Goldfish Fish Template - Colored Paper Applique (Master Class)


The kids are beginning to study water inhabitants from simple and uncomplicated fish. The best way for them is to remember how they look like - draw or make it easiest. Of course, young creators get it not always neatly, but because the fish pattern is an excellent solution for creativity, as well as to get acquainted with the marine inhabitants.

Fish pattern

To create a beautiful and neat applique with the baby, it is best to use patterns of fish for the blast. Such stencils can be used as details. Children love to paint ready-made pictures, they will be a priori with neat contours, and the task of kids is to give a color pattern.

How to make a fish pattern?

To begin with, it is worth talking about where to take a pattern for cutting in the form of fish. If you have the simplest skills of artistic art or know how to draw well, it is easier to prepare stencil yourself. On the usual sheet paper, make an outline. The simpler it turns out the figure, the better, because the child must gradually study the smallest details.

It is best stocking with cardboard and cut fish stencils from it, because the tight material is stronger and more convenient to circle it.

Applique fish

If you do not know how to draw, you can go to another way. Fast and easy way - Download ready-made stencil patterns Fish from the Internet and print on the printer. The picture will have to cut down the contour, at will, you can decorate it with colored paper or paint with markers along with the child. If you do not have a printer, you can redraw a picture found on the Internet, from the computer monitor. Make it easy: Attach a thin sheet of paper to the screen and circle the contours pencil.

Article on the topic: Decoration on the wall: We make bright crafts from paper with your own hands

On video: how to make a fish pattern with your own hands

Applique with the "Gold Fish" template (master class)

Applique - This is a very useful lesson for children. They learn to use glue and scissors, train accuracy, fantasize, combining colors in the picture, develop motility of hands and abstract thinking. Working with bright colors, creating an image from small parts - also a good entertainment for children from 4 years.

To create an applique, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

How to make a fish out of paper

Creating an applique on a pattern includes several stages:

1. Take one of the simple stencils of fish and outlines the details, prepare cardboard templates for a child.

Detail Fish Template
Detail Fish Template

2. Lay the tight cardboard for the background and several sheet paper sheets. First circle the torso fish, cut out and stick to the cardboard. Tail and fins make one color, gently stick them nearby.

Master Class Fish Template
Stick to the body and tail

3. Make scales - This is the most interesting in the process of creating a goldfish. Circuit prepared pattern, and on it a simple pencil draw a few scales, having them evenly across the details.

Master Class Fish Template
Draw scales for cutting

4. Cutting the scales, move them at right angles. Squeeze the glue item and glue on the fish. The scales will give the volume of future crafts and notching the originality. Unusual crafts are the key to the fact that the child will be interested in working with you.

Master Class Fish Template
We glue fins and detail with scales

5. Of course, the fish need an eye. Changing the white paper circle proportionally position it on the heroine of the applique. Similarly, make a pupil from black paper. Next, the case of taste and flight of fantasy.

Master Class Fish Template
Glit eyes

6. Decorate the background. You can cut algae or stones also from colored paper.

Master Class Fish Template
We glue parts in the form of algae and stones

Gold fish ready. This is how the small sea inhabitant of colored paper is made, the baby will surely enjoy working with bright sheets of paper, and the templates of the Golden Master Sea will simplify his work.

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Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

Colored paper applique with fish template

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