Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?


Beautifully decorated plot - the dream of each dacket. What makes the cottage beautiful?

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

This is primarily the work and love of your property, as well as competently projected and created individual elements of landscape design, which are linked to one of themselves. The stream in the country area can become one of these elements.

This option will perfectly fit into any design. We will consider the stages of its creation, the basic principles and ways of design.

As a result, you will understand that the creation of a stream does not represent a special complexity, and the pleasure of its contemplation costs all costs.

How to make a stream in the country? Main steps

First, let's decide which type of stream you want to create . The classic is a running water that is intricately looped and crosses the entire area, leaving underground. However, it is worth considering that the stream is of natural origin, and it can proceed in a straight line. When you create an artificial stream, you will specify the trajectory of the flow of water themselves. In this case, in order for water to be in motion, you will have to connect the pump. At the same time, it should not be seen.

A simpler version is a dry stream, where water is absent. This is a kind of stylized element of the landscape, which only imitates the running water. And now let's consider each option.

If there is a natural stream on the site , then it is usually not a very attractive sight: overgrown, with swamp odor due to low water flow rates, which sometimes can even be stamped. At first it should be examined, see where the most narrow and wide place.

Then you need to remove weeds along the shores. Armed with a shovel, you can give a stream of several bends, expand in narrow places. By adding and deepening, try to increase its slope to give a greater speed of water. However, be careful with it.

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Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

If the shores are very cool, try to make them gentlemen and dissolve themselves as far as possible near the meter's stream 2 in both directions. The stream should not resemble a ditch.

It is also necessary to clean the bottom of the garbage, and then put on it pebbles and stones in an arbitrary order, of different sizes. This will allow the creek cheerfully lit. On the shore, it is also necessary to put stones, blowing them at 1/3-1 / 2 to the ground.

The next stage is plant landing. Moreover, try to pick up low-spirited species, squeeze not thick, otherwise the stream will be lost behind violent vegetation.

Now consider the creation of an artificial stream . We take the plan of the site and apply it to the trajectory. Very well, if the relief has a slope, because in the smooth section will have to form it by submetakes, and this is extra costs. However, do not worry, water can run and in almost even terrain with a minimum slope, injected by the pump.

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

Then proceed to the removal of the stream in nature. It is necessary to dig a shallow groove (about 20 cm) with gentle shores. With a bias of 3 cm on 1 m, the water will already be able to see the naked eye. It will also be bad if you make one or several drops that will play the role of mini-waterfalls.

The bottom is tram, and a special film is placed on it, which does not let water. Make sure that on the bottom there is no sharp stones, roots and other inclusions that can break the material. Under the film it is desirable to pour sand, layer 5-6 cm (tamper).

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

Instead of the film, you can make a bed of concrete. While the concrete is not frozen, stones, pebbles insert into it. Minus such a design is the need for shelter for the winter. Also, if you do not remove all the water, and it will freeze, then the bottom of the stream of the stream will cover the cracks, through which water will go away in the summer.

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If the bottom slope does not allow to create differentials, they can be made using large flat stones, which are laid under a slight inclination to the side opposite to the flow of water.

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

The stream will fall into the container (for example, an old bathroom), burned to the ground. From above, it can be covered with a shallow metal grid, which is laid out (mask) pebbles and stones. A pump is installed in the tank, which will supply water to source by the hose. The hose is buried in the ground.

To create a dry stream, you can use the above technology, only without water. You can read more detail here.

Drawing a stream with your own hands

After the stream of the stream is performed, you can proceed to its design. Mandatory materials are stones and plants. It is not necessary at the design of the bottom and shores by stones to observe symmetry, it is appropriate only when creating a dry stream and then in some cases.

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

Among the plants the best will be low . From blooming spring - primroses, musi, daffodils, dwarf tulips and other melligertic. Beautifully looks at various low cereal plants (oatmeal, grivoy barley), soil (phlox, jascolka, stonecock), especially among stones. You can also pay attention to the assortment used when creating an alpine slide.

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

Separately planted copies of juniper (sharpening forms), mountain pine pine will also give the crop natural look. From the source you can land a wrapper IVA.

Also popularity has acquired the arrangement of the stream with various small forms . This is, first of all, a bridge that should not be massive and high, otherwise the stream is lost on its background. It should more resemble a little arched arc or straight crossbar, without a peril.

Creek in the country area. How to equip and arrange with your own hands?

The bridge can be made of wood, stone. There are only decorative designs that are not able to withstand a person, but there are those for which you can walk.

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Also, reflect the streams can also be other sculptures and structures (Mill, small stylized houses, stone lanterns). The mystery and mysteriousness of the stream in the dark will give lighting, which should not be bright. It is better to disguise with it with stones and plants.

Having attached some of the work and time, you will get a wonderful structure that will help to relax after a hard day, a melodious murmur will fill you calmly, give vitality and energy.

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