Registration of wedding glasses and bottles with your own hands: Decorating technique


Wedding - An infrequent event in life, and it requires the expression of the emotional lift of young people entering into marriage, in the form of beautiful things, solemn decorations, festive design. This also applies to the decor of vessels, of which young drink champagne. The design of wedding glasses and bottles do it yourself - this is what will help even more combine the bride and groom.

Champagne decoration for a wedding

Features of the decor of the bottle with ribbons

Preparing for the wedding, future spouses choose dresses and costumes, learning a joint dance, come up with the design of the place where the wedding will pass. And it is very important that in all the stylist compliance. Based on the selected style, bottles are made to the wedding, as well as glasses intended for a solemn throat for happiness.

Champagne decoration for a wedding

As a rule, tapes apply to decorating wedding bottles of champagne. Satin dressings and glass are perfectly combined, creating air and pretty images. Such ribbons and themselves decorate everything that is attached, and if the idea for decoration is selected successful, the design of champagne to the wedding becomes creating a work of art.

Registration of champagne and glasses

Most often used tender, light tones:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • soft blue;
  • light pink.

To underscore and highlight details of the background, black, red, golden color apply. However, future spouses can choose the decoration of bottles with tapes of more brighter, juicy tones, if it matches their idea of ​​the wedding image.

Capacities can be decorated equally, as if symbolizing the inseparable pair, the community of the family, and can both differently, emphasizing the individuality of the spouses. Moreover, the difference is expressed not only in the fact that one vessel - the "fiance", decorated with darker shades and in a simple style, the second - "bride" in bright shades and a large number of decorative elements. It is possible to emphasize the individuality of the sizes and the form of the container, for example, one more and above, the other is lower and wider.

The decoration of the vessels or glasses will be even more interesting if you make them on the principle of complementary halves: on the surface of one picture is applied, on the second - its continuation (the bride and groom hold hands).

Decor of bottles and glasses for a wedding

Technique design of a bottle of champagne (master class!)

Despite the fact that the ideas of decorating a lot, there are some general principles of the decor of the widening vessels. What you need for the decor:

  • Satin ribbons themselves in sufficient quantities;
  • scissors for cutting them;
  • glue for fixing;
  • Decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, beads, lace, etc.).

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It will be necessary to show some perseverance and be careful because the work will have a subtle and not forgiving careless relationship. We offer a small master class to create an exquisite decor of a bottle in the form of a bride.

1. The container must be pre-wash and clean from the labels. The surface of the glass is degreased with alcohol-containing liquids.

2. Cut a small piece of lace and encircle it to the neck. At this place, apply glue and enjoy the flaps.

Decoration of champagne master class

3. Take the ribbon and also attach it to the neck. Supleny cut off. We apply glue and apply the tape so to wrap the bottle it. At the same time, the right end is superimposed on the left.

Decoration of champagne master class

4. For the second and subsequent layers, try other ribbons. They will be longer, because the throat of champagne book expands. Excessly cut off, we apply glue and fix.

Decoration of champagne master class

5. When the bottle is completely saved with ribbons, proceed to the creation of jewelry. If the product is in the form of a bride, you will need to make a lush skirt.

Decoration of champagne master class

6. The neck can be decorated with beads or ribbon from rhinestones. Accessories fix with glue.

Decoration of champagne master class

7. The final barcode is a hat with a veil. It can also be made from the ribbon and translucent fabric (as the latter can serve a segment of an old bow or a small piece from white tulle).

Decoration of champagne master class

Glass glue is used so that all decor elements are firmly kept on the vessels. If the tapes are not only glued with a solid surface, but also they are observed, the node can be consolidated with transparent bilateral tape.

On video: Master class on the design of wedding champagne

Design of Boxrooms

For the decor, it is not necessary to take glasses of the same sizes. So, if you want to issue vessels in the stylistry "Bride and Groom", then it is logical to take one glass big and high as a groom, the second should be less, rounded shape and with a thin leg resembling a female silhouette.

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The glasses are drawn up almost the same materials as the bottle of champagne. As decor you can apply:

  • satin ribbons;
  • polymer clay;
  • lace;
  • artificial flowers;
  • rhinestones;
  • feathers.

Decor of glasses with ribbons and lace

Decor of glasses with ribbons and lace

Polymer clay glasses decor

Polymer clay glasses decor

Registration of glasses feathers

Registration of glasses feathers

Registration of glasses rhinestones

Registration of glasses rhinestones

Often glass is decorated with pearl beads. They can be glued in the middle of a decorative flower or position evenly over the entire surface.

Decoration of wedding glasses

Where to learn ideas?

In order to adequately arrange its wedding bottles, the bride and groom can visit the special master class on the wedding decor and learn a lot of ideas for design, as well as learn technical techniques. Technician work with glass There is a great set.

Decorating wedding glasses and bottles of satin ribbons and other materials does not require any special skills and difficult accessories. Only desire, imagination and for a while. The material used and the design technique depends, as mentioned, from the overall style of the decoration of the wedding and from the fantasy of the newlyweds.

The more efforts are applied to the decor, the more unique and unique it will be, the memorandum will be the event. The main thing is that the end result is combined with the costumes of the bride and groom and pleased the eyes.

Champagne idea for a wedding

What form to choose a container?

The decoration of the champagne bottle is convenient because this glass vessel has a suitable form, conditionally repeating the shape of the human body - a wide bottom and elongated neck. It looks good when the decor of the bottles is scheduled in the form of figures of newlyweds - two containers repeat the appearance of a combined marriage of a couple. However, it is possible to decorate any other vessels, for example, a bottle from Martini or Cognac, which remained from the New Year holidays. Cognac tanks have dark glass with clear rectangular or pyramidal forms, which corresponds to, rather, the image of the groom.

Therefore, to decorate such a container, you can choose not the most common decor elements: wire, stones, shells, ropes. They are somewhat harder to connect and attach to a glass surface, but good glue and the correct design technique will cope with it. Tapes and paints in this case are used darker, golden brown tones.

The option "pair" decoration of bottles is a combination of brandy and vodka, the first wide "shoulders", the second narrow and slender.

Wedding Bottles

The decoration of bottles on the wedding with their own hands is not a costly, but very exciting occupation, designed to make a future family even stronger. Ideas for the decor of wedding bottles and glasses a lot, their incarnation depends only on the desire of the bride and groom to please yourself and guests of the solemn event. A large selection of materials used for decor - from traditional satin ribbons to rope and wire. The main thing is that the idea of ​​a fun event is read in decorated vessels, and they pleased with their future spouses.

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Ideas for decorating champagne for a wedding (2 video master class)

How beautiful to arrange champagne for the wedding (40 photos)

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Decor of glasses with ribbons and lace

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Bright decoration of bottles and glasses for the wedding

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