Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video


The title of the type of sleeves "Raglan" went from the surname of the British Feldmarshal Lord Roman, who lost his hand in the battle of Waterloo in 1815. His outerwear was with a closer space for hands, allowing you to hide its disadvantage. Raglan sleeve is widely used in sewing and in knitting. A very convenient way to knitting a variety of things is Raglan on top of the knitting needles. A detailed description will tell how to do it. In this technique, the main part of the product knit with the sleeves, often with the neck.

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

Knitting technique "Raglan" consists of two stages: first knit seamless rectangular coquette, adding 2 loops in each second row in each of the 4 corners. When the rectangle from the neck comes to the armpits, knitting is separated and knit sleeves and a single web back and in front. Knit necessarily with circular spokes, it is better to have several pairs of one diameter, but with a different length of the fishing line. For seamless sleeves I will need stocking needles. It is very convenient to knit reglanet from above when performing multicolor patterns: work is much more beautiful looks and all patterns match perfectly without additional fit.

Pluses of technology

Let's figure it out in the main advantages of this technique:

  • Separate parts do not need to sew. Such things are very well suited as children's clothing, clothes for newborns, as there are no extra seams.

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

  • When knitting from the neck from above, you can always try on the thing and correct its size is the width and length of both the entire product and sleeves.
  • The product is well on the shoulders and will not guard around the armpits.

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

  • It is well suited for knitting children's things, since if the thing has become a kid's short, it can be simply tied, dismantle the loop of Niza.

Clarification: so that the thing looks well, you need a very accurate calculation of the loops to a specific size.

Algorithm for calculating the number of loops:

  1. First, approximately 20 rows and 30 loops width are knit for the sample. That viscous that will be used mainly.
  2. The finished sample must be wrapped and sip, then the calculation will be more accurate.
  3. Calculate loops in 1 cm (using a ruler).
  4. The result obtained is multiplied by the length of the neck of the neck.

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Recently, the knitting of the products are converted from top to bottom from the neck in a circle. It is convenient because, by defining the required number of loops, then you can knit all the product. No need to sew individual parts. Such things are well sitting on the model.

The RLANAN line, depending on the model, can be both a very noticeable and specially underlined pattern, and practically hidden thanks to the selected knitting methods.

Clothing for babies

There are various models of knitted children's clothing. It is more convenient to knit the reglane and because you can easily turn one kind of clothing to another, changing the length of the product, for example, a vest in the dress.

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

As the sample is given a jacket on buttons for the boy. It is not as complicated in knitting even for beginners.

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

For her knitting, 80 grams of children's acrylic yarn of blue, 30 grams of white, 350 m / 100 grams, 4 white buttons. As well as circular spokes # 3, stocking knitting needles # 3, pins markers.

Scheme for knitting:

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

Calculation of the loops and work move: on circular needles you need to dial 64 loops, to peel 10 rows with a rubber band of 1 × 1. Then distribute the loops for the regulated: for sleeves and shelves of 10 loops, for the backrest 20 loops. Between them - intended loops for the regulated. Knit, adding loops in the invalible rows before and after the regulated, 30 rows by the "Cube" pattern. After that, the loops of the sleeves are moving onto bugps, knit down 50 rows of corn and 10 rows with a rubber band of 1 × 1. Next, they are also pronounced before and back. For slats: Loops are gaining along the shelves, knit 6 rows with a rubber band of 1 × 1. On the left plank every 20 loops in the third row, loops for buttons are tested: 2 together face, nakid. At the end, buttons are sewn.

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Other options related to this technique, as well as various patterns can be seen in the photo:

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

Raglan on top of the knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners with video

Video on the topic

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