Facade device from composite panels


Materials for finishing the facade of buildings today are a lot. Not all of them have top quality, but many worthy of spent money. Pay attention also to the fact that not always a high price provides good quality, durability and reliability. The choice of finishing material for the facade needs to be related to full responsibility, as it is not bought for one year!

Today, the composite made from a mixture of polymer and wood, which makes it very difficult to use the composite panels from the tree of the elite breed. The most common installation method is mounted. It provides an opportunity not only to decorate the facade of the building, but also insulate it, protect it from the wind!

Facade device from composite panels

Facing facade with wooden panels on a polymer basis.

Installing composite panels on the ventilated facade

Today I will tell you how to properly fix the composite panels on Ventfasad. Montage of the most attached facade will also consider it, because it is also very important! You should not only memorize, but also understand the sequence of actions!

Facade device from composite panels

Facade of composite plates under the tree

Construction of carcass

Making a frame for composite panels is preferably starting with correct marking. Let's start with the fact that we will place our wall vertically. The number of marks should be equal to the number of profiles used. Hinged frame - the easiest in manufacture and maintenance. Most likely it is for this reason that it is most often used.

Next, we take the mounting brackets and with the help of anchor dowels, they are dripping them vertically at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other. As for the horizontal distance, it all depends on the number of profiles. Fastening brackets will be needed in order to adjust the plane.

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Facade device from composite panels

Installation of composite panels

The carrier profiles are divided into several types: P-shaped, T-shaped and L-shaped.

I draw your attention to the fact that the parameters of the console directly depend on the configuration of the carrier profile, so when starting to make a ventilated facade, it is mandatory to take into account this. I advise you to choose the wrong frame that is easier to do, but the one that is most suitable for you.

In order to attach the carrier part to the console, you will have to drill holes, the diameter of which is equal to the rivet diameter. Two rivets are installed on the mount. Less - it is inappropriate, more - unreliable.

Facade device from composite panels

Scheme of composite panels

Once all the planes are installed, it's time to start their leveling. To do this, you need extreme profiles to set perfectly smoothly (we use the usual construction level). As soon as they become alignment to end, take the Kapron thread and stretch between extreme profiles that have just left. Thread should be both from above and below. Focusing on it, align the rest of the profiles. So it turns out much faster than running with the level near everyone.

Attention! I recommend choosing a frame, immediately count the distance from the angles of the wall, otherwise the angular cassettes may not be suitable.

Wagtage of the ventilated facade

For high-quality insulation of the ventilated facade, either a foam, or a mineral wool known to all of us, is used. These are the most common materials. Installation of the insulation occurs only after the hinged facade is ready.

Installation of the insulation occurs by caring the material to the protruding console. At the place of the mount, make cruciform cuts. Sold watments or foam, carefully refuel it inside the frame so that nothing is broken.

Polyfoam is better attached to the help of construction glue, lubricating all sheets at five points (for greater reliability). Many people think that this is not enough, but due to the fact that the foam plastic is light, and still holds on the consoles, the design is very reliable, in itself nothing falls off.

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Facade device from composite panels

Wagtage of the ventilated facade

Mineral wool, for confidence in reliability, can also be fixed with mushroom dowels. With foam you can do the same, but it will be excessive spending time and money.

Before fixing all the fungi, I recommend installing a special barrier for wind. This material will serve both wind and waterproofer. If such material did not find such a material in local construction stores, you can use a cellophane high density film.

Facade device from composite panels

Warming with windproof.

Installation of panels

In order to install the panel, you need to buy spacel sleds. Their advantage is that they simultaneously serve as a guide element and fastening for composite sheets. There are special brackets on the side of the sled, which qualitatively fixes panels. The method is convenient, simple, does not require much time.

Facade device from composite panels

Installation of the mounted ventilated facade.

Slags and brackets are fixed with rivets. On the same rivets you need to attach some panels located at the intersection of guides and tongs. Between the cassettes must be a centimeter clearance.

As for the design, the composite panels are in the form of a tree, stone or brick, so when installing do not forget to make a drawing correctly.


Facade device from composite panels

Facade composite panels

Composite panels are made in a variety of sizes. A variety of shades and textures is also huge. The pricing is repelled from these indicators. The bright example is the panel with the addition of wood. They will cost much more expensive than ordinary. For quality, you need to pay extra, and this concerns not only building materials.

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