Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities


Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

Good afternoon friends!

The weather is not very medicine with warmth, but still nature pleases with bright spring paints and have already grown some flowers from the bulbs, now here we have yellow daffodils everywhere and warm our sunny reflections like all yellow flowers in the garden regardless of the year.

It is always nice to admire such beauty and share a spring mood. I hope I will give it to you in my small story about perennial bulbous colors.

Flowers from the bulbs are very easy to grow, it is not necessary to plant on the seedlings at home, dive. The bulbous flowers are usually perennial and grow in one place for several years. And it is especially nice that they are the first to appear in the spring, as if promoting: "Spring has come!".

What are bulk flowers? I made a small selection of photos of bulbous colors with names.

Spring bulbous flowers

Flowers crocuses

Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

The earliest bulbous flowers with us are crocuses. They are already fighting.

The name of the crocus comes from two words of Greek and Arabic and means "yellow thread". This name is given for the painting of the crocus pestle. Yellow pestles are used even as a food dye.

Crocus -Read-loving plant, loves loose, fertile soils. In one place crocuses grow 4-5 years.

The bulbs of spring-flowing crocuses are planted in the ground in September-October. There are those that bloom in autumn, they are planted in July-August.

A varietal variety of crocuses is small. Most popular - spring, yellow, golden-color.

Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

Crocuses look great in the chapels, flower beds, alpine rols, vases and containers, and in monoposodes on the background of dark green conifers.


Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

Following crocuses, Hyacinth bulbous flowers were blocked. We at work put several multicolored colors on the window. Beauty! And the aroma is worth it!

Hyacinth is one of the most beautiful and common perennial bulbs.

The flowers of the bell shape have a very strong and pleasant fragrance.

There are more than 3 thousand hyacinth grades with a variety of colorful flowers - blue, lilac, pink, red, white, yellow.

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For hyacinths need loose, better sandy soil.

They are planted in a sunny place. In the shade of hyacinths grow badly. Hyacinths do not tolerate excess moisture, it leads to airproofing bulbs.

It is necessary to plant hyacinths from the second half of September, in the south- in October.

How to plant bulb flowers?

The bulbs are pre-desirable to soak in manganese for 15 minutes. Make a groove, fall asleep sand and ash in them. The hyacinths plant on the depth, three times higher than the height of the bulbs, covered with sand from above.

By the way, this rule of landing depth refers to other bulbous plants: tulips, lilies.

Flower hyacinths 15-20 days. After the completion of flowering, they are fed by an ammonium nither.

Lukovitsa at Hyacinte a long-term. To get normal inflorescences next year, the bulb needs to dig every year. This is done in July after the yellowing of the leaves. The bulbs are laundered from the ground and dried 10 days at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Then fold into the boxes and stored before landing at a temperature of 15-17 degrees.

The hyacinths are most effectively looking at landing with groups, separate stains, in rokaria between stones.


Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

Narcississ-Something a blooming perennial bulbous plant.

There are more than 10 thousand varieties of daffodils. Flowers are simple and terry, white and yellow.

Narcissus moisture, but do not carry water stagnation, it can lead to the winking of bulbs.

Mill demanding soils. It is better to plant on open places protected from wind.

Narcissa flower will always turn to the sun, where they would not be planted.

To get strong beautiful plants, Narcissa needs to be contacted during the period of mass sediments by complex mineral fertilizer, then in the period of bootonization and mass flowering, make nitroammophos.

In one place, Narcissus can grow 4-5 years . The bulbs are not recommended to dig up before after three years, because the young bulb becomes ready for reproduction only by the third year.

Narcissian bulbs are planted in September to a depth of 12-15 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

Narcissus beautifully looks at small groups on lawns, in curbdoms, between shrubs, on the Alpine slide.


Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

Following the daffodies, we wait for tulips to dissolve. My already scored boutons.

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I like when there are many of them and they burn with almy paints.

In general, of course, the tulips not only are widged. I have grown many of these mothers. Yellow tulips are very beautiful, and especially I love my whites with a terry edge, well, and others of course who are trying to dilute.

I have already written more about the spring colors of the tulips, you can look there and look at my photo.

Usually I feel sorry to cut the flowers in the garden. But tulips are so much that it is possible to make beautiful spring compositions for the holiday. Just to Easter, the flowers will still be and you can originally decorate with a festive table.


Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

Beautiful bulbous flowers bloom in May with an interesting name "Ryabchik".

Here I have no such. But I plan to put in my garden.

There are such interesting bell colors in Ryabchiki, both single and collected in inflorescences.

And the leaves have a shape of a gutter, they collect water that fell on them and send it to the roots.

Sit on-born bulbs in August - September. The depth of planting depends on the variety: low-speed - at a depth of 8-10 centimeters, tall - by 12-15 at a distance, respectively, 20 or 35 centimeters.

Ryabikov love shaded places. Under these conditions, the flowers they grow larger and flower longer.

In general, it is very unpretentious in the care of a bulbous plant. Care lies in moderate watering, loosening, feeding with mineral fertilizers.

And in contrast to other bulbous, the rivets are little susceptible to different fungal and viral diseases.

Bulb flowers Summer and autumn

I hope that I created a spring mood?

Maybe about bulbous, blooming summer and autumn, it is worth talking at another time.

And about my favorites Liliyah You can read and now here >> and see the selection of photos of these wonderful colors.

Here, perhaps, I will write about the gladiolus, their bulbs just need to be prepared for landing.

Gladiolus - proud, slim, elegant

Perennial flowers from the bulbs: photo, titles, peculiarities

The perennial tuberukovic plant gladiolus was distributed due to exceptionally beautiful and diverse flowers in color. Cut and put in water arrow of plants continue to dissolve buds and blossom for a long time.

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Gladiolus light-loving and moisture.

They are best grown on fertile, well-drained, lung or light sandy soils. The plot must be protected from winds.

The spring area is hammered by 2 bayonet shovels, since the roots of the gladioles grow to a depth of up to 50 cm. Integrated mineral fertilizer, humus, contribute to the ground.

Before planting the bulb, gladiolus is watered with a mortar of manganese for the prevention of diseases. If you hold the bulbs in a warm and wet room before planting, it will accelerate their germination.

Put gladiolus in April-May, when the soil warms up to a temperature of 10 degrees.

The bulbs close in the ground by 10-15 cm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. If the landing is small, then the stalks of the gladiolus can be twisted. After the appearance of land sewers must be loosened.

Since the stem of the gladiolus is rather high, in order to avoid breakdowns, they are tested to spickers.

During flowering, regular abundant watering is needed to the depth of landing, as well as after flowering in order for large and healthy bulbs.

Fucking an ammonium nitrate or urea after the appearance of the first sheet, then after the appearance of the third sheet, and two weeks before the start of flowering - calcium spitter.

When cutting colors, you need to leave four sheets so that the bulbs are better matured.

In the fall, as the leaf drying, you can dig bulbs. They are washed with water, the roots are not removed, soaked in a mortar solution for 20 minutes and dried at room temperature for 20 days. Then they separate the roots, the baby and leave at room temperature for another 3-4 weeks. Place for storage in paper bags in a fridge or cellar.

Of course, I wrote not about all kinds, but only about those that grow myself.

And what bulbous flowers in the country or in your garden are you growing?

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