Types, ways to decorating windows


Before proceeding with the choice of fabric, rate your room as a conceptual design composition. Looking out all the important elements of the interior Rate their color, style. Imagine how to fit, and combine these colors. Try to do this day, with full lighting.

Types, ways to decorating windows

Early in the morning either too late in the evening you can get a slightly distorted impression of the shades and composition. But here it is necessary to take into account not only the lighting and room, but also what time of day or say, when the least often you are in this room. If, for example, this is a bedroom, and it is empty in daytime hours - it is natural to give preference in the estimate of the evening lighting, and maybe even internal.

Types, ways to decorating windows

The overall lighting of the room, the shades of wallpaper, sunlight peering to you into the rooms through the windows, shades of the furniture and doors tree, the floor material - all this needs to be taken into account when selecting the color of the curtains. The shade is selected as follows: In general, the color should be harmonized with the total balance of colors in the room. Selecting such details must be considered not only a purely visual impression.

Types, ways to decorating windows

Not only composite moments associated with the situation in the room. We advise you to take into account the whole complex of sensations created by such an element of the decor. After all, pleasant tactile sensations, the convenience, the flexibility of such a thing - after all, are important and the convenience of the flexibility of such a thing - after all, you will actually have to maintain the windows - curtains can be resettled and dotted.

That is, this design is not a passive design, but the one that is in direct consumption. Therefore, the tactile sensations and dustiness of the curtains are all preferably considering when buying. It should be noted that the lighting of the room can vary greatly not only in the time of day the day, but also at the time of the year. For example, the autumn sun, sadly peering into the window - is not at all the fact that a sultry and bright summer noon.

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Types, ways to decorating windows

After you have found the most harmonious shade, look at the texture of the material: it must be coordinated and look good with other composite elements for example with a pattern, a pattern located on the wallpaper. Pay attention not only to the style, position of patterns, but also on the personal perception of such a pattern and your own sympathies: After all, you buy fabrics not only for the image, but also for your pleasure and comfort!

Now we look at our room: if it is a bedroom, a living room, or another "image" and a frequently visited room, then there can be recommended heavy curtain fabrics. Other expensive types of fabrics with glossy or patterned coatings or drawings will also look good. If you need to buy curtains in the kitchen, then, of course, preference should be given to those that are easily clean.

Types, ways to decorating windows

Perhaps there will be appropriate fabrics not heavy, well-transmitting air, especially important it will be in the summer, when many prefer to cook with an open window, despite the presence of air conditioners in the apartment in most cases. So, you can choose the fabric of the desired color, the pattern, light, and at the same time strong, high-quality, reliable. Good shopping for you!

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