How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes


Old gas cylinder is one of the most useful things in the farm. That only from it does not do: and stoves, bourgeities, and barbecue and mangals. And all because the form is almost ready. There are small alterations that take just a few hours. For example, a brazier from the gas balloon can be done for three or four hours (this is if the legs do not do).

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

If desired, the brazier can be issued very attractive, for example, in the form of a locomotive

Safe disassembly

Before starting to work with a cylinder, it is necessary to remove the remains of the gas from it. The operation is simple, but reliably prevents possible trouble: the container is filled with water. She displaces all couples and remnants.

First, unscrew the faucet, plug in the plumbing hose and water is supplied under a slight pressure. When the whole volume is completely filled, you can start cutting the metal.

Marking of the cylinder

Most often for brazier take a propaganized balloon for 50 liters. It turns out the optimal size for the preparation of 6 portions of the kebab. These products are standard, because the markup will be common to all.

The outer diameter of the cylinder is 96 cm. It is perfectly divided into 4: it turns out 24 cm. There is also a label regarding which it is convenient to make marking: it is a longitudinal seam. Regarding it and it is worth it all distances: then everything will be smoothly, without distortion.

First, we depose from the seam 24 cm in both directions, carry out lines. Putting a balloon horizontally, seam down, on one of the lines we make marking under the skewers. From the circular seams to the right and on the left, we retreat 3 cm, and then put the marks every 8 cm. We get 6 marks. They will need to drill holes with a diameter of about 1 cm.

From the line on which the markup was carried out laying up 10 cm (from the seam-middle it turns out 34 cm). Here will end the cover of our manga.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Marking gas cylinder for mangala

Next, place the lid itself. It will be the distance between the first marked line and just applied. Between them, retreating 3 cm from circular welds, stake the lines. With you on the cylinder drew the mangala lid. It takes less than half of the diameter (it turned out in the photo below).

How to make a brazier from sheet metal here.

Making a brand from a gas cylinder

All these manipulations are carried out with a cylinder filled with water. They were stated, and the first thing cut over the line to which the lid will be attached (see the photo below). Just do not forget: cutting the balloon, do not reach circular seams by 3 cm.

Making a cut in full length of this line stop. It is not necessary to cut further: we will immediately weld the loops.

If you first cut off the entire cover, it will be difficult to weld the hinge: you will have to somehow fix the cover, hold it at the same distance. It is unrealistic to do this, you will need an assistant. Stopping after the first drank along the line, it is easy to do everything alone.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

By making the first incision to the top of the cover, immediately weld the loop

Clearing the loop, we continue to work with a grinder - cut off the door, and it turns, and does not fall. Now you can already pour water from the tank.

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On how to cook inverter welding machine, read here.

Next, so that the open cover is not covered back and did not break the loops, weld along the cut line between the pieces of the corner pieces (see the photo below). A rather width is 3-4 cm, and cut off the corner what is - 40 * 40 mm or 50 * 50 mm. Such stops are needed on both sides of the lid - on the right and left.

The distance to which the lid will open, change the dispersion of the corners. Pick up such a distance so that you can comfortably close it - you did not need to bend forward, getting up to the handle. But at the same time, it is strongly forward to it, too, can not be served so that it does not shut and knocks on his hand.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

We weld the piece of the corner between the loops - it will be a stopper for the lid

The remaining bottom rim is easy to remove if there is an incision. Side (circular) seams should not be touched. Sealing rings are laid in them, which tightly keep the entire design of the mangala. That is why when marking the lid, we retreated several centimeters from them: so that the Mangal was durable and reliable.

On the lid attach a handle. She can be any. If there is something suitable in the "honeycomb" we use, no - you can simply be a bit of the armature curved appropriately. It is only desirable to adapt another piece of wood so that you can take your hand.

The next step in the manufacture of a mantal from the gas cylinder is necessary so that the lid does not fall inside. To do this, cut out from metal with a thickness of 1-3 mm bandwidth of about 3 cm. And weld to the cut in the cylinder.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

From the inside around the perimeter we weld a metal strip that will not give the lid fail

Next, on the previously applied tags, we drill holes under the skewer.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Previously, we applied the labels after 8 cm. Now we drill holes on them

On the other side, on a welded plate opposite each of the holes, they make rugs. This is also a place under the skewer.

The next step is to cut on the bottom part of the slot for air intake. The juggle design is closed, and without it, firewood burns and coals will be bad. Therefore, we turn the barn to the bottom up, and from the seam in both directions we post 10 cm. Next, from each of these lines I will postpone 10-12 cm and also carry out lines. It turned out that at an equal distance from the central seam, we have two strips with a width of 10 cm. In these stripes cut through the grinder every 5 cm of air holes. If you wish, you can do not do strips, but drill holes, but there should be a lot of them, and the manufacture of the bands will take less time.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

So looks like a markup under the air hole

About why the holes do not do at the bottom itself. First, seam touch undesirable. It gives the stiffness of the design. Secondly, any openings at the bottom are quickly clogged with fat, mixed with ash and ashes. Then this mixture is very much, and the air arrives very badly through the holes, it is necessary to constantly fan the firewood and coals and often clean the holes.

Last bar - Cut the faucet and brew a hole.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Cut the crane, we apply a patch and weld

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Mangal himself from the gas cylinder is ready. It remains to attach legs. How - read a couple of points below.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

What should happen as a result: a brazier from a gas cylinder with a lid

How to make a brand iron brazier here.

Simple design

The option described above is convenient, but quite complicated in the manufacture. You can do everything easier. The easiest way to cut the propane cylinder along in half, on the edges cut into the skewers along the skewer, chop holes in the sides of the holes for air intake and attach legs. That's all the work.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

The easiest brazier from the propane balloon

If there is a desire to make a brazier with a lid, the second half is welded on the loop. And so that the lid does not fail, on the outer and side side, it is welded to it with a metal strip 3 cm wide (in the previous version, the strip was cooked to the body, and not to the lid).

To the open cover does not fall, sometimes a piece of chain is used as a stopper. The segment of the desired length is welded on the right and left. But the option with the stops behind the back is much more practical: the chain is confused and dirty: with a closed lid it turns out inside the manga.

Barca Mangal

Barrel It is advisable to find almost the same volume - 50-60 liters is the optimal size. Moreover, the diameter should not be too large: the skewers usually go 50-60 cm. In order for them tightly lying on the roaster, it should remain at least 10-12 cm free length. So it turns out that the diameter of the barrel should not be more than 40-50 cm.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Mangal from a barrel with a lid. Manufacturing to small things coincides with the process when using a gas cylinder

If it is wider, there are two outputs - make a skewer at the required sizes or welded from the far side from the inside the corner on which they will describe their tips. It will not be possible to win a lot, but 5-6 cm, depending on the size of the corner, can be played.

The barrels must have a wall thickness of at least 2-3 mm. It is impossible to use tanks from under fuel. They will not fall out to such an extent so that you can cook food.

The sequence of frozen production from the barrel is no different from those described above. Only the preparatory stage goes by itself - there is no need to fill with water. With very different sizes, you will need to make adjustments in the markup - up to the reduction or increase - see yourself.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

From the barrels, too, you can make the easiest brand - to the cutting legs cut along the tank and cut down the edges of the shampoo

Make very functional mangals from barrels - a container for coal or fire vehicles is added next to (also with a lid). One of these is in the photo.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Mangal from a barrel with coal capacity

Although no one bothers to make the same from the cylinder: next to the 50-liter prepananov, attach exactly the same decorated, but already on 27 liters.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Mangal from propane cylinders with coal or wood capacity

Mangal from the pipe and with a pipe

Farming the roar from the pipe is slightly harder. In the sense that you need to brew ends. All other operations are no different. Even the designs are exactly the same.

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How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Mangals from the pipe - the manufacture will require a little longer: you need to privar the sides

But when using the pipe there are its advantages: since we will still welcome the sides, then why not do the door (in the photo on the left). You can use old from the stove - you can put firewood through it, as well as adjust the air supply until "prepare" coals.

Mangal with a pipe

To ensure the best thrust and so that the smoke does not interfere with being nearby, it is possible to attach a chimney pipe to the sidewall of the mangaal from a cylinder, pipes or barrels. Works will add, but not very much. But it will be comfortable to use: the smoke is good on the kebab, but they do not want to breathe.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Mangals with a pipe are more comfortable - smoke goes up. You can also issue differently in different ways.

On how to make a simple brick brazier, read here.

Mangal Berbekyushnitsy

Not everything and it is not always possible to put on the skewers. Then you need a grill or barbecue grill. If you want to have something like that, instead of the metal strip along the long side of the mangal housing, welcome the metal strip, and the corner is 30 * 30 mm. You will get a shelf on which you can put a grid. The grille itself can be welded from the rod.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Barbecued Barbecue from the Gas Ballon

As an option - a support for the grille can be done, to prevory slightly below the door level of the corners of 3-4 cm wide.

The video shows the design of a mangal of three gas cylinders, which can be a barbecue, and smoking. Very competent design. Look! Useful!

The manufacture of bakery from the brick is described here.

Making legs

They can be from a corner, round or profile tube, reinforcement, thick metal stripes. What is in the farm, then use. Some ideas are in the photo below.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

The simplest legs of the pipe and the corner - welded to the bottom. You can make the bottom of the strut, and to arrange a shelf

Almost also can be made of strips have become a large thickness.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Legs of metal strips of large thickness

Comfortable feet for mangal from a propane cylinder can be made from the profile pipe. They can be in the form of an inverted letter "T" and welded to the middle. You can make a support in the form of a frame, making the shelf below (or several shelves) for firewood, bowls and t ..

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

Foots made of profile pipe for mangal from a gas cylinder

You can make legs made of round pipe and / or fittings. If the manbon you want to be portable, then small segments of the reinforcement are welded to the body, and pieces of pipes of a suitable diameter (the inner diameter of the tube is slightly larger than the external fittings). You can draw on the contrary: to fight pieces of pipes, and insert fittings.

How to make a brand from a gas cylinder, barrels, pipes

How to make legs to a grill of pipe and fittings

Just keep in mind that with such legs to move it difficult: the legs will fall out. To avoid it, cut carvings.

Video example of the manufacture of one of the homemade mangalls from the propane cylinder see below.

How to build a summer kitchen read here. Maybe you need to build a gazebo where you can enjoy a kebab? About the construction of the arbor from the metal, read here (with a photo report).

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