12 ways to moisten the air without a humidifier


Everyone felt, waking up in the morning dryness in the mouth and throat, the feeling of sand in the eyes, drowsiness and ailments, difficult breathing. But few people associated the appearance of these symptoms with insufficient humidity in the room. Especially negatively dry climate acts in winter when heating works. There are many ways to moisten the air in the apartment without a humidifier.

12 ways to moisten the air without a humidifier

How to moisturize the air in the apartment in the summer

Regular ventilation

Opening the windows you need several times a day, at least 15 minutes. The method is most effective in the winter, but in the summer the weather is hot and dry, so the ventilation will not be enough. To enhance the flow of air more often wash the window grids, they are going to a large amount of dust.

Wet cleaning

Regular wet cleaning is one of the most effective and healthy ways to increase humidity at home. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough free time to apply the way every day.

Home Plants

Green plants - helpers in the normalization of humidity indoors. They destroy some bacteria, highlighting phytoncides, and contribute to creating comfortable moisture in the house. It is important not to forget, more often spray and wipe the leaves, then the plant will bring the maximum benefit.

In order to humidify air, divorce:

  • hibiscus;
  • Monster (if there is no child and domestic in the house);
  • rosemary;
  • dracaena;
  • Ficus;
  • cipers;
  • Fatsia;
  • dracaena.


Perfectly struggles with dry air home aquarium. But you should not use it if there are allergies in the house. The more the container will be, the stronger will be evaporation. Aquarium must be brushing in time and better if it will have a water filtration system. How to do it right here.

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How to moisturize the air in the apartment without a humidifier


With the optimization of humidity in the room there will be no problems. The choice of decorative fountains is huge, as well as the benefits of them. Circulating water moisturizes space and decorate any interior. Especially nice to enjoy them in the summer.


Using the pulverizer is the easiest and cheapest way to enhance humidity in the house. Spray the water not only around, but also on tulle and curtains, which during drying will produce a portion of moisture. Spray them and plants.

Water containers

One of the wetting variants are water tanks. It can be a basin or bucket, but the best in the interior will fit various jugs and vessels of interesting forms in which decorative decorations can be placed. It will remain follow the purity of the vessels and fill them on time. In winter, the capacity is recommended to put closer to the battery or directly to it. The wider neck of Tara, the greater the evaporation area.

Drying linen

After writing things, drag them all over the apartment, top, the underwear will be moisturized. A particularly efficient method is the drying of linen on the battery or near her on the dryer. During the day, we wet a large towel several times and dry it. At night it is recommended to leave something wet on the battery.

12 ways to moisten the air without a humidifier

If it is not possible to purchase a moisturizer, use one of the primary methods.


If someone washed into the bathroom, the moisture accumulates there, which can be used for good. Open the bathroom doors and get the fifume of the moistened air. Or just pour water into the bath itself and open the door.


It is possible to make the climate optimal and handicrafts, such as a fan and fabric fabric, is preferably not very dense. Take a wet fabric and wrap it with a fan, and then turn on the device. Next, you just need to periodically make the tissue.

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Homemade devices

  • Take advantage of a plastic bottle, with a middle velocked by a hole and a small cloth. The bottle is required to bind to the battery so that the ends of the tissue falling into the water lay on the battery. Thus, the liquid will be evenly moving along a piece of fabric, and dry, giving the necessary moisture.
  • It will take a plastic container with a lid and a small fan (computer). At the cover of the container, attach the fan, and mark the circle along the diameter of rotating blades. Remove the fan and make a hole on the intended line. On the sides cut down two holes for air output. Collect the design and connect to the power source, observing polarity. Plug the water is not up to the top, leave about 10 cm.
Here you will find all the ways to make an air humidifier with your own hands.


Now special small containers are sold in which you can pour water and insert them between battery sections. They perfectly cope with the climate humidification function at home. The choice of such devices is huge, which will allow the climate to improve and decorate the room.

12 ways to moisten the air without a humidifier

How to moisturize the air in the children's

It is recommended to install a hygrometer, measuring humidity and a thermometer, measuring the room temperature. It is advisable not far from a cot. A good level of humidity is considered to be 40-60% at a temperature of from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. What air humidity is considered normal in the children's room.

In the child's room and the newborn, use all these methods, but with some adjustments and taking into account the characteristics of the baby and its wishes:

  • Before boarding or installing home plants, make sure that they are harmless. Put the pots within an inadmountability for the child.
  • By installing aquarium, parents must be sure that the child has no allergies on fish food.
  • Put so that the air flow does not hit the baby directly.
  • Capacities with water, if they are better not to use. The wet towel on the battery will be much safer.
  • Wet cleaning and rooting indoors produce much more often than in the adult room.

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To breathe indoors filled with clean and fresh air is much easier and more pleasant. Using advice, you will create a comfortable climate in the house and improve the quality of life of all households.

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