Is it possible to paint the wallpaper not as painting and


It happens, and there are no special means on overhaul, and vacation ahead. And so I want to refresh my apartment, add novelty, raisins! There is a way out: Color liquid or vinyl wallpapers in the home. If you choose high-quality materials and understand the intricacies of the process (which wallpaper varieties can be painted (for example, liquid wallpapers), and what to touch it is undesirable), quite soon your apartment will play new bright colors.

Is it possible to paint the usual wallpaper

No matter how beautiful your favorite wallpaper would be, sooner or later, their color will sweep or just get bored. Agree, from year to year to observe the same design, shade, - all over time begins to lead any person in despondency. It is necessary to change something urgently, but how to modify the aged wallpaper without excess spending and effort? To do this, use their painting. But the question is: Is it possible to paint the usual coating at all or is it for this just specifically designed for this?

Traditional types of wall coverings include paper wallpapers. They can be found in almost every apartment. If you suddenly wanted to update them, but do not buy new and not spend the days and nights for the sticking of new rolled materials, be careful. Specialists say that it is better not worth painting the usual wallpaper. Two-layer, single-layered wallpapers, - This type of wall cover can suffer from paint. However, a competently organized process will refresh the long-to-wear colors in their home. It is necessary to study the basic requirements.

Is it possible to paint the wallpaper not as painting and

It is possible to take for painting with wallpapers only if they do not have serious damage. It is important that the material is not extended from the wall, it should be easily adjacent to it, otherwise it does not make sense to buy the coloring composition.

Special requirements are put forward to the level of paint quality. Among its basic characteristics should be attended:

  • strength. The usual needs to be protected from various mechanical damage;
  • Ecology. If there is toxic elements in the peeling mixture, the paper coating may not survive such an painting;
  • Resistance. Paint should save the color for a long time. It is equally important to protect the coating from the destructive effects of water - select the composition that can cope with it.

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You can paint the old coating, but it is done solely paint on a water basis. This category includes latex painting composition. The favorable its use is the ability to strengthen even the usual paper coating. They become durable, can withstand the further effects of water. Boldly wash the wall cover after using this material. Acrylic composition with latex base is another popular product. The usual coating after painting by this material acquires texture and is less subjected to corrosion. You can paint their acrylic paint on a water basis. Then the feeling of sharpness and steam will not appear in the room, and the composition itself will dry quickly. The most fiscal option is a water-emulsion. It does not have the smell, dries instantly, but no water-repellent properties are different.

Liquid wallpaper

Sooner or later, painting liquid wallpapers may also be needed. Over time, stains and contamination appear on liquid wallpaper, which do not always fail. Painting is the best way out. Choose a high-quality coloring composition and proceed to work. The choice of shades is so diverse that you can safely experiment. Buy either ready-made paint, either the basis and closets: so, you independently output a beautiful shade of color for liquid wallpaper. Will it be bright and saturated or vice versa, muffled, depends only exclusively from you.

Is it possible to paint the wallpaper not as painting and

Before deciding to paint liquid wallpapers, pay attention to one key nuance: This material is characterized by silkness and very soft to the touch. But at the end of painting of liquid wallpapers, the texture features are lost, you get a one-photon coating, and also quite solid. The coloring compositions on a water basis are suitable: latex, acrylic, water-emulsion, and still silicone. The last variety of paint appeared on the current market for finishing materials relatively recently. After its use, the liquid wallpaper is needed without any concerns. However, the cost of such a coating is much higher.

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Vinyl and flieslinic wallpaper

Is it possible to paint the wallpaper not as painting and

At the heart of vinyl wallpaper - ordinary paper, but compared with a standard coating, this product is characterized by good water repellent properties. The paint is primarily foamed vinyl. The phlizelin copy is also really painted, it is durable and withstands mechanical effects. It is possible to paint such a coating several times: do not be afraid to take on such a procedure again, the phlizelin wall covering from multiple painting will not suffer.

For painting vinyl wallpaper, use the usual roller, and draw the drawing with brushes. Do not worry if you did not work with the talent for drawing: as an alternative to hand-made designs, bought stencils are suitable, and here you will give the will of your fantasy. Take advantage of the following advice: Start painting in low-speed places (for cabinets, sofas). Collect your skills - and go ahead on the barricades.

Paper wallpaper

Is it possible to paint the wallpaper not as painting and

For paper wallpapers, almost any painting composition will suit. The main thing is not to use oil fluids. The optimal choice is a water-emulsion, acrylic, latex paint. The advantage of painting paper wallpaper lies in that if you wish, you can mix the coloring liquids, seeking to achieve the shade. Choose a high-quality composition - and it will not exude terrible smells, quickly dries and does not flow. Remember: immediately before conducting the procedure, it is worth applying the primer. It will prevent the wall covering, and it will be safe to paint the surface. Upon completion of the painting of the walls, wait until the composition gets up, and then, if necessary, apply a second layer.

Video "Paint for any wallpaper"

This video demonstrates that Dulux Easy paint can be painted any kind of wallpaper, even those that are not intended for painting.

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