under the queries of your favorite.

What option to choose?

Build a house for a cat is not so difficult, but it is necessary to correctly choose the design. After all, I want to have a personally made, actively exploited, and not just stood for collecting dust. To like your cat or cat, look at where the pet prefers to spend time that he likes to do where he prefers to relax - climbing higher or on the floor ... In general, it is necessary to pick up the design of a cat house based on the habits of your pets.

Feline lodge with his own hands

The choice of design is the first thing you have to do.

How to develop a design

Cats and cats may vary. For example, cats prefer houses with two entrances - in case of emergency evacuation of offspring. Therefore, many people like pipes or similar to them. At the same time, too big LAZ do not like it, as it is necessary to feel in the shelter. Therefore, the entrance / exit to the house must be done not too much so that the pet in it calmly passed, but not more. And yet: not all cats like the houses that stand on the floor - in them cats dwell with kittens. "Idle" prefer asylum at height, although this is also not a fact, and depends on the habits of the individual.

Feline lodge with his own hands

For cats with kittens, the house is suitable on the floor

Cats prefer to spend time at a height, watching everything that happens around. They rarely sit in the house, but on the venues they can lie for hours. If you have a cat, make more sites, and solid sizes - so that the animal could lie down in full growth without risk fall. The railing if we need, then only for the highest shelves and clearly not around the perimeter, but only from the back and a little bit from the sides. In general, the individuals of the male floor feel very well on the sites without any fences: there is no fence on the trees. The railing is needed more to calm the owners than for cats.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Lower floor is usually ignored

And, by the way, there are cats that love to sit on the courts at least cats. So for them, too, you need a review point, as well as you need houses for cats. Little, maybe he will have a bad mood and he will decide to hide from you there. So yes, we have not been simplified with the choice with the choice, but this is the case - until you try, you will not understand what your pet is needed.

What to add

When the owners say "Cat House", usually refers to a whole feline complex, in which, in addition to the house itself there are sites and a number of additional devices. Typically, one or two plots are usually used, and the rest is only occasionally visited. But the fact is that you do not recognize in advance that your pet will have to do.

Useful additions for a cat house are scratching and lazal rubber. Kogtetochi are vertical surfaces that are usually wrapped with a rope from natural fibers. Lazallets are horizontal and oblique boys, for which cats can move from one level to another. Kogttechki, by the way, can also be used as lazal rubber - on them the beast is closed on the upper tiers.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Lazalks and hammocks - it usually likes cats

What else can be in a feline complex? Hammocks. This is usually a piece of rectangular fabrics, fixed on two crossings. Another option is also possible - a hard frame with a cloth with a cloth or a piece of fabric, suspended in four corners to the site.

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Feline lodge with his own hands

A combination of hammock and pipes - one of the "Light" options for a cat for a cat

Which cat likes the pipes. They are sewn from the fabric, for rigidity insert the circle or oval from the wire. One end is fixed higher, the second is thrown down. The main thing is that at the end of the tunnel there was a clearance, otherwise the cat is not lured. It turns out a good place for an ambush, in which some shaggy hunters love to spend time.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Brushes are a very comfortable thing to scratch, it is noted when the owner is not near. Kogtetochki allow you to protect furniture from cat claws - it is cheaper than buying an anti-vandal sofa

There is another chip that likes cats, but about which not many know - clothing brushes, nailed on vertical surfaces at about the backrest level of your favorite. Bristles on the brush - artificial, medium hardness. Try, your pet will be satisfied!

Choosing a height

In general, for cats, the rule is fair - the higher the better. Therefore, the height of the house you want to make with your own hands may be like what you are willing to do is at least under the ceiling. And no matter how much tiers in it, most often the uppermost one will be busy. And if there are several cats, there will be a "leader" at the top and it is this place that will always be disputed.

Feline lodge with his own hands

This is a whole feline Sportsport

The minimum feline height is about a meter. Such low buildings are safe even for kittens, however, they quickly grow up and then want to get higher.

Wall-mounted options

Not even the largest house for the cat takes about a meter of free space on the floor. It is not always possible to identify such space. For such cases there are wall-mounted options for feline corners. The houses and platforms are attached to the wall in the selected place by any available method. Where directly - nails to the wall, somewhere with the help of brackets. Between the fixed parts make transitions. From the boards - direct and inclined, rope stairs, stacked a crossroads at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, make steps in the form of a ladder ... In general, everything is limited to your fantasy.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Wall "simulators" for cats

Such wall corners for cats are called still shelves for cats, as the construction is very similar to traditional bookshelves. By the way, the shaggy them is very loved and are actively moving.

Choosing materials

Cat's house, with all additions, is usually collecting from construction residues. This is quite justified, because many (or all everything) the surface of the finished design will be covered with cloth, textiles, entangled with ropes, etc. So if there are remnants of building materials - you can use them. Requirements for materials (all) two:

  1. They should not have a sharp smell. In any case, such that perceives the human nose. Natural smells (wood, wool, etc.) do not count. If the material is bought recently, and the chemical smell is present, hold it on the street to weathered.
  2. Materials should not electrify. Static discharges are very unpleasant for cats, so open plastic surfaces they do not like. Also do not use silk.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Different designs, but the materials are the same

All demands, but there are still wishes. Want your cat to quickly and actively master the house? Hold building materials for some time in the house. They are impregnated with familiar odors, will be investigated by a curious beast. Made of "from the resistant" in the house of materials complex will be adopted with greater favor.

Materials for the base

If you look at the photo, a feline house consists of different parts and you can make them from different materials. The list of basic materials is:

  • House (Kura): plywood, chipboard, thin boards, rods from rods, newspaper tubes;
  • Vertical / Inclined Parts:
    • Round - plastic sewer pipe, paper (cardboard) pipe on which linoleum is wound, tree trunk, wooden bar;

      Feline lodge with his own hands

      Cathouse can be made of wood trunk

    • inclined - boards, chipboard, fabric;
  • Hammocks - fabrics, ropes.
  • Places - Wood, chipboard, plywood. Wood can not sow. It is enough to polish (the best option from the point of view of cats), can be covered with water-based varnish or soak oil for wood. Chipboard and Paneur will have to sew textile.

Explanations require only the trunk of a tree, as a material for a feline complex. Everything literally: take a tree, clean from the crust if it lifts. The branches are used as stands for placement of houses, sites, baskets.

Than sow

For the arrangement of brakes, a twisted rope of natural fibers is suitable: jute, linen, pene, sezal, etc. Take a thicker diameter and immediately several tens of meters - if the base is not wooden, all pipes will have to wipe the rope.

The shelves and houses are squeezed with a tight fabric with a short pile, usually carpet. The shorter and the tight pile, the better. Long and shaggy only look good, and so far the new - with time, dust, wool, different garbage and a cat house becomes causing allergies (your or cat) over time.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Upholstery / Sheathing - not too darling

The color of the upholstery, for cats is generally unimportant - they do not react to colors. Therefore, you can choose "under the interior", the most "practical" color, for the color of the wool of the pet, contrasting the cat's fur ... anyone.


To make your own hands, the cat's house was safe, you should think about the fastener. It is undesirable to use selflessness, as wool can be clinged for them, you should not use and brackets - can be dangerous for claws (both types of fasteners are suitable if the upholstery closes). It remains, in fact, only two types of fasteners: glue and nails, and glue - only PVA. Its normally transfer cats, since after drying it does not smell. Ropes and upholstery are glued on it, and shelves, houses and everything else - nails are nailed.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Feline lazalks with hammocks

You can still make a safe use of screws. Under the hat to drill a hole with a diameter of a larger diameter of the Hats, set fasteners, smeared with putty. Yes, exactly as in the manufacture of furniture, but what you can't do for the sake of the pet.

And yet: if the feline complex turned out to be too high, it is better to fix it. To the floor or to the wall, or to the floor, and to the wall. Otherwise, there may be problems - there have been cases when the cats have wrapped the design.

Photo with dimensions

No matter how talked about the device for a cat for a cat, it is best to understand the dimensions allow drawings with sizes. If you look closely at them, notice a solid run. This is understandable - cats have large and small, respectively, and the size of a cat's house will be more / less. You yourself can correct them depending on the size of your pets or available at the disposal.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Stock Foto Feline houses with dimensions

Feline lodge with his own hands

Three versions of feline corners with dimensions

The height of the presented structures is rather big - 180 cm and above, but you can reduce it, removing the extra floors of your opinion. All of these sizes can be as the basis for developing your own layout, put up exemplary sizes. Having a drawing on hand, you can start purchasing materials and making.

Instructions for making a house for two cats

There are two cats in the family. Senior - cat aggressor and younger, more movable. Therefore, the design was designed so that the younger could hide on the highest platform, and the eldest, because of his weight, could not get there. The house decided to arrange high, since both cats prefer height. The size made it more so that both individuals there could be simultaneously.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Source material and labor results

For this design, a thick furniture plywood (12 mm) is 75 * 50 cm in size, a bar of 50 * 70 (4.2 m), a joot-based carpet - 1 * 2.5 meters, 20 meters of rope. Fasteners - corners. For a house - 15 * 20 mm, for mounting sites - 40 * 45 mm, 55 * 20 and 35 * 40 - for insurance, and a couple of large - for mounting to the wall.

Cooking platforms and fasteners to the columns

Pillars in the selected design three: one 220 cm, the second - 120 cm and the third - 80 cm. They will be attached to the basis of the plywood sheet. Based on the poles so that the longest was closer to the wall. In order not to confuse, when marking on a sheet, with the help of a line and pencil, first painted the stencil on the paper on which the location of the columns relative to each other was applied. From the finished layout moved the markup to install the columns. They were fucked by long nails through the basis (4 pieces), drilled in the plywood holes slightly smaller diameter. Then they focused outside the corners 55 * 20 for a large pillar and 35 * 40 for smaller.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Marking - the most basic

Using the same pattern, on the platforms, there were a place of passings, then holes were cut down on them. To do this, the first drill was taken by 12 mm, drilled in the corners marked for the installation of the squares of the hole, which perfectly passes the blade of the electrolyzka. According to the experience: Better a slot to do with a millimeter-two more. The platforms still hold at the expense of the corners, and if it is too small to make a slot, it has to focus on a file or emery paper.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Fresh prepared platforms

Before installing the platform, "try on", by the need to adjust the slot. After putting the platform horizontally (we use the construction level) at the desired level, you note the pencil where the platform is worth it. On this markup, then install the corners, so the marks are made clear, from all four sides. When all platforms are normally installed, they are engaged in their carpet.

Build house housing

Two pieces of plywood 75 * 50 cm were cut into 4 rectangles. Of them made a roof, gender and two side walls. In the manufacture of one of the shelves, a piece of plywood with a semicircular opening side remained. It was decided to make an "entrance", and the rear wall was cut out from one of the pieces. It remains to collect a house, which is completely simple. Small metal corners were used, which were attached short self-drawing.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Cooking "nest" for a cat

Before covering the roof house, he was lit from the inside, thus closed fasteners and raised comfort. Work inside the case is not as convenient, but you can cope. The roof was chopped from two sides, after which they fastened with the help of the same corners, but placing them outside. Not very beautiful, but not deadly. The finished house was secured at the place allotted him. Received corners again, but larger - 35 * 40 mm.

Watch up pillars

The last stage - wind the poles, making the brake. Secure the rope to the post is easiest all the brackets. Several brackets - and ready. Next, tightly pressing one turn to another, overlook the spirals of the poles. We reach the barrier, reinforce the rope with brackets and continue in the next site.

Feline lodge with his own hands

As it turned out, the rope must be fell by a hammer ...

According to the experience, I must say that no matter how hard, the turns of the rope lay down one to another is not very tight, over time they "worked" and began to "ride" up / down a little. Having done the work to errors, they found a way: setting several turns, they are bridged with a hammer. Everything is simple, but if I knew in advance ... That's all, we made a house for a cat with your own hands. It took about 6 hours.

Similar design is considered in the video below.

House of the box and T-shirts for two minutes

For the simplest and budget option, you need a minimum of "ingredients":
  • Cardboard box of suitable size;
  • Old T-shirt;
  • Wide scotch.

From the tools only the mounting knife and scissors will be required.

Stock Foto Interesting cat houses / complexes

Living next to us, cats are becoming difficult for pets, and family members. I want to create them all the conditions for comfort, so the hosts and try, inventing all new and new devices / structures. We collected a few interesting ideas in this section.

Feline lodge with his own hands

Different approach for different number of cats, but interesting ideas

Feline lodge with his own hands

Compact "Multi-Build"

Feline lodge with his own hands

Shelves for cats - the name is clearly non-random ...

Feline lodge with his own hands

Make a feline lay in the form of a shelf - an interesting idea. Just like a cat lazaller from the stepladder

Feline lodge with his own hands

Coto bedside ...

Feline lodge with his own hands

Cold is not aunt ... Hammak near the radiator

Feline lodge with his own hands

When the windowsill is too narrow ...

Feline lodge with his own hands

For lovers of topper. The cat will be happy!

Feline lodge with his own hands

Wall hammock - convenient and safe (for cats and cats)

Feline lodge with his own hands

Guards ...

Feline lodge with his own hands

Hammock to organize very simple

Feline lodge with his own hands

Combination of shelves for cats with hammocks ... Almost work of art

Additional video ideas

The house with a periscope and brake cleaning for a cat.

Option using PVC pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

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