Laying of brick walls: Best Methods


To date, the brick is one of the most common building materials that is used to lay the foundation, walls of buildings and even for facing. There are many species of this stone, differing among themselves by the structure, composition, form, appearance and coloring. If you want to put the laying of walls from bricks for a long time, then it is necessary to observe the relevant technologies and SNiP.

Tools for masonry

Regardless of what kind of bricks you will use in construction, you need to take a suitable tool.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

Be sure to create styling should be prepared by Kelma, if possible, take two types. You also need a hammer-kirk, special extinguishing and co-order for processing decorative seams in the joints of the bricks.

When bricks are stacked in one whole design, you need to make sure that all rows will lie smoothly. To do this, use a thin cord or fishing line, as well as plumbers and a special level. These tools help remove the laying overcast and may change the angle relative to the horizon. No professional builder works without these things.

To save your time, making cement mortar, a concrete mixer is installed. Great for kneading a lot of solution, besides, you do not have to spend a lot of strength, mixing the components. It will be enough to pour the desired amount of water, maintaining a certain consistency of the cement mass. It is possible to use a perforator instead of concrete mixer with a special nozzle - a wedge. In a small container, the solution is whipped, gradually adding water.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

If the brick laying of the walls of a sufficiently large length, then you can use the hydroelectric background. It allows you to control the horizontal position of the wall itself.

Tools are also needed to eliminate defects in certain areas of structures.

Video "Laying with your own hands"

From the video you will learn how to make a masonry with your own hands.

Preparatory work

After you prepare the entire necessary tool for laying bearing and indoor walls, you need to prepare building material. Before working, it is advisable to calculate the volumes of cement, sand, bricks and other things.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

Remember that it is best to acquire everything with a margin, because during installation work there will always be unforeseen expenses: the brick, defects, drying, etc. crashed.

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The most important thing is to correctly calculate how many bricks will go to the inner and outer wall. Otherwise, you will need to buy a missing stone or other material in the construction work process, which has never ended. The volume of the stone is calculated on the basis of the thickness of the future carrier wall, the inner usually goes less stone. For this, the height of the walls is determined, then the length of the brick itself, depending on the laying method.

For inner walls, bricks can be solved for a solution in length, and for carriers - across the wall line. Accordingly, in the latter case, only Polikirpich will go out. Therefore, for the carrier wall, the calculation of the volume is made with another value - the width of the stone, and not long.

If you independently make a correctly counting of the necessary building material, it is difficult to immediately contact the specialists.

Then it will be necessary to determine how much the sand and cement is required. Typically, the solution is prepared in a ratio of 4 to 1. cement always put less, and this ratio is optimal. Water is added depending on which the consistency wants. Before pouring water, sand with cement is stirred, as it will be more difficult to do it. Mass must remind a thick puree. Thus, the solution will not flock after applying to the stone and will dry faster on the wall. When the mass fell, it will be necessary to add some water, keeping the solution viscous.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

When you have a place locked where the masonry will be made, you need to decompose the bought brick along the foundation so that you did not need to carry out the material during operation.

Before working on the foundation, the rubberoid and the edges are not necessary, let the sheet go beyond the boundaries of the wall. It will help to drain excess moisture.

Types of masonry

The number of necessary construction material to work always depends on the type of brickwork. They are usually distinguished by junging dressing system when the stone is laid nearby.

One of the common species is one-row. Most often used for inner walls and partitions. Tychkovy rows alternate with spoonful and go for each other.

The multi-row is one tile row and several spoon (from 5 to 7). Be sure to be the first row should be twin, and the spoon will be removed by the next layer with a slight displacement (in the Pollipich).

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Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

Three-row - a special kind of multi-row species, when the installation of three spoonful rows and the thage is implied. Spoonful also tied with seams in Pollipich.

There is also a well-masonry method. Well laying will allow the thickness of the wall in the Pollipich, and the dressing - through one into three rows.

The most modern type of masonry is an upgraded well. In this case, the bandage is replaced with a light concrete, which in all acts as an additional insulation. At the same time, through one, three rows from the walls need to produce brick stumps. It is they will allow to combine the resulting new-built design, acting as anchors.

Filling the wellwork is made using rubble, clay, foam concrete crumb, mountain sand, slags or polystyrene foam.

Regardless of the type of masonry, they may vary on filling - solid and lightweight. If in the first type, everything is laid down, then in a lightweight filler, insulation materials or sound insulation.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

In the thickness of the layer: masonry in the Polkirpich, one, one and a half, two integers and two and a half bricks. Pollipich is about 120 mm. If the layers are greater, then the layers of the solution (5-10 mm) can be added to the thickness.

The laying decorative brick is most often produced in one layer. This technology saves on the material.

Masonry technology wall

According to the construction technology, the construction of bearing walls begins with corners. The boundary and all angles are denoted. For this, the P-shaped design is taken, with which we denote the corners. High pegs are driven into the ground, and then through them stretch the line or a thin rope to create a conventional boundary of the future wall. It is very important to derive all the diagonals for a single size - this will mean that the corners are direct and the same.

After that, half the stones are laying on the cords with a co-order.

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Carefully inspect the brick for defects. If he has a minor defect, which can lead to the formation of cracks at high pressure, then it is best to use such stones. You can fill the hollow part of the multilayer masonry.

If the bearing walls will be used for the bearing walls, then you need to consider that it is necessary for this. For well masonry, two walls are needed, which are located at a distance of 35 centimeters from each other. The bandage is made in a quarter of the brick. The insulation in the wellwork must be carefully tumped.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

Every 50 centimeters, a special solution is poured into height on the insulation, which will protect it from moisture and other factors.

For inland walls, masonry in the Polkirpich usually use - simple technology and does not require a large volume of building material. You can use a decorative brick, if you want to give the room an unusual design.

If the owners plan to further produce outdoor finishing at home, then it should be noted that the decorative brick will increase the thickness of the walls. The absence of unnecessary space will limit you in choosing a finishing material.

Repair of the brick masonry of exterior walls is made depending on the degree of defect. If the defect is a small crack, it is sufficient to smell it with a solution. Of course, it is not suitable for decorative finishes.

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

Laying of brick walls: Best Methods

The decorative wall is created specifically for creating a beautiful appearance at home. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to replace all parts on which a defect is observed. Decorative brick need to be removed from the wall. To do this, cut out the grinding tool part of the wall with a stone, and instead there is another whole decorative brick. The slots must be uniformly fill with a solution. After you dry, you can take fine-grained emery paper, and clean the place where the solution got on the decorative stone.

If other materials were used as a decorative finish, then the defect is not so simple (depending on the technology). To do this, you may need to take a whole layer of cladding and change it to a new one.

Video "Types of Bundle"

From the video you will learn about the types of ligaments.

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